4th of july racist?

So you asked a question, I answered the question but you didn't like the answer because you were hoping it's be more black and white. I'm sorry.

I don't "believe" things. But I can understand things.

I can understand why people say the flag is racist. The flag is a symbol, nothing more, nothing less. The flag itself is just a piece of cloth, or bits of paint, whatever.

The flag represents POWER. Who has the power? 13 stripes to represent the founding power, the first 13 states and the 50 stars to represent the current 50 states, all wrapped up in blue, the federal government.

Now, from 1776 to 1865 this federal government ALLOWED AND ACCEPTED SLAVERY. Racist? I'm thinking so.
From 1865 to 1952 this federal government allowed and accepted segregation. Racist? I'm thinking so.

So, from these people's point of view, the flag represents slavery, it represents slavery.

Okay, when you put it like that I can understand that too,.. but we could still belong to Britain and the blacks could still be slaves. In other words, things could be worse.

Or in 1776 they could have free the slaves and been done with it. They didn't.

So, the US will continue to see people criticizing the flag for being racist until racism as an issue in modern day America becomes much less.
this country fought one of the bloodiest wars in history at the time to end slavery too .

people like this need to get out if they ondt like it in the us.

No, they don't have to get out, you can live in the US with a grievance.

While the marxist baboons that represent them bust up American infrastructure built by their fellow citizens which citizens’ choices were seriously compromised, because they were being eaten by the Chinese commie virus.
The frustration is how Trump Humpers are blinded by the lighand leftists are blinded to the truth

In his 1991 book “Trumped!,” the former president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, John R. O’Donnell, recalled Trump declaring that “laziness is a trait in blacks,” and exclaiming: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

Trump acknowledged in a Playboy interview Huffington Post, “The stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.”

So, what you have is a second-hand account. How about a verified, direct quote from him, not someone else about him?
So Trump saying what the man wrote is probably true just really doesn't matter, does it.
View attachment 508973
Trump called NFL players mothers Bitches.

Midway through the rally, Trump asked the crowd if they'd "love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, 'get that son of a bitch off the field right now.'"

"He's fired," Trump continued as the crowd cheered. "He's fired."

That's ok to Trump Humpers.

Here is a clown on record that has been sued by the Federal Gov't for racial discrimination.

That's ok to Trump Humpers.
so calling someone a bitch is racism ? tell that to the rap artists ...[artists lol...] . trump signed legislation to free blacks that uncle Joe's crime bill put in prison . face it Biden is a racist and deep down inside you know it ! heck the man was mentored by an ex leader of the kkk ! but none of that matters to you .... as long as you get the marxist agenda passed that you want ... you are willing to sell freedom for big gov control .... pathetic .
Don't forget he also raised his son to be a racist, but brotha will overlook that for his racist party.
I’m sure numerous of the chosen minority got loaded and acted out and got arrested so yes 7/4 is racist.
horselightning America Independence from England is a fact. We celebrate the 4th of July as the Independence Day. The flag represents the country that broke away from England rule. Many people suffered and died that were part of the country and others live very easily. Not everyone suffered and not everyone had a good. It doesn't make a difference what your skin color is to understand that. You can think of a rose bush as the most terrible thing in the world if you only focus on its thorns. You can think of dogs as the worst animals in the world if you only think of its asshole and focus on that. Some people only see the small picture and don't look at the large picture. Some people don't have the energy to do research. Some people eat vegetables and research vegetables and think everybody else should do the same. I am riding my own history book and taking notes from empirical data. I am lazy so I only have about a hundred pages. I'm not even in the 18th century yet in the book. There are so many people and so many lives and so many things that have happened in the world and in america. For the person reading this, you would hope that the next generation or generations after you would remember you for who you are or some of the things that you did, but to turn a blind eye to everything in history except for what you want to see, it's quite a selfish act.
horselightning America Independence from England is a fact. We celebrate the 4th of July as the Independence Day. The flag represents the country that broke away from England rule. Many people suffered and died that were part of the country and others live very easily. Not everyone suffered and not everyone had a good. It doesn't make a difference what your skin color is to understand that. You can think of a rose bush as the most terrible thing in the world if you only focus on its thorns. You can think of dogs as the worst animals in the world if you only think of its asshole and focus on that. Some people only see the small picture and don't look at the large picture. Some people don't have the energy to do research. Some people eat vegetables and research vegetables and think everybody else should do the same. I am riding my own history book and taking notes from empirical data. I am lazy so I only have about a hundred pages. I'm not even in the 18th century yet in the book. There are so many people and so many lives and so many things that have happened in the world and in america. For the person reading this, you would hope that the next generation or generations after you would remember you for who you are or some of the things that you did, but to turn a blind eye to everything in history except for what you want to see, it's quite a selfish act.
exacty I agree. !
Is their any American Holiday that has not been trashed or deemed offensive? If you find it offensive, don’t celebrate them. If you can’t stand that they are being celebrated and enjoyed, leave.
Is their any American Holiday that has not been trashed or deemed offensive? If you find it offensive, don’t celebrate them. If you can’t stand that they are being celebrated and enjoyed, leave.
its crazy for this country to chanmge to make some miserabler person happy .they can justr leave. plenty of other countries to live in.
People acted like Black people had sat around all day eating watermelons. But you guys will not believe that all Blacks were not slaves.

I have learned that from watching Saturday morning cartoons that were replaced with programs that fuel racism.

Remember, Alex Haley didn't write the story "ROOTS".


