5 Ugly Truths About Women That Young Men Need to Recognize

It is so stupid to compare the sexes. Everyone basically is alike. If someone plays their gender as identity politics, they are imbeciles, and what I mean by this are people who claim that they have the "right" to do something that is bad and/or hurts or dominates another person because of what gender body they have. It's the conduct that matters. For example, don't stomp around yelling curses and trying to intimidate others by having a temper tantrum or waving a gun (can I use the word "emotional" here?) and then use your body type as an excuse for your behavior. Don't abandon the children that you, as a male or a female, have brought into this world. Don't claim that you "know better" or are smarter/wiser than someone else because of your body type or claim that you are a better "leader" because of your body type.

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