54 percent of Los Angeles Shuns English at Home


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Considering a population of 3,928,864, the damage is done


More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S., the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and residents in the country’s biggest cities are drifting away from speaking English at home.

A staggering 54 percent of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.

More than 350 languages spoken in U.S.; 54 percent of Los Angeles shuns English at home - Washington Times
What do you call a person that speaks three languages? Trilingual.

What do you call a person that speaks two languages? Bilingual.

What do you call a person that speaks only one language? An American.
What do you call a person that speaks three languages? Trilingual.

What do you call a person that speaks two languages? Bilingual.

What do you call a person that speaks only one language? An American.

Apparently not.
It can't be that low! I would have put it at 80%. Unless the 54% represents those who will not speak English under any circumstances.
Speaking another language at home obviously does not mean "shunning" English.

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