55% Oppose American soverignty...


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
While most Arizonans support Senate Bill 1070, even more of them support allowing working illegal immigrants with no criminal records to remain here, an Arizona Republic poll indicates.
Sixty-two percent of those polled by WestGroup Research support such an option, often derided as "amnesty" by its opponents. By comparison, 31 percent of respondents feel illegal immigrants should be required to return to their native country.
The results are similar to findings from a 2005 Republic poll on the subject. At that time, 66 percent favored allowing illegal immigrants to stay and 30 percent favored expulsion.

Poll: Most would let immigrants stay in U.S.
Strange contradictions in public polls occur all the time. I'd say it's in the same category as the "Keep the Gov't Off My Medicare" phenomena.

Of course illegal immigrants should stay. And those who are criminals who committed criminal acts in your country should stay there. We have enough of them already, not really in Costa Rica, but in the rest of Central America.

I know it's one of those "well, what do I care?" sort of issues, but in reality, mass expulsions of illegals fuck up things down here, and believe or not, make recruiting far easier for the drug armies who then go on to produce, transport, and sell the drugs in your enormous drug market, clogging your legal system.

We live in a transnational world. What we require is transnational solutions. Sorry, but it's the way it is.
Name ONE country who does not claim Sovereignty and who does not demand that it be respected.
Oh please. Just because some poor people get on a boat or walk through a desert to nibble on the crumbs off the floors of America it doesn't mean you're "casting off the Chains of Sovereignty."
Oh please. Just because some poor people get on a boat or walk through a desert to nibble on the crumbs off the floors of America it doesn't mean you're "casting off the Chains of Sovereignty."

It's not just "some" poor people we're talking about 20 million!! that's an infestation!
Strange contradictions in public polls occur all the time. I'd say it's in the same category as the "Keep the Gov't Off My Medicare" phenomena.

Of course illegal immigrants should stay. And those who are criminals who committed criminal acts in your country should stay there. We have enough of them already, not really in Costa Rica, but in the rest of Central America.

I know it's one of those "well, what do I care?" sort of issues, but in reality, mass expulsions of illegals fuck up things down here, and believe or not, make recruiting far easier for the drug armies who then go on to produce, transport, and sell the drugs in your enormous drug market, clogging your legal system.

We live in a transnational world. What we require is transnational solutions. Sorry, but it's the way it is.

we don't want illegals, you want illegals you can have em. all of em.
Oh please. Just because some poor people get on a boat or walk through a desert to nibble on the crumbs off the floors of America it doesn't mean you're "casting off the Chains of Sovereignty."

It's not just "some" poor people we're talking about 20 million!! that's an infestation!

Oh c'mon, it's only 13-15 million, and you guys have like 300 million. That's not that bad.
Oh please. Just because some poor people get on a boat or walk through a desert to nibble on the crumbs off the floors of America it doesn't mean you're "casting off the Chains of Sovereignty."

It's not just "some" poor people we're talking about 20 million!! that's an infestation!

Oh c'mon, it's only 13-15 million, and you guys have like 300 million. That's not that bad.

Would you say that if your town turned into a Mexican ghetto and you were the last white man?
So, in other words, the solution to crime is to reward it and cast aside the chains of sovereignty and existence as a nation? :cuckoo:

I don't think this is a question of sovereignty. This is a question of a sovereign nation deciding what is best for that nation. This has happened throughout American legal history, including in immigration.
Oh please. Just because some poor people get on a boat or walk through a desert to nibble on the crumbs off the floors of America it doesn't mean you're "casting off the Chains of Sovereignty."

The 'crumbs off the floors of America' is what these people dream of. They risk life and limb to come here without respect for our Sovereign Law - crumbs or not, that is the way it is. They want these crumbs, well they should come in here and nibble on the crumbs LEGALLY.
So, in other words, the solution to crime is to reward it and cast aside the chains of sovereignty and existence as a nation? :cuckoo:

I don't think this is a question of sovereignty. This is a question of a sovereign nation deciding what is best for that nation. This has happened throughout American legal history, including in immigration.

