Dont go in the water !!!

the thread was about the pollution of the Thames, I said that every royal family has shit in it---------the Thames. your attempt at humor failed, you score zero. My grandfathers had outhouses, I have used them. But we all have running water and flush toilets now. Are you really as ignorant as you appear to be?
It isnt clear when you need several attempts to translate it. Im glad for you that you now have some form of plumbing. Uselul in the kitchen when you are cooking squirrels and such..
Britain was built on public investment. Its better than private profit taking. We can all see that when we observe our water industry.Only an ideological maniac thinks differently/.
It built combined sewers, the very thing you're mad at the Tories about. There's something up with your skull preventing information going in, or it's going in but flying out the other side. Try to retain knowledge for once in your life. It's irrelevant who foots the water bills, it is impossible to stop the sewers overflowing into rivers. Your own government does it too, Oh Dear Kier will do it to. Can you grasp this?
It built combined sewers, the very thing you're mad at the Tories about. There's something up with your skull preventing information going in, or it's going in but flying out the other side. Try to retain knowledge for once in your life. It's irrelevant who foots the water bills, it is impossible to stop the sewers overflowing into rivers. Your own government does it too, Oh Dear Kier will do it to. Can you grasp this?
And now nobody pays for it because nobody is obliged to pay for it.
And now nobody pays for it because nobody is obliged to pay for it.
You pay through water bills, leaks don't fix themselves. Water companies is a devolved matter for your own parliament, why do you have shit in the water? What has your government been doing? Spending money on 20 mph signs and tranny crossings?

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