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5 Way the Middle Class Is Getting Screwed!

Since the middle class returns the same people back to Congress time and time again how do you excuse them from being complicit in their own demise?
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Middle class is to blame; they elect both parties and are to blame for their own plight.

Oh fuck that. I have seen you write that a couple times now. It was bullshit the first time I read it too.

The middle class, the lower class and every one in between are bombarded with hundreds of millions of advertising campaign dollars telling them who and what to vote for. Mostly negative adds.

You think the ultra rich that fund campaigns don't understand how advertising works? You think they are just throwing their money away? Without getting the results they wanted?

Who is it that chooses the candidates that can be voted for?? You think it is the middle class? You think the middle class went into that voting booth knowing that we were gonna get fucked by the ultra wealthy again?
And still voted for them? No they wanted it to be different this time. That's what the middle is guilty of. Thinking that sooner or later we will get a politician who is really looking out for the middle. Called a populist.

The only thing the middle class can be blamed for is believing the lies of politicians and the ultra wealthy. The only thing we could do is either; vote out an incumbent, no matter what. Or not vote at all. Anything else is just more of the same.

Those are the only two ways to send a message to those that control the election voting process. Vote out an incumbent or not vote at all. Either way a strong message from the middle would be sent.
Quit being a little cry baby bitch zeke, we are growing tired of it

Like the typical asshole you are, it's all about you again eh? Fuck that.

And "true colors". What the fuck are you babbling about? You are the one claimed shoppers at Walmart are taking away American jobs. Right? That's what you claimed.And you want those shoppers to know that they are responsible some way for that happening..

But not the management that purchases all that shit Walmart sells from overseas suppliers. That's the shoppers fault as well I guess.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Beside being some sort of asshole right winger?
Since the middle class returns the sane people back to Congress time and time again how do you excuse them from being complicit in their own demise?

How many billions of dollars are spent on political advertising? How effective do you think those adds are? What choices are presented? Why is gerrymandering a common practice for both parties?

All those things are done to KEEP those already in office, IN office.

Besides that, I am middle class and I have NEVER voted for MY Congresscritter. EVER. Always vote for a challenger. And the incumbent always wins. Gerrymandering has helped him (Turner) here in Ohio.

And I wish that your typo was fact. That we returned SANE people to office. Unfortunately we don't do sane.
Quit being a little cry baby bitch zeke, we are growing tired of it

That's really a well thought out response.

But rally, you think I give a flying fuck what YOU are tired of? LMAO. You stupid fuck.

You'd be better off just letting me slam some stupid post you made and not respond to my post. Cause for some reason, every time you respond you get more and more whiny and stupid. Quit while you are ahead and don't respond.

Like the typical asshole you are, it's all about you again eh? Fuck that.

And "true colors". What the fuck are you babbling about? You are the one claimed shoppers at Walmart are taking away American jobs. Right? That's what you claimed.And you want those shoppers to know that they are responsible some way for that happening..

But not the management that purchases all that shit Walmart sells from overseas suppliers. That's the shoppers fault as well I guess.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Beside being some sort of asshole right winger?
God damn it dude, I feel like I am arguing with a 2 year old brat, quit blaming others for your own choices in life sick of it.
Who cares about campaign money? I have not watched television in two months, maybe you should do the same
Propaganda bs works- look no further than the victims of Fox, Rush, Beck, Heritage, The Examiner, etc etc etc. Pub dupes don't know about what's causing their own ruin, ie their lying, cheating greedy billionaire heroes- see sig pp1.
God damn it dude, I feel like I am arguing with a 2 year old brat, quit blaming others for your own choices in life sick of it.

That's the problem you stupid fuck. You can't argue your position.

You just post up some stupid bullshit you read at one of your right wing web sites, then when you get questioned about your assertion, you get all defensive.

It's really funny but childish.

Stick with agreeing with the other stupid right wing fucks on here. You aren't quite ready for prime time arguing.
Seeing as how you can't defend the positions you hold.

But here try again; why is it the shoppers of Walmarts responsibility to worry about American jobs and not the responsibility of the mangers and owners of Walmart?

You made the claim, defend it. Or shut the fuck up.
Since the middle class returns the sane people back to Congress time and time again how do you excuse them from being complicit in their own demise?

How many billions of dollars are spent on political advertising? How effective do you think those adds are? What choices are presented? Why is gerrymandering a common practice for both parties?

All those things are done to KEEP those already in office, IN office.

Besides that, I am middle class and I have NEVER voted for MY Congresscritter. EVER. Always vote for a challenger. And the incumbent always wins. Gerrymandering has helped him (Turner) here in Ohio.

And I wish that your typo was fact. That we returned SANE people to office. Unfortunately we don't do sane.
Typo edited.

