4th of july racist?

Marijuana enhances a number of things and no way to tell how or if that translates to athletics
I can tell you don't know jack about weed and why it is used to relax muscles and deal with pain..
Enhances appetite-what else May it enhance?
Relaxed muscles-muscle relaxant does enhance performance
As always Moonho, it is thee that knows not Jack shit
Marijuana enhances a number of things and no way to tell how or if that translates to athletics
I can tell you don't know jack about weed and why it is used to relax muscles and deal with pain..
Enhances appetite-what else May it enhance?
Relaxed muscles-muscle relaxant does enhance performance
As always Moonho, it is thee that knows not Jack shit
I suggest you read up from some one who knows and has published the real deal.
Marijuana enhances a number of things and no way to tell how or if that translates to athletics
I can tell you don't know jack about weed and why it is used to relax muscles and deal with pain..
Enhances appetite-what else May it enhance?
Relaxed muscles-muscle relaxant does enhance performance
As always Moonho, it is thee that knows not Jack shit
I suggest you read up from some one who knows and has published the real deal.
You are a safe spacer so you don’t compete and you would not know.

Do you like everything about the US? Like Biden? Trump? Obama? The crime, the problems? You love it all?

And how exactly does that fit with the American flag supposedly being racist?

Do you like everything about the US? Like Biden? Trump? Obama? The crime, the problems? You love it all?

And how exactly does that fit with the American flag supposedly being racist?

Read the OP.

The OP says that "people like this need to get out if they ondt like it in the us"

As if saying the flag is racist is not patriotic. That's what this topic seems to be about.

Do you like everything about the US? Like Biden? Trump? Obama? The crime, the problems? You love it all?

And how exactly does that fit with the American flag supposedly being racist?

As if saying the flag is racist is not patriotic. That's what this topic seems to be about.

That's not the question I asked. You made it seem like you believed them that the flag was racist.

So you asked a question, I answered the question but you didn't like the answer because you were hoping it's be more black and white. I'm sorry.

I don't "believe" things. But I can understand things.

I can understand why people say the flag is racist. The flag is a symbol, nothing more, nothing less. The flag itself is just a piece of cloth, or bits of paint, whatever.

The flag represents POWER. Who has the power? 13 stripes to represent the founding power, the first 13 states and the 50 stars to represent the current 50 states, all wrapped up in blue, the federal government.

Now, from 1776 to 1865 this federal government ALLOWED AND ACCEPTED SLAVERY. Racist? I'm thinking so.
From 1865 to 1952 this federal government allowed and accepted segregation. Racist? I'm thinking so.

So, from these people's point of view, the flag represents slavery, it represents slavery.

So you asked a question, I answered the question but you didn't like the answer because you were hoping it's be more black and white. I'm sorry.

I don't "believe" things. But I can understand things.

I can understand why people say the flag is racist. The flag is a symbol, nothing more, nothing less. The flag itself is just a piece of cloth, or bits of paint, whatever.

The flag represents POWER. Who has the power? 13 stripes to represent the founding power, the first 13 states and the 50 stars to represent the current 50 states, all wrapped up in blue, the federal government.

Now, from 1776 to 1865 this federal government ALLOWED AND ACCEPTED SLAVERY. Racist? I'm thinking so.
From 1865 to 1952 this federal government allowed and accepted segregation. Racist? I'm thinking so.

So, from these people's point of view, the flag represents slavery, it represents slavery.

Okay, when you put it like that I can understand that too,.. but we could still belong to Britain and the blacks could still be slaves. In other words, things could be worse.

So you asked a question, I answered the question but you didn't like the answer because you were hoping it's be more black and white. I'm sorry.

I don't "believe" things. But I can understand things.

I can understand why people say the flag is racist. The flag is a symbol, nothing more, nothing less. The flag itself is just a piece of cloth, or bits of paint, whatever.

The flag represents POWER. Who has the power? 13 stripes to represent the founding power, the first 13 states and the 50 stars to represent the current 50 states, all wrapped up in blue, the federal government.

