48% of U.S. say govt should restrict false info even if it means losing freedoms

1st Amendment 2.0

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, unless there's a pandemic; or abridging the freedom of speech, unless you're denying there's a pandemic, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, except during a pandemic, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
VERY well put
Is the freedom to be lied to that important to you? Is it really necessary that you be told what you want to hear over the truth?

Or is it because YOU'RE one of the people misleading Americans and lying to them and you don't want to lose the ability to lie to and mislead Americans?

If we made it a crime to lie you know that all the Democrats in this country would be spending the rest of their lives in prison, don't you? Hell, most of them would be subject to the death penalty.
Is the freedom to be lied to that important to you? Is it really necessary that you be told what you want to hear over the truth?

Or is it because YOU'RE one of the people misleading Americans and lying to them and you don't want to lose the ability to lie to and mislead Americans?

"Fuck your freedoms!" Right Karen?
You post that as if you think your canadian opinion matters

which it does not

Aw, somebody is triggered!!! Did I hit a nerve? Make you look at uncomfortable facts?

You complain about Biden helping Xi and China to take over the world. It's people like YOU and Donald Trump who are helping Xi take over the world. By not standing together or standing strong, you weaken your country, and allow Xi and Putin and the other authoritarians the opportunity to advance their agenda.

You hate other Americans more than you hate your sworn enemies and that hatred is destroying both you and your country.

At the beginning of the pandemic, Canadian politicians set politics aside and worked together - Federal Liberal worked with Conservative governments in 7 of the 10 provinces. There was no partisanship. There was Canadian political leaders working together on behalf of the Canadian people to save Canadian lives - from both parties.

Not the USA. You had to turn the whole thing political and kill more than half a million people and counting, by playing politics with EVERY FUCKING THING.

The rest of the world has lost patience with your childishness and stupidity.
If we made it a crime to lie you know that all the Democrats in this country would be spending the rest of their lives in prison, don't you? Hell, most of them would be subject to the death penalty.

Judging from the multiple lies in your response I guess the freedom to lie is essential to you. I wouldn't miss it in the slightest.

The problem for a liar isn't that no one believes him, it's that he thinks EVERYONE else is lying to him, because he's lying to everyone.
Aw, somebody is triggered!!! Did I hit a nerve? Make you look at uncomfortable facts?

You complain about Biden helping Xi and China to take over the world. It's people like YOU and Donald Trump who are helping Xi take over the world. By not standing together or standing strong, you weaken your country, and allow Xi and Putin and the other authoritarians the opportunity to advance their agenda.

You hate other Americans more than you hate your sworn enemies and that hatred is destroying both you and your country.

At the beginning of the pandemic, Canadian politicians set politics aside and worked together - Federal Liberal worked with Conservative governments in 7 of the 10 provinces. There was no partisanship. There was Canadian political leaders working together on behalf of the Canadian people to save Canadian lives - from both parties.

Not the USA. You had to turn the whole thing political and kill more than half a million people and counting, by playing politics with EVERY FUCKING THING.

The rest of the world has lost patience with your childishness and stupidity.

And Meltdown Canadian Girl is worried about someone ... else ... being "triggered." Classic
What exactly is false information? Who determines it? Who are the false information police? Hell, when it comes to Covid the scientists and the experts can't even agree on things so what would be false? If WHO says that booster shots should not be given until the rest of the world gets their vaccines, is that false information? Or, is the false information Biden and the CDC recommending booster shots, against what the WHO says?
There is clearly false information being spread about vaccines...

Experts agree on the facts about vaccines... As for booster shots example you have shown, that is opinion...

Even by your own post you can separate facts from opinion...

Spreading false information is attack on freedom of speech.. Free of speech comes with responsibility and if it gets abused there is pressure to curb that right, no right is absolute..

Freedom of expression should be enjoyed but some people wanted to shout 'Fire' in a cinema... Now that freedom has been curbed...

People who spread conspiracy theories are doing the same... There is a number of posters on this thread alone who believe those lies and pass them on... The violence on Jan 6th was from people radicalised by lies and conspiracy theories...
You complain about Biden helping Xi and China to take over the world
Your entire post is uninformed crap

I have not attacked biden’s china policy, such as it is

i hope he will stand up to china and support the independence of Taiwan

If he does other free nations are willing to join even if it means military action

but I suspect that foreign libs like you are supporting china
There is clearly false information being spread about vaccines...

