5000 a day So called Deal from Biden

Do you Trust the Senate Immigration bill?

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But your border catastrophe does.

BTW, your saying "lala fantasyland" doesn't make anything so.
Yes the border situation exists and your fantasyland doesn’t… I’m glad you’re clear on that
Why would it be national suicide?

1.8 million a year isn't that big a number, we can easily assimilate that, especially in an economy that has 10 million unfilled jobs at any given time.

I mean, I know YOU would be horrified by more brown people. But that's your issue, man.
Always playing the retarded RACE card. It doesn't matter ONE BIT what color there skin is.

1. We don't know who they are.
2. We don't know what their criminal history is.
3. We don't know what diseases they are carrying.
4. We don't know if they have Terrorist affiliations.
5. We don't have unlimited resources. The illegals are consuming them and OUR poor citizens are suffering, not you of course.
That reality is precisely why we need to militarize the border, stop all illegal crossings, and prosecute employers of illegals.

That might be painful in the short run, but it is the only way to truly change course.

1) Why do we need to change course.
2) I have no problem going after the people who hire them, but that would probably include many of the white people screaming the loudest.
3) Mexico isn't the enemy, and we don't need to militarize the border.
1) Why do we need to change course.
2) I have no problem going after the people who hire them, but that would probably include many of the white people screaming the loudest.
3) Mexico isn't the enemy, and we don't need to militarize the border.
1) You don't see a problem with a massive underclass that speaks a different language from the majority? If you know history, you know how that typically turns out for a given country.
2) Fine by me. Hypocrites should pay the price.
3) Mexico is an enemy to the extent that they facilitate this problem.
Always playing the retarded RACE card. It doesn't matter ONE BIT what color there skin is.

1. We don't know who they are.
2. We don't know what their criminal history is.
3. We don't know what diseases they are carrying.
4. We don't know if they have Terrorist affiliations.
5. We don't have unlimited resources. The illegals are consuming them and OUR poor citizens are suffering, not you of course.

1. We can ask. In fact, I have no problem with screening and doing background checks.
2. See 1
3. Unlike you, diseases aren't racist; they can infect anyone. This is why Trump's Covid policy backfired... white people brought it in from Europe.
4. Terrorists? Do they still make those? Here's the thing. Every terrorists attack since 9/11 has been carried out by either someone who came here on a legal visa or was an American radicalized online.
5. Resources aren't finite. In fact, immigrants produce more value than they consume. They do the thankless jobs for very little money, and some industries, like agriculture, can't really function without them.

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