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5 Way the Middle Class Is Getting Screwed!

Woa shit?

A liberal saying blacks were better pre civil rights ?


What dumb fucks we have.here
5 Ways the Middle Class Is Getting Screwed - John Hawkins - Page full

The article is written by a conservative, however he sees it as both parties selling the middle class out.

1. Obamacare
2. College Loans
3. Immigration
4. Free Trade
5. Exploding Debt

I have been saying this for a long time, the two parties keep us fighting, so the real issues are ignored. The middle class needs to start demanding more from the government.
A huge part of those 5 issues are a huge scam.
No, I've outed mylsef as someone who lives in the real world.

In the real world $100,000 is alot of money. As a yearly income, would put a person in the 82nd percentile. Congressional pay of $174,000 a year puts a person in the 92nd percentile.

You live in a fantasy land of entitlement bullshit, where you think the world just gives you whatever you want, because you want.
LOL!!!! Yeah, it's a lot of money. If you live in mom's basement and your entertainment consists of playing on the computer all day.
In the real world people have mortgages and often school tuition. 100K in NYC has you sharing an apartment somewhere.
Economic policies rooted in class envy and demonization of corporations will not enable all to have the opportunity to prosper.

As long as they pay their taxes. I support corporations...But they do use our roads, send their children to our schools and depend on our fda, fdc and nws to get through life. Not to even get into the cost of the police! ;) The only one I truly disagreed about is the student loans. I feel education is very important.
How many children does a corporation usually have?
You are one seriously stupid person. Thats why you repeat the mantra about infrastructure, even though its bullshit.
Tax cuts don't create debt. Spending over and above revenues does.
If you understand that spending above revenue creates more debt than why don't you understand less revenue means more debt?
So you argue for tax increases because spending is out of control. Or maybe disallow ordinary business expensing as a way of increasing government revenues. You can't take people's money from them and expect commerce to continue on its merry way.

As an example, if I hire a geologist to do a study before I drill a well then that's called an "intangible drilling cost". Obama wants to do away with that. If you hire an architect before you build an apartment building, that's also an "intangible cost", but you get to deduct it as a business expense whereas I would not get to deduct my "intangible". Does that seem fair and reasonable? :dunno:
I argue for tax increases regardless of whether or not spending is high. Like I said, even if over-spending isn't a problem (I agree it is - It's called defense spending), we would still be several trillions in debt. The revenue generated from business doesn't do shit to offset the revenue lost from big tax cuts. It's too small. Right now revenue is 16% of the GDP which is near the historic low. In 2000, it was at 20%. Raising taxes actually helps the economy if raised responsibly. Take the 1950s. That was a time of great economic growth but the tax rate percentage on the wealthy was much higher than it is now.
God damn you liberals are like a brain dead Parrot you dont have a clue what it was like in the 50s with the tax loop holes, tax code, lack of regulations that we have today, europe in ruins

And the lack of civil.rights

Why do liberals always want to bring us back to the 50s ?

Do they secretly want darkies back in the bus?

You're the one that don't have a clue. One parent could own a house, car and feed his family based on just his income alone. The middle class was the largest in American history and wealth gap the smallest. Your parties tax policies have successful fucked over the middle class, while granting the top 1% all the profits. congrats!

Also, blacks were better off in the 50's as they had their families and a successful economy. Unlike today. Learn something or shut up.

Economic policies rooted in class envy and demonization of corporations will not enable all to have the opportunity to prosper.

As long as they pay their taxes. I support corporations...But they do use our roads, send their children to our schools and depend on our fda, fdc and nws to get through life. Not to even get into the cost of the police! ;) The only one I truly disagreed about is the student loans. I feel education is very important.
How many children does a corporation usually have?
You are one seriously stupid person. Thats why you repeat the mantra about infrastructure, even though its bullshit.
He is a brain dead parrot, repeats the,same thing over and over again.he has no blue prints or a detailed plan, just wants to throw money at something to make him happy :)
They don't understand the.EPA.or what regulations exist today compared.to the 50s , they don't know the tax loop holes in the 50s compared to today

These posters just look at the tax rate
They don't understand the.EPA.or what regulations exist today compared.to the 50s , they don't know the tax loop holes in the 50s compared to today

These posters just look at the tax rate
It's because stupid people look at two similar things and think they are identical.
They don't have a clue ,while they Spend there money at Walmart or a dollar store

They don't have a clue, they might get.a deal but they are killing American jobs
They don't understand the.EPA.or what regulations exist today compared.to the 50s , they don't know the tax loop holes in the 50s compared to today

These posters just look at the tax rate
It's because stupid people look at two similar things and think they are identical.
So true

Liberals think we are all pussys like them

They don't have a clue ,while they Spend there money at Walmart or a dollar store

They don't have a clue, they might get.a deal but they are killing American jobs

LMAO. Are you so fucking stupid that you think shoppers at a Walmart or a Dollar store should be worried about American jobs?
How fucking stupid are you really?

The rich fuckers that RUN Walmart aren't worried about American jobs, but you think the poor and lower middle class that have to do their shopping their should be worried.

I really mean it, you are fucking stupid. Close to the rabbit, and if you keep trying you may pass the rabbit for pure ignorance and stupidity.
For instance the stupid rabbit just posted that 100k a year is piss poor income. I am sure you agree with that. Right? Even though you nor that rabbit come close to earning 100k a year.

