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53% of Israelis think Ethnic Cleansing is the Best Solution for Arab-Israeli Conflict

I see you are still mad cuz I told you I aint gay. Gay bestiality aint my thing so quit the private messages and quit acting in public

Gay bestiality?!?! :cuckoo:

mdn2000 you really, really, need to take your meds. :eek:

Serious dude. Your mental health is failing you big time!!!
We know ethnic cleansing works. It worked in Iraq against the Christians. Iraqi Muslims were able to accomplish so much with the support of American Republicans.

Iraqi Christians Pray and Brace for Election Outcome

We know Islamic law has no regard for the Christian viewpoint. In places like Pakistan, Christian testimony in a court is counted as less than half of a Muslim man's testimony. So this is a severe prospect * if Sharia law were to be instituted in Iraq, Christian rights would be almost nonexistent. For women, it would be even worse. You need only look at extreme examples of Sharia law * the Taliban and places in Iran where human rights, women's rights and Christian rights are being completely ignored.

---------- Look at the Republican supported Iraqi constitution. Look how well that's worked out. And Republicans want to run the government here.

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution - washingtonpost.com

This aint a repulican versus democrat thing, I can run circles around anyone posting how clinton got us into this mess but that would be bullshit as well, Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama, easily argued all of the same "new world order" bunch.

Iraq had a constitution, a consititution all the people supported, there was no need for a new one. What a lousy cheap ass move by Bush to feel so big as to pretend to create a new democrat nation of Iraq with a new constitution when one existed that all people in Iraq supported. You think your going to get me to support the phony RINO republicans, no way, I am conservative and I know history.

Iraq's has a constitution from 1932, ever here of Fiesal, great leader of the Iraqi people, thats the man that made Iraq a democrat country, not Bush, wise men would of dusted off the old and the valid instead of creating a false legacy for themselves, but power corrupts and the power to create nations is to overwhelming hence the struggle to create a new nation in Israel and hence why Clinton murdered innocent Christians standing on a bridge in Serbia to create a Moslem state that Saudi Arabia wanted called Kosovo.

Yep, look at Kosovo, look how the KLA went from being called terrorists by Clinton to allies and now we have the Clinton cronies completely infested in the White House once again, which Christian will the Clinton cronies burn and murder this time, which allies will the Obama/Clinton cronie adminstration turn on next, which 1000 year old building will we watch destroyed under the democrats, we watched Budda statues of over a 1000 years old with under democrat watch, we saw the world trade center planned under Clinton, attacked once under Clinton, we saw Clinton do nothing to protect the World Trade Center than leave it to the incompetent Bush to protect, so whats next to be planned to be destroyed, maybe the statue of liberty, maybe an aqueduct built by the romans is segovia spain.

But this is the endless tit for tat political hat trick, kick out the dems and elect the repubics, fight amongst ourselves and blame either party back and forth while life long politicians make millions and enrich the corporations.
Hey guys,

Show some respect for the Shabat. DavidS, the Rabbi and others can't be online to defend themselves because they are observing the Shabat rules.
I see you are still mad cuz I told you I aint gay. Gay bestiality aint my thing so quit the private messages and quit acting in public

Gay bestiality?!?! :cuckoo:

mdn2000 you really, really, need to take your meds. :eek:

Serious dude. Your mental health is failing you big time!!!

Yo dude, serious man, like things aint all that cool dude, like since you been trying to give me your drugs dude, like you know, like you dude, allah aint there, and you aint got nothing to stand on so you want to attack me, if you aint noticed I have left your silly ass posts alone for along time, you wish to engage me with your childish rants I will give to you with both barrels,

what a piss poor support of the non-exsistent false religion of Allah, what a pussy, what a weak god, the Sunnis beg the christian armies for protection. Look how weak saudi arabia is without the christian armies. Look how weak the great sunni army of saddam was, look how the jews kicked the sunni ass right out of palestine.

Sunni dude, (no one says dude anymore lame-ass, its "bro") wake up and smell the roses, Allah's army is nothing more than a paper tiger. Islam has lost and only exsits by the good will of Christian nations.

its as simple as that.

Sunni, you are one dumbass, first you want me on meds so you can have me your way than you throw in that little sexual partner of yours that you cling so closely to, hear it say cuckoo. Right over your simpleton head.
what a bunch of morons, its the jew, its the palestinian, a palestinian is a jew, not an arab, dumb ass morons dont know shit about history but you all read the papers so its got to be right. quit fucking googling and reading wikipedia and pick up a book

90% of the average arab which dumb morons call palestinians are more than happy to live under the rule of the jew, why because its better than the lousy tyrant fuck Sunni rulers that rape little girls.