Experts agree on the facts about vaccines... As for booster shots example you have shown, that is opinion...

Even by your own post you can separate facts from opinion...

Spreading false information is attack on freedom of speech.. Free of speech comes with responsibility and if it gets abused there is pressure to curb that right, no right is absolute..

Freedom of expression should be enjoyed but some people wanted to shout 'Fire' in a cinema... Now that freedom has been curbed...

People who spread conspiracy theories are doing the same... There is a number of posters on this thread alone who believe those lies and pass them on... The violence on Jan 6th was from people radicalised by lies and conspiracy theories...

Yes, vaccines work. So get vaccinated and then go fuck yourself and stop worrying about what anyone else does.

CowboyTed: My body, my choice. Your body, my choice.

No, it's not ...
Yes, vaccines work. So get vaccinated and then go fuck yourself and stop worrying about what anyone else does.

CowboyTed: My body, my choice. Your body, my choice.

No, it's not ...
I mostly agree with you here, but you are conveniently leaving out the fact that abortion is not a communicable disease. The situation with masks and vaccines and so forth is more akin to air pollution.
I mostly agree with you here, but you are conveniently leaving out the fact that abortion is not a communicable disease. The situation with masks and vaccines and so forth is more akin to air pollution.

1) You can get a vaccine and be protected regardless of what I do, so do that. Note with air pollution there is no vaccine option since you want analogies to be perfect. As for me, I stand behind my body, my choice

2) There is no science behind that masks work
1) You can get a vaccine and be protected regardless of what I do, so do that. Note with air pollution there is no vaccine option since you want analogies to be perfect. As for me, I stand behind my body, my choice.
You are, again conveniently, ignoring that fact that vaccines protect the atmosphere from being polluted with contagions. But it's politics, who need honest discourse?
You are, again conveniently, ignoring that fact that vaccines protect the atmosphere from being polluted with contagions. But it's politics, who need honest discourse?

1) You don't understand how analogies work

2) My body, my choice. Don't like that? Go fuck yourself
There is clearly false information being spread about vaccines...

Experts agree on the facts about vaccines... As for booster shots example you have shown, that is opinion...

Even by your own post you can separate facts from opinion...

Spreading false information is attack on freedom of speech.. Free of speech comes with responsibility and if it gets abused there is pressure to curb that right, no right is absolute..

Freedom of expression should be enjoyed but some people wanted to shout 'Fire' in a cinema... Now that freedom has been curbed...

People who spread conspiracy theories are doing the same... There is a number of posters on this thread alone who believe those lies and pass them on... The violence on Jan 6th was from people radicalised by lies and conspiracy theories...
Fauci said we don't need masks and that the virus was not spreading by aerosols. Why was he allowed to spread false information?
1) You don't understand how analogies work

2) My body, my choice. Don't like that? Go fuck yourself
Again, I run into the wall of you just being too stupid to have an intelligent conversation. Sorry.
Again, I run into the wall of you just being too stupid to have an intelligent conversation. Sorry.

And yet I'm staying with my body, my choice, that was the best analogy.

No, abortion and Covid aren't exactly the same, but they don't have to be for an analogy
1) You can get a vaccine and be protected regardless of what I do, so do that. Note with air pollution there is no vaccine option since you want analogies to be perfect. As for me, I stand behind my body, my choice

2) There is no science behind that masks work

Try blowing out a candle with a mask on. That's all the scientific proof you need.
They have stolen our control of our health away so let’s not let them vacate our ability to discern.
Good job Donk voters indoctrinated idiots.

Roughly half of U.S. adults (48%) now say the government should take steps to restrict false information online, even if it means losing some freedom to access and publish content. That is up from 39% in 2018. https://pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/08/18/more-americans-now-say-government-should-take-steps-to-restrict-false-information-online-than-in-2018/
While it's not the role of government to control the media, the tech companies should curb false info... Q'anon for example wouldn't have happened if we had more controls in place.

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