If it's not a question of sovereignty why then do they decide under the title of 'sovereign nation' what is best for this country???? There is nothing legal about entering this country without permission - throughout history - and especially when it includes immigration.
It's not just "some" poor people we're talking about 20 million!! that's an infestation!

Oh c'mon, it's only 13-15 million, and you guys have like 300 million. That's not that bad.

Would you say that if your town turned into a Mexican ghetto and you were the last white man?

What??? I live in a neighbourhood full of Costa Ricans. That's not that different from Mexicans. oiHASDPOSidhadpoai

Well, I dunno, all I can tell you is that here in Costa Rica we've got the same proportion of illegal Nicaraguans as you have illegal Mexicans (~5%). And yeah, they drain public services and whatever. But what are you gonna do about it? People are always going to move around for a better standard of living. It has always happened and it will always happen. It will be less expensive (not to mention humane) in the long run to account for it and make the best effort to have that population be recognized, registered, and paying taxes rather than try to wage and unending War against them and build a massive all all around a country.
Oh c'mon, it's only 13-15 million, and you guys have like 300 million. That's not that bad.

Would you say that if your town turned into a Mexican ghetto and you were the last white man?

What??? I live in a neighbourhood full of Costa Ricans. That's not that different from Mexicans. oiHASDPOSidhadpoai

Well, I dunno, all I can tell you is that here in Costa Rica we've got the same proportion of illegal Nicaraguans as you have illegal Mexicans (~5%). And yeah, they drain public services and whatever. But what are you gonna do about it? People are always going to move around for a better standard of living. It has always happened and it will always happen. It will be less expensive (not to mention humane) in the long run to account for it and make the best effort to have that population be recognized, registered, and paying taxes rather than try to wage and unending War against them and build a massive all all around a country.

They are recognized and registered- when they come legally.

But they don't want to come legally because then they'd risk us finding the drugs they're smuggling or learning about the fact that they're hiding from the Mexican police because they're rapists and gangbangers.
They are recognized and registered- when they come legally.

But they don't want to come legally because then they'd risk us finding the drugs they're smuggling or learning about the fact that they're hiding from the Mexican police because they're rapists and gangbangers.

That's just a load of bull. The vast majority of illegal immigrants are neither drug smugglers nor rapists.
Oh c'mon, it's only 13-15 million, and you guys have like 300 million. That's not that bad.

Would you say that if your town turned into a Mexican ghetto and you were the last white man?

What??? I live in a neighbourhood full of Costa Ricans. That's not that different from Mexicans. oiHASDPOSidhadpoai

Well, I dunno, all I can tell you is that here in Costa Rica we've got the same proportion of illegal Nicaraguans as you have illegal Mexicans (~5%). And yeah, they drain public services and whatever. But what are you gonna do about it? People are always going to move around for a better standard of living. It has always happened and it will always happen. It will be less expensive (not to mention humane) in the long run to account for it and make the best effort to have that population be recognized, registered, and paying taxes rather than try to wage and unending War against them and build a massive all all around a country.

I would not call securing our borders and expecting people to enter LEGALLY an unending war. Far from it. It's called respect for our Sovereign Law - period! No other country does less. If you want people to keep entering without permission, I would suggest that we open ALL our borders and let's see how many of you will be happy with that fiasco! If laws are going to be legistated, then they have to be respected - BY ALL!! If not, we will have chaos the likes of which you have never seen.
They are recognized and registered- when they come legally.

But they don't want to come legally because then they'd risk us finding the drugs they're smuggling or learning about the fact that they're hiding from the Mexican police because they're rapists and gangbangers.

That's just a load of bull. The vast majority of illegal immigrants are neither drug smugglers nor rapists.
Then why are they so desperate to avoid contact with the authorities?

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