Thats right, if you support the palestinian leadership you support the rape of children, what a bunch of ignorant fucks you all are.

Saudi Arabian policy is to destroy Israel, its the Sunni culture, the Sunni religion, pure moslem is sunni, no wonder there is so much support for sunni-saudi-arab/palestine policy, the light at the end of the tunnel is a nine year old virgin for the rich sunni moslem harem.

israel left alone, arabs left alone, live peacefully, its power hungry sunni financed by child raping sunni saudi's that stir the shit and both sides listen to their respective sources and miss the elephant sitting in the room.

I say fuck the palestinian leaders, round em up and let feed them to the pigs, tell saudi arabia to fuck themselves, take the oil, it belongs to mankind not the child rapists, kill all who oppose. free the people of the middle east of the tyranny of the religion of Islam.

Islam can live peacefully in the USA, outside if the people are being raped, if children continue to be raped its time to show the true strength of the only god, there is only one god, that is Jesus, that is the big elephant in the room, all of Allah's teachings state Allah is the almighty, hard to face the fact that jews kicked moslem ass. hard to face the fact the christian nation of the usa must protect the Sunni's.

there is not allah, its all a joke, there is one god, not two, there is only the god of jesus christ, god has spoken, he has kicked the ass of the dumb ass followeres of the false god, allah.

its as simple as that and until the masses wake up there will never be peace.

Hell, the bible says there will be a bit of peace before the final revelation.

Israel exsists because there is one god, the christian god, the god of Jesus Christ.

the usa and israel kicking moslem ass is proof.

where is the weak allah, dont exsist, its that simple.

well, at least you are ironic enough in your rant to be amusing in your outright stupidity. first, you stupid bitch, ALLAH IS YOUR GOD. It's why yours and theirs belong to the Abrahamic faiths who revere the exact same fucking god differently. Your little blame arabs while sucking jewish cock for the sake of your own john hagee take on faith is amusing. Indeed, that you seem to think that there is a proof of your jebus by evidence of a nation with nukes keeping a people with ROCKS under their heel is hilarious.

You, you goofy bitch, are no better than a 72 virgin believing muslim. The only difference is the size and potential carnage of your capacity to kill.


proof of jebus supporting zionism against inherently evil muslims. Seriously, batshit crazy man, YOUR kind is the reason we see Catholics getting a free pass in Nazi Germany.
what a bunch of morons, its the jew, its the palestinian, a palestinian is a jew, not an arab, dumb ass morons dont know shit about history but you all read the papers so its got to be right. quit fucking googling and reading wikipedia and pick up a book

90% of the average arab which dumb morons call palestinians are more than happy to live under the rule of the jew, why because its better than the lousy tyrant fuck Sunni rulers that rape little girls.

Thats right, if you support the palestinian leadership you support the rape of children, what a bunch of ignorant fucks you all are.

Saudi Arabian policy is to destroy Israel, its the Sunni culture, the Sunni religion, pure moslem is sunni, no wonder there is so much support for sunni-saudi-arab/palestine policy, the light at the end of the tunnel is a nine year old virgin for the rich sunni moslem harem.

israel left alone, arabs left alone, live peacefully, its power hungry sunni financed by child raping sunni saudi's that stir the shit and both sides listen to their respective sources and miss the elephant sitting in the room.

I say fuck the palestinian leaders, round em up and let feed them to the pigs, tell saudi arabia to fuck themselves, take the oil, it belongs to mankind not the child rapists, kill all who oppose. free the people of the middle east of the tyranny of the religion of Islam.

Islam can live peacefully in the USA, outside if the people are being raped, if children continue to be raped its time to show the true strength of the only god, there is only one god, that is Jesus, that is the big elephant in the room, all of Allah's teachings state Allah is the almighty, hard to face the fact that jews kicked moslem ass. hard to face the fact the christian nation of the usa must protect the Sunni's.

there is not allah, its all a joke, there is one god, not two, there is only the god of jesus christ, god has spoken, he has kicked the ass of the dumb ass followeres of the false god, allah.

its as simple as that and until the masses wake up there will never be peace.

Hell, the bible says there will be a bit of peace before the final revelation.