If middle class falls for agitation and propaganda, they deserve their fate.
They don't have a clue ,while they Spend there money at Walmart or a dollar store

They don't have a clue, they might get.a deal but they are killing American jobs

Here is your post bear that started all this back and forth.
You want to explain what you are talking about.
Or were you just speaking in rabbit tongue?
If middle class falls for agitation and propaganda, they deserve their fate.

So in your mind, our form of government has become "buyer beware".? The ruling parties with all the money are under no obligation to provide their very best efforts to make the country work for all? It has now become dog eat dog and the middle class has become the dog food?

Ah well. I know I am close to not voting.And if Hillary or Bush are my choices, I am done voting.
What the ultra rich and the plutocrats want to happen will come about. Thoughtful intelligent voters will just say fuck it.

And leave the elections to those hyper partisans who care only for themselves and their "team" . Country be damned.

Is that were you think we are going?
No, I've outed mylsef as someone who lives in the real world.

In the real world $100,000 is alot of money. As a yearly income, would put a person in the 82nd percentile. Congressional pay of $174,000 a year puts a person in the 92nd percentile.

You live in a fantasy land of entitlement bullshit, where you think the world just gives you whatever you want, because you want.
LOL!!!! Yeah, it's a lot of money. If you live in mom's basement and your entertainment consists of playing on the computer all day.
In the real world people have mortgages and often school tuition. 100K in NYC has you sharing an apartment somewhere.

What fungus did you grow from? You call yourself a conservative but you have no concept of the value of money. You want the government to pay for your people's retirement because they were too irresponsible to pay for it themselves. You want the government to stick its nose into people's lives and interfere with things you don't want them doing even though it has no bearing on your or anyone else whatsoever. You're a liberal, entitled, statist piece of shit. "Waaa, I only make $100,000 a year, I'm poor and can't afford a place to live!"
Are you so fucking stupid that you think shoppers at a Walmart or a Dollar store should be worried about American jobs?

They should be. They're the ones who cry that their job has been shipped overseas, and that they can't feed their families because the minimum wage is too low.

but you think the poor and lower middle class that have to do their shopping their should be worried.

Nobody has to do their shopping at Walmart. Everyone has the option to shop somewhere else.

I really mean it, you are fucking stupid.

You're right that Rabbi is stupid. But you're just as stupid as he is.
The ruling parties with all the money are under no obligation to provide their very best efforts to make the country work for all?

Nope. No obligation whatsoever. You can choose to vote for them, or someone else. Nobody is forcing your vote.
No, I've outed mylsef as someone who lives in the real world.

In the real world $100,000 is alot of money. As a yearly income, would put a person in the 82nd percentile. Congressional pay of $174,000 a year puts a person in the 92nd percentile.

You live in a fantasy land of entitlement bullshit, where you think the world just gives you whatever you want, because you want.
LOL!!!! Yeah, it's a lot of money. If you live in mom's basement and your entertainment consists of playing on the computer all day.
In the real world people have mortgages and often school tuition. 100K in NYC has you sharing an apartment somewhere.

What fungus did you grow from? You call yourself a conservative but you have no concept of the value of money. You want the government to pay for your people's retirement because they were too irresponsible to pay for it themselves. You want the government to stick its nose into people's lives and interfere with things you don't want them doing even though it has no bearing on your or anyone else whatsoever. You're a liberal, entitled, statist piece of shit. "Waaa, I only make $100,000 a year, I'm poor and can't afford a place to live!"
Wow, what a jerk off you are. AN immature mama's boy living at home. You have zero idea what you are talking about. You have outed yourself as a faux conservative, proclaiming conservative values while sucking off mama's tit. Get lost, sonny.
Wow, what a jerk off you are. AN immature mama's boy living at home. You have zero idea what you are talking about. You have outed yourself as a faux conservative, proclaiming conservative values while sucking off mama's tit. Get lost, sonny.

:lmao: You're the one who's saying $100,000 a year isn't enough to afford a place to live, but I'm the one living in the basement? :lmao: No son, I live on my own. And I do it for less than $100,000 a year.

You're the one who wants the government to pay for people's retirements when they're too irresponsible to plan for their own. But I'm the one sucking on the teet? :lmao:

You're the one who said that being in the top 10% of income earners was not alot of money. :lmao: But I'm the one who doesn't know what I'm talking about? :lmao:

Poor Rabbi. It hurts his feeling when he's told how much of a worthless piece of shit he is for his wildly stupid ideas and his abject failure to understand life. All he can to is call you names in hopes that he'll bully you into seeing things his way. He really, really hates that raw facts interfere with his attempts to spread bullshit and get his ideas accepted. Keep throwing fact at him, and he'll keep on acting like a monkey throwing shit at spectators in the zoo. Such a sad, helpless creature.

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