Post some more stupid shit to earn your just rewards.
The middle class is slowly being chiseled away and many things they will need are slowly going to be cut. Soon they won't exist and by the time they wake up they'll say "what happened"? The answer will be some CEO got your money instead. Middle class Americans had better wake up before they're extinct. Every program that might benefit them is fought tooth and nail. We're told the answer is tax breaks that lead to jobs. Same old rhetoric.
5 Ways the Middle Class Is Getting Screwed - John Hawkins - Page full

The article is written by a conservative, however he sees it as both parties selling the middle class out.

1. Obamacare
2. College Loans
3. Immigration
4. Free Trade
5. Exploding Debt

I have been saying this for a long time, the two parties keep us fighting, so the real issues are ignored. The middle class needs to start demanding more from the government.

Middle class brought this on itself.

Wanted their cake, but wanted to eat it too.
They don't have a clue ,while they Spend there money at Walmart or a dollar store

They don't have a clue, they might get.a deal but they are killing American jobs

LMAO. Are you so fucking stupid that you think shoppers at a Walmart or a Dollar store should be worried about American jobs?
How fucking stupid are you really?

The rich fuckers that RUN Walmart aren't worried about American jobs, but you think the poor and lower middle class that have to do their shopping their should be worried.

I really mean it, you are fucking stupid. Close to the rabbit, and if you keep trying you may pass the rabbit for pure ignorance and stupidity.
For instance the stupid rabbit just posted that 100k a year is piss poor income. I am sure you agree with that. Right? Even though you nor that rabbit come close to earning 100k a year.

Post some more stupid shit to earn your just rewards.[/QUOT
Translation~ I have no idea what I am talking about but its not my fault.
We need MORE government to help the middle class....just ask any D or liberal.

Actually we need less government, that's how we get more. Get rid of a health care program that is a burden to the middle class.

Government needs to stop funding college waste programs.

Government needs to enforce immigration laws.

If we can't trade freely with other countries, then we stop allowing those countries access to our consumers.

The debt... Government needs to stop spending, start cutting, stop printing, raise taxes on a temp basis.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So who's blocking higher taxes on the bloated rich and giant corporations paying nothing?

So you didn't read the article. Shock! Shock!

I think both parties share the blame for the problems with the middle class. The Republicans and Democrat really like people like you. You are a part a partisan nutjob, you are a two party systems dream idiot. You only blame one side so nothing gets done. They BOTH love you.
Middle class is to blame; they elect both parties and are to blame for their own plight.
Translation~ I have no idea what I am talking about but its not my fault.

You really are stupid dude. What the fuck are you doing on here? Other than patting the rabbit on the head when he posts something equally as stupid as your posts, what do you contribute here?

I told you the people who run Walmart don't worry about American jobs. This was after you said the shoppers at these stores should be concerned about American jobs, and I asked why.

And you have no ability to defend your own position.

Like I said, you aren't very smart.
The list is not complete. Three major ways the middle class is being screwed:

- The expansion of regulatory bureaucracy that makes simple private acts exceedingly complicated.

- The criminalization of almost everything that some dogooders in the government don't like. (We are all criminals now - it's much easier to control the knuckle-dragging Stupid American Voters when some pretext of another can be used to incarcerate/fine them).

- The reliance of local governments on fines to fund local services. Residents are just seen as funding targets, and harassed with fines on the slightest pretext.
Middle class should STFU, suck it up, and pay the fuckin' bills it ran up.
5 Ways the Middle Class Is Getting Screwed - John Hawkins - Page full

The article is written by a conservative, however he sees it as both parties selling the middle class out.

1. Obamacare
2. College Loans
3. Immigration
4. Free Trade
5. Exploding Debt

I have been saying this for a long time, the two parties keep us fighting, so the real issues are ignored. The middle class needs to start demanding more from the government.

Middle class brought this on itself.

Wanted their cake, but wanted to eat it too.

Translation~ I have no idea what I am talking about but its not my fault.

You really are stupid dude. What the fuck are you doing on here? Other than patting the rabbit on the head when he posts something equally as stupid as your posts, what do you contribute here?

I told you the people who run Walmart don't worry about American jobs. This was after you said the shoppers at these stores should be concerned about American jobs, and I asked why.

And you have no ability to defend your own position.

Like I said, you aren't very smart.
Are you really that god damn stupid, zeke?

You are showing your true colors now
Who gives a fuck what the Walmart clan does, you morons are the ones who shop there and support it

Dumb fucks

I don't
Middle class is to blame; they elect both parties and are to blame for their own plight.

Oh fuck that. I have seen you write that a couple times now. It was bullshit the first time I read it too.

The middle class, the lower class and every one in between are bombarded with hundreds of millions of advertising campaign dollars telling them who and what to vote for. Mostly negative adds.

You think the ultra rich that fund campaigns don't understand how advertising works? You think they are just throwing their money away? Without getting the results they wanted?

Who is it that chooses the candidates that can be voted for?? You think it is the middle class? You think the middle class went into that voting booth knowing that we were gonna get fucked by the ultra wealthy again?
And still voted for them? No they wanted it to be different this time. That's what the middle is guilty of. Thinking that sooner or later we will get a politician who is really looking out for the middle. Called a populist.

The only thing the middle class can be blamed for is believing the lies of politicians and the ultra wealthy. The only thing we could do is either; vote out an incumbent, no matter what. Or not vote at all. Anything else is just more of the same.

Those are the only two ways to send a message to those that control the election voting process. Vote out an incumbent or not vote at all. Either way a strong message from the middle would be sent.

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