Israel exsists because there is one god, the christian god, the god of Jesus Christ.

the usa and israel kicking moslem ass is proof.

where is the weak allah, dont exsist, its that simple.

well, at least you are ironic enough in your rant to be amusing in your outright stupidity. first, you stupid bitch, ALLAH IS YOUR GOD. It's why yours and theirs belong to the Abrahamic faiths who revere the exact same fucking god differently. Your little blame arabs while sucking jewish cock for the sake of your own john hagee take on faith is amusing. Indeed, that you seem to think that there is a proof of your jebus by evidence of a nation with nukes keeping a people with ROCKS under their heel is hilarious.

You, you goofy bitch, are no better than a 72 virgin believing muslim. The only difference is the size and potential carnage of your capacity to kill.


proof of jebus supporting zionism against inherently evil muslims. Seriously, batshit crazy man, YOUR kind is the reason we see Catholics getting a free pass in Nazi Germany.

There is only one god and it aint allah,

Stupidity while your talking about sucking my cock, talk about a rant, and you think I am better than 72 virgins, or did you want me to fuck you like your 72 virgins boy, your a horny bastard are you not, and you like the size of my what, my god, is this allowed on the boards, you should of private messaged me with requests like this. And you have faith my fucking you will make you see the god of abraham, flattery is nice goof ball but I aint gay so go proposition some other fuck. Awful bold of you stating you sucked Jewish cock.

Talk about stupidity, nice rant cum-dribble
Last edited:
Link or STFU.

Since you've claimed you want to be fair on this issue, I would recommend your looking at the palestinian charter which

urges the elimination of Zionism in Palestine and worldwide (Art. 15), and strongly urges the "liberation" of Palestine throughout.

now what do you think that means?
Link or STFU.

Since you've claimed you want to be fair on this issue, I would recommend your looking at the palestinian charter which

urges the elimination of Zionism in Palestine and worldwide (Art. 15), and strongly urges the "liberation" of Palestine throughout.

now what do you think that means?
Zionism is a political ideology.

When they say they want to rid Palestine and the world of Zionism.

They mean to eliminate a fascist and apartheid system of government.

But disingenuous zionists like you Jillian. Like to imply it means eliminating the Jewish people.

The Palestinian Charter says nothing about harming the Jewish people.
And 100% of Arabs who live in Gaza and the West Bank believe in ethnic cleansing to remove the Israelis from what they view as their land. I guess you forgot to report that.

A minor oversight.

That people on the other side of the conflict have the same thoughts is relatively irrelevant.

Since they don't have the guns to go along with that.

The difference here is that only one side could do ethnic cleansing if it wanted to -- and it's not the Palestinians.
what a bunch of morons, its the jew, its the palestinian, a palestinian is a jew, not an arab, dumb ass morons dont know shit about history but you all read the papers so its got to be right. quit fucking googling and reading wikipedia and pick up a book

90% of the average arab which dumb morons call palestinians are more than happy to live under the rule of the jew, why because its better than the lousy tyrant fuck Sunni rulers that rape little girls.

Thats right, if you support the palestinian leadership you support the rape of children, what a bunch of ignorant fucks you all are.

Saudi Arabian policy is to destroy Israel, its the Sunni culture, the Sunni religion, pure moslem is sunni, no wonder there is so much support for sunni-saudi-arab/palestine policy, the light at the end of the tunnel is a nine year old virgin for the rich sunni moslem harem.

israel left alone, arabs left alone, live peacefully, its power hungry sunni financed by child raping sunni saudi's that stir the shit and both sides listen to their respective sources and miss the elephant sitting in the room.

I say fuck the palestinian leaders, round em up and let feed them to the pigs, tell saudi arabia to fuck themselves, take the oil, it belongs to mankind not the child rapists, kill all who oppose. free the people of the middle east of the tyranny of the religion of Islam.

Islam can live peacefully in the USA, outside if the people are being raped, if children continue to be raped its time to show the true strength of the only god, there is only one god, that is Jesus, that is the big elephant in the room, all of Allah's teachings state Allah is the almighty, hard to face the fact that jews kicked moslem ass. hard to face the fact the christian nation of the usa must protect the Sunni's.

there is not allah, its all a joke, there is one god, not two, there is only the god of jesus christ, god has spoken, he has kicked the ass of the dumb ass followeres of the false god, allah.

its as simple as that and until the masses wake up there will never be peace.

Hell, the bible says there will be a bit of peace before the final revelation.