So you asked a question, I answered the question but you didn't like the answer because you were hoping it's be more black and white. I'm sorry.

I don't "believe" things. But I can understand things.

I can understand why people say the flag is racist. The flag is a symbol, nothing more, nothing less. The flag itself is just a piece of cloth, or bits of paint, whatever.

The flag represents POWER. Who has the power? 13 stripes to represent the founding power, the first 13 states and the 50 stars to represent the current 50 states, all wrapped up in blue, the federal government.

Now, from 1776 to 1865 this federal government ALLOWED AND ACCEPTED SLAVERY. Racist? I'm thinking so.
From 1865 to 1952 this federal government allowed and accepted segregation. Racist? I'm thinking so.

So, from these people's point of view, the flag represents slavery, it represents slavery.

Okay, when you put it like that I can understand that too,.. but we could still belong to Britain and the blacks could still be slaves. In other words, things could be worse.

Or in 1776 they could have free the slaves and been done with it. They didn't.

So, the US will continue to see people criticizing the flag for being racist until racism as an issue in modern day America becomes much less.
this country fought one of the bloodiest wars in history at the time to end slavery too .

Well.... a large part of the country not only fought to KEEP SLAVERY. But also flies those flags to this day.

So you asked a question, I answered the question but you didn't like the answer because you were hoping it's be more black and white. I'm sorry.

I don't "believe" things. But I can understand things.

I can understand why people say the flag is racist. The flag is a symbol, nothing more, nothing less. The flag itself is just a piece of cloth, or bits of paint, whatever.

The flag represents POWER. Who has the power? 13 stripes to represent the founding power, the first 13 states and the 50 stars to represent the current 50 states, all wrapped up in blue, the federal government.

Now, from 1776 to 1865 this federal government ALLOWED AND ACCEPTED SLAVERY. Racist? I'm thinking so.
From 1865 to 1952 this federal government allowed and accepted segregation. Racist? I'm thinking so.

So, from these people's point of view, the flag represents slavery, it represents slavery.

Okay, when you put it like that I can understand that too,.. but we could still belong to Britain and the blacks could still be slaves. In other words, things could be worse.

Or in 1776 they could have free the slaves and been done with it. They didn't.

So, the US will continue to see people criticizing the flag for being racist until racism as an issue in modern day America becomes much less.
this country fought one of the bloodiest wars in history at the time to end slavery too .

Well.... a large part of the country not only fought to KEEP SLAVERY. But also flies those flags to this day.
the people that fought on both sides of that bloody war are long dead ! and according to some on the left the American flag is also racist ! so nothing the left claims about so called white privilege racism ect ...has any standing ... its a crutch and a divisive political weapon only ... the word racist means nothing anymore .

Superbadbrutha Easy to top a stupid slope who can't do math. Now MATH is Racist because Jungle Jumpers can't do it. The Bell Curve was right.
Can't do math, boy you are one ignorant ass clown.
Proven fact that Bush babies can't do math.
Bush babies, WTF is that?
the crabs you caught from IM2.

So you asked a question, I answered the question but you didn't like the answer because you were hoping it's be more black and white. I'm sorry.

I don't "believe" things. But I can understand things.

I can understand why people say the flag is racist. The flag is a symbol, nothing more, nothing less. The flag itself is just a piece of cloth, or bits of paint, whatever.

The flag represents POWER. Who has the power? 13 stripes to represent the founding power, the first 13 states and the 50 stars to represent the current 50 states, all wrapped up in blue, the federal government.

Now, from 1776 to 1865 this federal government ALLOWED AND ACCEPTED SLAVERY. Racist? I'm thinking so.
From 1865 to 1952 this federal government allowed and accepted segregation. Racist? I'm thinking so.

So, from these people's point of view, the flag represents slavery, it represents slavery.

Okay, when you put it like that I can understand that too,.. but we could still belong to Britain and the blacks could still be slaves. In other words, things could be worse.

Or in 1776 they could have free the slaves and been done with it. They didn't.

So, the US will continue to see people criticizing the flag for being racist until racism as an issue in modern day America becomes much less.
this country fought one of the bloodiest wars in history at the time to end slavery too .

Well.... a large part of the country not only fought to KEEP SLAVERY. But also flies those flags to this day.
the people that fought on both sides of that bloody war are long dead ! and according to some on the left the American flag is also racist ! so nothing the left claims about so called white privilege racism ect ...has any standing ... its a crutch and a divisive political weapon only ... the word racist means nothing anymore . View attachment 509346
Superbadbrutha Easy to top a stupid slope who can't do math. Now MATH is Racist because Jungle Jumpers can't do it. The Bell Curve was right.
Can't do math, boy you are one ignorant ass clown.
Proven fact that Bush babies can't do math.
Bush babies, WTF is that?
the crabs you caught from IM2.

Yes, they're dead, and people keep it alive.

And the US flag is a part of a racist history.
Cori Bush
When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they’re referring to is for white people. This land is stolen land and Black people still aren’t free

Says the black millionaire Congresswoman
Blacks live in the myth that all white people owned blacks and treated them badly
Fact is 1 out of 12 did own and most received compensation . Farmers were smart and knew that mistreated underfed and sick people cannot do manual labor so they were taken care of far better than their homeland with a longer life expectancy. Also, the USA participated in a mere 6% of the global slave trade.
Ownership of another human being is reprehensible, it was however 160 years ago, much information is distorted to prolong the current agenda, and it’s time to throw away the 160 year old crutches and walk on your own.

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