53 Years Ago Today Wallace Was Sworn In

Dumb shit starts a topic about old time Democrats being racists, and then starts posting links to modern day Democrats and "social justice".

The hilarity level is approaching 10.

Thanks for showing the difference between old Dems and new Dems, retard! :lol:
More George Wallace railing against the left. See if this doesn't sound familiar. See if this isn't the voice of conservatism today:

We must not be misled by left-wing incompetent news media that day after day feed us a diet of fantasy telling us we are bigots, racists and hate-mongers to oppose the destruction of the constitution and our nation.
A left-wing monster has risen up in this nation. It has invaded the government. It has invaded the news media. It has invaded the leadership of many of our churches. It has invaded every phase and aspect of the life of freedom-loving people.
Yes, the Democratic Party was split Left and Right. That's the reason JFK was in Dallas on the fateful day he was killed. He was courting the Conservative wing of the Democratic Party, and Governor Connally, who rode in the limo with him, was the leader of that wing. JFK wanted to be seen in public with him.

Revisionist tards are ignorant of these things.
Yes, and the loony wing of the Dem party has now taken control.
Unless you're going to tell us Dems today support tax cuts to stimulate the economy and using military force wherever necessary to promote Liberty around the world.
Dumb shit starts a topic about old time Democrats being racists, and then starts posting links to modern day Democrats and "social justice".

The hilarity level is approaching 10.
The irony flies right over your clueless head.
The lack of self awareness of the left is mind boggling.
Oh, yes. You tards always have to mention the racists and Klan used to be Democrats long ago. You have to go WAY back, as if it proves something about modern day Democrats. It just doesn't get more retarded than this. As if those old time Dems would support affirmative action, amnesty for illegals, a weak national defense, and gay rights.

The part you invariably fail to mention is that they were bible-thumping Christian conservatives. White supremacists were right wing Democrats then, and are right wing Republicans today. They hated big government, taxes, and commies. They were very vociferous about states rights and gun rights, and loved Jesus and America, too. You betcha.


We're Republicans now.
Only one party wants to use skin color to determine who gets jobs and university acceptance.
And do you bleev those old time Democrats supported Affirmative Action, you equivocating retard?
Democrats today still love telling people they can't get a job because of their skin color.

If conservatives had their way businesses could turn away job applicants on skin color only.
I like how the left is desperately trying to distance themselves away from this issue. Did you know a lot of politicians in the 1800s were racist? When it is people like Lincoln or Washingtong then they don't let any American to distance themselves from them. They repeat over and over again that America is a racist country because Jefferson owned some slaves. The democratic party is allowed to distance themselves from their past but Americans are not. It really seems kind of hypocritical.
I like how the left is desperately trying to distance themselves away from this issue. Did you know a lot of politicians in the 1800s were racist? When it is people like Lincoln or Washingtong then they don't let any American to distance themselves from them. They repeat over and over again that America is a racist country because Jefferson owned some slaves. The democratic party is allowed to distance themselves from their past but Americans are not. It really seems kind of hypocritical.

Why would a party have to distance itself from people who are dead now?

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