Israel exsists because there is one god, the christian god, the god of Jesus Christ.

the usa and israel kicking moslem ass is proof.

where is the weak allah, dont exsist, its that simple.

well, at least you are ironic enough in your rant to be amusing in your outright stupidity. first, you stupid bitch, ALLAH IS YOUR GOD. It's why yours and theirs belong to the Abrahamic faiths who revere the exact same fucking god differently. Your little blame arabs while sucking jewish cock for the sake of your own john hagee take on faith is amusing. Indeed, that you seem to think that there is a proof of your jebus by evidence of a nation with nukes keeping a people with ROCKS under their heel is hilarious.

You, you goofy bitch, are no better than a 72 virgin believing muslim. The only difference is the size and potential carnage of your capacity to kill.


proof of jebus supporting zionism against inherently evil muslims. Seriously, batshit crazy man, YOUR kind is the reason we see Catholics getting a free pass in Nazi Germany.

There is only one god and it aint allah,

Stupidity while your talking about sucking my cock, talk about a rant, and you think I am better than 72 virgins, or did you want me to fuck you like your 72 virgins boy, your a horny bastard are you not, and you like the size of my what, my god, is this allowed on the boards, you should of private messaged me with requests like this. And you have faith my fucking you will make you see the god of abraham, flattery is nice goof ball but I aint gay so go proposition some other fuck. Awful bold of you stating you sucked Jewish cock.

Talk about stupidity, nice rant cum-dribble

Sorry, idiot, you have about as much proof of your god as they do theirs. Enjoy your continual Fail moment.

Oh, and please.. have another total meltdown, idiot. I love it when pansy bitches like you try to talk tough on the interwebz and, instead, fall down and go boom. Seriously, you are no better than someone who believes in killing jews for a 72 virgin reward. the ONLY difference is the name by which you pray for death at night in your bedtime prayers.

true story, idiot.
Link or STFU.

Since you've claimed you want to be fair on this issue, I would recommend your looking at the palestinian charter which

urges the elimination of Zionism in Palestine and worldwide (Art. 15), and strongly urges the "liberation" of Palestine throughout.

now what do you think that means?

It means that zionism is a racist policy by which to establish a nation if said nation is supposed to apply to more than jews. You'd understand that concept if you were living in Nazi Germany. But, since israel can do no wrong and embedded racism is only bad when dirty ass goyim do it....
PS. DOGBERT. I told you that the three stooges would pass on this thread. You see, the AGREE with the idea of purging israel of anyone other than JEWS. Trust me, when they say that they want a JEWISH israel they mean it... by any means necessary.
Link or STFU.

Since you've claimed you want to be fair on this issue, I would recommend your looking at the palestinian charter which

urges the elimination of Zionism in Palestine and worldwide (Art. 15), and strongly urges the "liberation" of Palestine throughout.
now what do you think that means?

It means that zionism is a racist policy by which to establish a nation if said nation is supposed to apply to more than jews. You'd understand that concept if you were living in Nazi Germany. But, since israel can do no wrong and embedded racism is only bad when dirty ass goyim do it....

Racist? I don't understand how establishing a nation for Jews, run by Jews is racist. Our entire history is in that country. Racist? How racist is it for the Jews to have most signs around the country in Hebrew AND Arabic? How racist is it for the country's constitution to have written laws protecting everyone's right to their own religion? Not only do Arabs have the right to be in the Kennesst, but an Arab can even run and win the election to be Prime Minister in Israel.

Now, Shogun, tell me how many Arabic countries have spent their government money on street signs in Hebrew? How many Arabic countries that are true democracies allow Jews to serve in their parliament? How many Arabic countries would allow a Jew to be its President/Prime Minister?

Your belief that Israel is a racist country is completely mis-gudied -- as are all of your viewpoints against Israel.

Being anti-zionist is not being anti-semitic, however; Shogun, I will note that you have made several comments in the past that have shown an anti-semetic bias. I do not find your anti-zionist rhetoric to be offensive -- you are ignorant, how could I? But your anti-semtic comments must stop.
Since you've claimed you want to be fair on this issue, I would recommend your looking at the palestinian charter which

now what do you think that means?

It means that zionism is a racist policy by which to establish a nation if said nation is supposed to apply to more than jews. You'd understand that concept if you were living in Nazi Germany. But, since israel can do no wrong and embedded racism is only bad when dirty ass goyim do it....