Now, from 1776 to 1865 this federal government ALLOWED AND ACCEPTED SLAVERY. Racist? I'm thinking so.
From 1865 to 1952 this federal government allowed and accepted segregation. Racist? I'm thinking so.

So, from these people's point of view, the flag represents slavery, it represents slavery.

Okay, when you put it like that I can understand that too,.. but we could still belong to Britain and the blacks could still be slaves. In other words, things could be worse.

Or in 1776 they could have free the slaves and been done with it. They didn't.

So, the US will continue to see people criticizing the flag for being racist until racism as an issue in modern day America becomes much less.
The frustration is how Trump Humpers are blinded by the light.
You've gone full emo.
It seems clear that a large number of people see everything about this country as racist and unfair. Whining appears to be a way of life for them. I doubt that will ever change.

The whining and riots and crime should have been stopped long ago. It.could still be done, if enough people get fed up and come together to get it done. This country is still worth saving.

Total segregation is probably the only thing that will rid us of the worthless fucking whiners. Shove your endless accusations about racism up your worthless, whiny ass.
Anything can be labeled racist by these idiot left loons

Sick of the nonsense
I know the new lady i listened to instead of Rush. Started naming things the left deems racist and just about everything is. Even ice cream because some minorities cannot afford it, freaking loons.
Actually the only thing that is racist, are racist.

Like this bullshit.

View attachment 508509

How is that racist? You're proving my point, dumbass
Because that MAGA shit is racist, dumbass hag.
enlighten us as to why commie .
Commie, do you even know what a Commie is?
antifa blm the chicoms and leftists like you and your dear leaders .
In his 1991 book “Trumped!,” the former president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, John R. O’Donnell, recalled Trump declaring that “laziness is a trait in blacks,” and exclaiming: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

Trump acknowledged in a Playboy interview Huffington Post, “The stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.”

So, what you have is a second-hand account. How about a verified, direct quote from him, not someone else about him?
So Trump saying what the man wrote is probably true just really doesn't matter, does it.
In his 1991 book “Trumped!,” the former president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, John R. O’Donnell, recalled Trump declaring that “laziness is a trait in blacks,” and exclaiming: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

Trump acknowledged in a Playboy interview Huffington Post, “The stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.”

So, what you have is a second-hand account. How about a verified, direct quote from him, not someone else about him?
So Trump saying what the man wrote is probably true just really doesn't matter, does it.
View attachment 508973
Trump called NFL players mothers Bitches.

Midway through the rally, Trump asked the crowd if they'd "love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, 'get that son of a bitch off the field right now.'"

"He's fired," Trump continued as the crowd cheered. "He's fired."

That's ok to Trump Humpers.

Here is a clown on record that has been sued by the Federal Gov't for racial discrimination.

That's ok to Trump Humpers.
The frustration is how Trump Humpers are blinded by the lighand leftists are blinded to the truth

In his 1991 book “Trumped!,” the former president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, John R. O’Donnell, recalled Trump declaring that “laziness is a trait in blacks,” and exclaiming: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

Trump acknowledged in a Playboy interview Huffington Post, “The stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.”

So, what you have is a second-hand account. How about a verified, direct quote from him, not someone else about him?
So Trump saying what the man wrote is probably true just really doesn't matter, does it.
View attachment 508973
Trump called NFL players mothers Bitches.

Midway through the rally, Trump asked the crowd if they'd "love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, 'get that son of a bitch off the field right now.'"

"He's fired," Trump continued as the crowd cheered. "He's fired."

That's ok to Trump Humpers.

Here is a clown on record that has been sued by the Federal Gov't for racial discrimination.

That's ok to Trump Humpers.
so calling someone a bitch is racism ? tell that to the rap artists ...[artists lol...] . trump signed legislation to free blacks that uncle Joe's crime bill put in prison . face it Biden is a racist and deep down inside you know it ! heck the man was mentored by an ex leader of the kkk ! but none of that matters to you .... as long as you get the marxist agenda passed that you want ... you are willing to sell freedom for big gov control .... pathetic .

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