57% Of Voters Agree With Trump On Patriotic Education

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
We have to break this critical race theory and restore education which supports our country instead of trying to tear it down.

"A Rasmussen poll released late last week found 57 percent of likely U.S. voters agree with President Donald Trumpā€™s statement that ā€œrestoring patriotic educationā€ is essential to rebuilding a ā€œshared national identity focused on common American values and virtues.ā€

We have to break this critical race theory and restore education which supports our country instead of trying to tear it down.

"A Rasmussen poll released late last week found 57 percent of likely U.S. voters agree with President Donald Trumpā€™s statement that ā€œrestoring patriotic educationā€ is essential to rebuilding a ā€œshared national identity focused on common American values and virtues.ā€

Only 57%? Man, how much has changed over my lifetime.

If Americans understood how much better they have it compared to other even Western nations, in terms of liberty, they would appreciate being American. This used to be a source of pride and chest thumping. Now, you are ashamed to win at something.

That's a crime as far as I am concerned. Any issue, from freedom to helping the environment, requires driven, competitive people who can creatively think and "win" at their domain. Nothing to be ashamed about, especially when it's about innovation, best practices and freedom of ideas.
How many refused to answer honestly in fear of retribution...
Probably a lot higher.
We have to break this critical race theory and restore education which supports our country instead of trying to tear it down.

"A Rasmussen poll released late last week found 57 percent of likely U.S. voters agree with President Donald Trumpā€™s statement that ā€œrestoring patriotic educationā€ is essential to rebuilding a ā€œshared national identity focused on common American values and virtues.ā€

You are the definition of "sucker and loser" that pussygrabber talks so much about...

We have to break this critical race theory and restore education which supports our country instead of trying to tear it down.

"A Rasmussen poll released late last week found 57 percent of likely U.S. voters agree with President Donald Trumpā€™s statement that ā€œrestoring patriotic educationā€ is essential to rebuilding a ā€œshared national identity focused on common American values and virtues.ā€

Well OF COURSE IT IS. Only an idiot couldn't see that America was at the top of its game, the world leader in everything, and has only come unglued and gone off into deep end these last few decades since the "great experiment" in leftist ideology and progressive education to reinvent society has begun.
We have to break this critical race theory and restore education which supports our country instead of trying to tear it down.

"A Rasmussen poll released late last week found 57 percent of likely U.S. voters agree with President Donald Trumpā€™s statement that ā€œrestoring patriotic educationā€ is essential to rebuilding a ā€œshared national identity focused on common American values and virtues.ā€

You are the definition of "sucker and loser" that pussygrabber talks so much about...

View attachment 386648

So posts the Communist wanting critical race theory so you can discriminate due to race.

Just like your clan repealing the non-discrimination section of California's constitution. Prop 16 so you can decide who's more worthy.
The right using their false patriotism to justify their hatred of most of the American people is sort of giving actual patriotism a bad name.
The right using their false patriotism to justify their hatred of most of the American people is sort of giving actual patriotism a bad name.

ANTIFA clowns are the false patriotism. Your militant wing. And we don't need Communists like you destroying our cities.
Define "patriotic education." Is it "indoctrination" by another name? Or something real? When our nation has problems, we are supposed to have intelligent and respectful discussions with the aim of coming up with a workable solution to the problem. This does not involve running away and pretending that no problem exists. That's the coward's way out.
Yet they do teach people about the history of America. They do teach them about the constitution. They say the pledge of allegiance every morning.

What this show is if you use the word Patriotic then people will agree. They cannot differentiate the flaws in America when Politian's wave the flag. Anyone can wave the flag. The question is do they understand what it means?

Yes Martha there is a bandwagon.
We have to break this critical race theory and restore education which supports our country instead of trying to tear it down.

"A Rasmussen poll released late last week found 57 percent of likely U.S. voters agree with President Donald Trumpā€™s statement that ā€œrestoring patriotic educationā€ is essential to rebuilding a ā€œshared national identity focused on common American values and virtues.ā€

What, exactly, would "patriotic education" look like?
We have to break this critical race theory and restore education which supports our country instead of trying to tear it down.

"A Rasmussen poll released late last week found 57 percent of likely U.S. voters agree with President Donald Trumpā€™s statement that ā€œrestoring patriotic educationā€ is essential to rebuilding a ā€œshared national identity focused on common American values and virtues.ā€

What, exactly, would "patriotic education" look like?

Whatever critical race theory isn't.
We have to break this critical race theory and restore education which supports our country instead of trying to tear it down.

"A Rasmussen poll released late last week found 57 percent of likely U.S. voters agree with President Donald Trumpā€™s statement that ā€œrestoring patriotic educationā€ is essential to rebuilding a ā€œshared national identity focused on common American values and virtues.ā€

What, exactly, would "patriotic education" look like?

Whatever critical race theory isn't.
So you don't know either. Brilliant.
We have to break this critical race theory and restore education which supports our country instead of trying to tear it down.

"A Rasmussen poll released late last week found 57 percent of likely U.S. voters agree with President Donald Trumpā€™s statement that ā€œrestoring patriotic educationā€ is essential to rebuilding a ā€œshared national identity focused on common American values and virtues.ā€

You are the definition of "sucker and loser" that pussygrabber talks so much about...

View attachment 386648

So posts the Communist wanting critical race theory so you can discriminate due to race.

Just like your clan repealing the non-discrimination section of California's constitution. Prop 16 so you can decide who's more worthy.

do you ever say anything of any value? I don't think so, you are the prototypical troglodytic pussygrabber cult follower...


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