5 Quotes From Teddy Roosevelt That Exemplify What It Means To Be A Progressive


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
5 Quotes From Teddy Roosevelt That Exemplify What It Means To Be A Progressive
by Joe Romm Aug 31, 2015
On August 31, 1910, President Theodore Roosevelt defined what it was to be a progressive, and why progressives and environmentalists were patriots: “Conservation is a great moral issue for it involves the patriotic duty of insuring the safety and continuance of the nation.”

Of all the questions which can come before this nation, short of the actual preservation of its existence in a great war, there is none which compares in importance with the great central task of leaving this land even a better land for our descendants than it is for us, and training them into a better race to inhabit the land and pass it on. Conservation is a great moral issue for it involves the patriotic duty of insuring the safety and continuance of the nation.

Roosevelt then immediately pointed out, “Let me add that the health and vitality of our people are at least as well worth conserving as their forests, waters, lands, and minerals, and in this great work the national government must bear a most important part.”

Yes, the famous Republican President Teddy Roosevelt would be what modern conservatives typically label a socialist tree-hugger. While Trump has espoused progressive ideas from time to time, his denial of climate science and of the urgent need for climate action by itself makes him the true radical.

he's right!
5 Quotes From Teddy Roosevelt That Exemplify What It Means To Be A Progressive
by Joe Romm Aug 31, 2015
On August 31, 1910, President Theodore Roosevelt defined what it was to be a progressive, and why progressives and environmentalists were patriots: “Conservation is a great moral issue for it involves the patriotic duty of insuring the safety and continuance of the nation.”

Of all the questions which can come before this nation, short of the actual preservation of its existence in a great war, there is none which compares in importance with the great central task of leaving this land even a better land for our descendants than it is for us, and training them into a better race to inhabit the land and pass it on. Conservation is a great moral issue for it involves the patriotic duty of insuring the safety and continuance of the nation.

Roosevelt then immediately pointed out, “Let me add that the health and vitality of our people are at least as well worth conserving as their forests, waters, lands, and minerals, and in this great work the national government must bear a most important part.”

Yes, the famous Republican President Teddy Roosevelt would be what modern conservatives typically label a socialist tree-hugger. While Trump has espoused progressive ideas from time to time, his denial of climate science and of the urgent need for climate action by itself makes him the true radical.

he's right!

Bull Shit see Naomi Klein

Naomi Klein~the man made climate change cult finnaly being honest | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Who is Naomi Klein? Was she the president of the United States? Did she create the US Park system? No. She's a Canadian author and environmental activist. And I had to look that up. I'd never heard of her.

Look, if you get to pick who speaks for all of us, I get to pick who speaks for all of you. I pretty much guarantee you won't agree, but, I guess that doesn't matter.
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don't fall for the pretty word.

Progressive means, socialist/communist. so if you're into that, go vote for the Democrat, I mean the Progressive/commie party of the United States

they think they still need to lie to you all and hide behind the Democrat party name, instead of coming out and saying what they really are. that's how much they think of you in their base
Conserving is conservativism, you bought a bunch of leftist bullshit. Just because conservatives don't occupy a tree on someone else's private land doesn't mean they have a disregard for nature.

But this is the kind of shit that happens, some leftist/socialist website produces propaganda and the mind number reader is eager to pass it along as the Gospels.
Who is Naomi Klein? Was she the president of the United States? Did she create the US Park system? No. She's a Canadian author and environmental activist. And I had to look that up. I'd never heard of her.

Look, if you get to pick who speaks for all of us, I get to pick who speaks for all of you. I pretty much guarantee you won't agree, but, I guess that doesn't matter.
Actually she presents some pretty interesting ideas, and examples of some of those ideas put into action. Worth reading.
don't fall for the pretty word.

Progressive means, socialist/communist. so if you're into that, go vote for the Democrat, I mean the Progressive/commie party of the United States

they think they still need to lie to you all and hide behind the Democrat party name, instead of coming out and saying what they really are. that's how much they think of you in their base
Sheesh, and all this time, I thought that TR was elected as a Republican. When did you people rewrite the history books on that?
Conserving is conservativism, you bought a bunch of leftist bullshit. Just because conservatives don't occupy a tree on someone else's private land doesn't mean they have a disregard for nature.

But this is the kind of shit that happens, some leftist/socialist website produces propaganda and the mind number reader is eager to pass it along as the Gospels.
Ice, you bunch of dingbats have been against every regulation that would protect us from the pollution that the corporations would willingly subject us to for increasing their profit.
Conserving is conservativism, you bought a bunch of leftist bullshit. Just because conservatives don't occupy a tree on someone else's private land doesn't mean they have a disregard for nature.

But this is the kind of shit that happens, some leftist/socialist website produces propaganda and the mind number reader is eager to pass it along as the Gospels.
Ice, you bunch of dingbats have been against every regulation that would protect us from the pollution that the corporations would willingly subject us to for increasing their profit.
That's a lie and par for the course. Who do you think started the EPA? Nixon was a lib?
By the standards of todays GOP, Nixon was a liberal. And had Nixon not been so paranoid, to the extent that he was mentally unstable, he would have been remembered as one of the better Presidents.
Conserving is conservativism, you bought a bunch of leftist bullshit. Just because conservatives don't occupy a tree on someone else's private land doesn't mean they have a disregard for nature.

But this is the kind of shit that happens, some leftist/socialist website produces propaganda and the mind number reader is eager to pass it along as the Gospels.
Ice, you bunch of dingbats have been against every regulation that would protect us from the pollution that the corporations would willingly subject us to for increasing their profit.

Look at China, india and read a history book on pre-regulated Europe to see that Old rocks is right!
Conserving is conservativism, you bought a bunch of leftist bullshit. Just because conservatives don't occupy a tree on someone else's private land doesn't mean they have a disregard for nature.

But this is the kind of shit that happens, some leftist/socialist website produces propaganda and the mind number reader is eager to pass it along as the Gospels.
Ice, you bunch of dingbats have been against every regulation that would protect us from the pollution that the corporations would willingly subject us to for increasing their profit.
simply not correct. again, facts not in evidence. Please share a link
By the standards of todays GOP, Nixon was a liberal. And had Nixon not been so paranoid, to the extent that he was mentally unstable, he would have been remembered as one of the better Presidents.
funny stuff. Who do you supposed voted him into office? Liberals or conservatives? it's a really difficult answer I know.
don't fall for the pretty word.

Progressive means, socialist/communist. so if you're into that, go vote for the Democrat, I mean the Progressive/commie party of the United States

they think they still need to lie to you all and hide behind the Democrat party name, instead of coming out and saying what they really are. that's how much they think of you in their base
Sheesh, and all this time, I thought that TR was elected as a Republican. When did you people rewrite the history books on that?

Not too long ago there were Republicans who cared about the land, the environment and Conservation.

Teddy was a great example of both a progressive and a Republican.
By the standards of todays GOP, Nixon was a liberal. And had Nixon not been so paranoid, to the extent that he was mentally unstable, he would have been remembered as one of the better Presidents.
Typical lib, move the goal posts if your argument fails. No, Nixon was not a liberal by any stretch and was hated by the left, still is. It's your concept of conservatism that is skewed.

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