Racist? I don't understand how establishing a nation for Jews, run by Jews is racist. Our entire history is in that country. Racist? How racist is it for the Jews to have most signs around the country in Hebrew AND Arabic? How racist is it for the country's constitution to have written laws protecting everyone's right to their own religion? Not only do Arabs have the right to be in the Kennesst, but an Arab can even run and win the election to be Prime Minister in Israel.

Now, Shogun, tell me how many Arabic countries have spent their government money on street signs in Hebrew? How many Arabic countries that are true democracies allow Jews to serve in their parliament? How many Arabic countries would allow a Jew to be its President/Prime Minister?

Your belief that Israel is a racist country is completely mis-gudied -- as are all of your viewpoints against Israel.

Being anti-zionist is not being anti-semitic, however; Shogun, I will note that you have made several comments in the past that have shown an anti-semetic bias. I do not find your anti-zionist rhetoric to be offensive -- you are ignorant, how could I? But your anti-semtic comments must stop.

of course you don't JEW. Anymore than white southerners understood what the problem with restricting toilets and swimming pools to whites only was. Again, you'd figure it out pretty quickly is AMERICA WAS A NATION FOR WHITES, RAN BY WHITES. But, again, THAT would be racist all of a sudden, eh ironic jew? You are not the only people with history on that land. PERIOD. End of story. Your "jews only count" zionism is exactly why you should be boycotted back into the fucking stone age until you figure out why crying about proffered races in the US while supporting the preference of a race in israel is the punchline to your ethnic team jersey zionism.

and, bitch please... YOU of all people, after literally calling for violence against palis, are no one to talk about racist bias. Remember, kikenose, I"M the one who advocates ethnic equality the likes of which your silly jewboy ass enjoys here in the UNITED STATES. It speaks volumes that a fortunate son jew would find bias in that.

so, please, MAKE ME stop, Reuben eater. I WANT to see you flex your flabby little impotent muscle here. After all, crying about historic maps didn't help your cause so maybe you can get the mossad or aipac involved... We here at USMB need a little apartheid walling, apparently. If anyone sees a jewish bomb destroying their neighborhood then, at least, they will know that their neighbors died because of individual postings on USMB.

First, I highly doubt the question asked where "You think the best solution is to ethically clease the Palestinians out," rather the question was probably phrased, "Do you believe the Arabs should be moved/transfered to one of the few dozen Arab countries?"

Second, so half said relocate and they other half? They endorsed creating a Palestinian state! :clap2:

Third, I guarantee if took a survey on the West Bank and Gaza and ask "what is your solution?" 90% would say kill every Jew, 5% would say force every Jew to convert to Islam, 4% would say ship them to an island in the Pacific and 1% would say the one state solution.

Fourth, can you blame the Jews. They have offered time and time again a Palestinian State and the Palestinians respond with suicide bombings, sniper attacks, tractor attacks and missile attacks. Even grand jesters like completely leaving Gaza: every settler, settlement, soldier, checkpoint and Jew, was responded by slap in the face.
We know ethnic cleansing works. It worked in Iraq against the Christians. Iraqi Muslims were able to accomplish so much with the support of American Republicans.

Iraqi Christians Pray and Brace for Election Outcome

We know Islamic law has no regard for the Christian viewpoint. In places like Pakistan, Christian testimony in a court is counted as less than half of a Muslim man's testimony. So this is a severe prospect * if Sharia law were to be instituted in Iraq, Christian rights would be almost nonexistent. For women, it would be even worse. You need only look at extreme examples of Sharia law * the Taliban and places in Iran where human rights, women's rights and Christian rights are being completely ignored.

---------- Look at the Republican supported Iraqi constitution. Look how well that's worked out. And Republicans want to run the government here.

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution - washingtonpost.com

Don't forget it worked against the Lebanese Christians also. The Christians used to be the majority in Lebanon, but now they make up only 25% of the population.
Link or STFU.

Since you've claimed you want to be fair on this issue, I would recommend your looking at the palestinian charter which

urges the elimination of Zionism in Palestine and worldwide (Art. 15), and strongly urges the "liberation" of Palestine throughout.

now what do you think that means?
Zionism is a political ideology.

When they say they want to rid Palestine and the world of Zionism.

They mean to eliminate a fascist and apartheid system of government.

But disingenuous zionists like you Jillian. Like to imply it means eliminating the Jewish people.

The Palestinian Charter says nothing about harming the Jewish people.


Does the lying every stop from you:
First, it was you serving in Nam.
Then it was your buddy dying
Then, its you black wife.
Can you ever stop lying?

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