57 percent of Republicans are OK with the number of COVID deaths

We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."

Well since they were predicting 2.2 million anyone with a working brain cell will take the actual numbers and be glad it wasn't that 2.2 million.

You, of course, were hoping for 2.2 million so you could try and blame it on Trump instead of the Chinese who released that virus into the world.

Oh and compared to the 2.2 million that number is acceptable. And I'm not a Republican. LOL
Show who predicted 2.2 million deaths

That was only if absolutely nothing was done.

Trump's decisive actions saved 2 million lives.

His barely action and delayed response has cost many lives.
Trump saved 2 million Americans.
Tramp "saved" not a single one!!!!!
If you're going to claim he killed the ones that died, you have to say he saved the ones that lived.
No I don't. They survived despite Tramp's best efforts to sacrifice their lives so he could brag about the economy for his reelection campaign.
And nobody knows that better than you!
when i see you demoncrats write---tramp, tramps, etc. my first thought is of k-um-illa you know BEIJING joes douchebag ,slut,willies girl you get it---just saying
Yeah like you America hating hypocritical scum never called Obama a Kenyan or Michele "Moochell. You worthless lying scum can dish it out but demand respect for yourselves.
were you trying to spell magilla gorilla?
The Dimtard's "experts" told us we would have 2.2 MILLION dead, so I'm OK with Trump saving over 2 million lives.
Hey DUMB ASS, that was Tramp's STAFF who created that 2.2 million phony number back in April this year. The actual "experts" predicted the death toll is expected to fall between 100,000 and 240,000, according to the government model.

Tramp then patted himself on the back after giving his FAKE 2.2 million number claiming “If we can hold that down, as we’re saying, to 100,000 … we all, together, have done a very good job,” Tramp has failed miserably even with his own FAKE numbers as he has killed over 180,000 so far.
No dumbass, it wasn't Trump's STAFF. It was an "expert" in England who was touted by the Fake News NYTs.

You are a blatant lying sack of shit.

Epidemiologist Who Estimated 2.2 Million Dead In U.S., 500,000 In U.K. Dramatically Downgrades Projection

Epidemiologist Neil Ferguson painted the grimmest of pictures: 2.2 million dead people in the U.S., 500,000 in the U.K.

His Imperial College London model was heavily cited, including by The New York Times, and has helped guide government decision-making, which has occasionally bordered on hysteria.

Neil Ferguson said Tramp's fake 2.2 million was "UNLIKELY" you left that part out!
“What would have happened if we did nothing?” the president asked Tuesday night.

Like many of Trump’s rhetorical questions, he had already answered it himself — millions would die. Starting on Sunday, Trump began touting a scary figure that his staff had shared with him as it created models to judge the outcome of the coronavirus pandemic — 2.2 million deaths. That was the government’s latest upper-end estimate of how many Americans might die if nothing were done to prevent the spread of the disease — no social distancing, no business closures, no banning of mass gatherings.
Over the next three days, Trump mentioned the number over 20 times in his daily briefings, often to illustrate the success of his efforts thus far to curb the coronavirus.
“Think of the number — potentially 2.2 million people if we did nothing, if we didn’t do the distancing, if we didn’t do all of the things that we’re doing,” Trump said Sunday.
a scary figure that his staff had shared with him

Learn to read, Moron. The numbers didn't come from his staff. They share the "expert's" number, Idiot.
You left this part out, "his staff had shared with him as it created models"
Tell me again how badly those models missed the mark.....
The real models didn't take into account how Tramp doesn't care how many Americans die as long as their deaths get him reelected.
tramp? you do mean kum-illa i presume---just saying
No, the rapist pussy-grabber Tramp.
The Dimtard's "experts" told us we would have 2.2 MILLION dead, so I'm OK with Trump saving over 2 million lives.
Hey DUMB ASS, that was Tramp's STAFF who created that 2.2 million phony number back in April this year. The actual "experts" predicted the death toll is expected to fall between 100,000 and 240,000, according to the government model.

Tramp then patted himself on the back after giving his FAKE 2.2 million number claiming “If we can hold that down, as we’re saying, to 100,000 … we all, together, have done a very good job,” Tramp has failed miserably even with his own FAKE numbers as he has killed over 180,000 so far.
No dumbass, it wasn't Trump's STAFF. It was an "expert" in England who was touted by the Fake News NYTs.

You are a blatant lying sack of shit.

Epidemiologist Who Estimated 2.2 Million Dead In U.S., 500,000 In U.K. Dramatically Downgrades Projection

Epidemiologist Neil Ferguson painted the grimmest of pictures: 2.2 million dead people in the U.S., 500,000 in the U.K.

His Imperial College London model was heavily cited, including by The New York Times, and has helped guide government decision-making, which has occasionally bordered on hysteria.

Neil Ferguson said Tramp's fake 2.2 million was "UNLIKELY" you left that part out!
“What would have happened if we did nothing?” the president asked Tuesday night.

Like many of Trump’s rhetorical questions, he had already answered it himself — millions would die. Starting on Sunday, Trump began touting a scary figure that his staff had shared with him as it created models to judge the outcome of the coronavirus pandemic — 2.2 million deaths. That was the government’s latest upper-end estimate of how many Americans might die if nothing were done to prevent the spread of the disease — no social distancing, no business closures, no banning of mass gatherings.
Over the next three days, Trump mentioned the number over 20 times in his daily briefings, often to illustrate the success of his efforts thus far to curb the coronavirus.
“Think of the number — potentially 2.2 million people if we did nothing, if we didn’t do the distancing, if we didn’t do all of the things that we’re doing,” Trump said Sunday.
a scary figure that his staff had shared with him

Learn to read, Moron. The numbers didn't come from his staff. They share the "expert's" number, Idiot.
You left this part out, "his staff had shared with him as it created models"
Tell me again how badly those models missed the mark.....
The real models didn't take into account how Tramp doesn't care how many Americans die as long as their deaths get him reelected.
tramp? you do mean kum-illa i presume---just saying
No, the rapist pussy-grabber Tramp.
Good thing we don't have any of those around. They sound scary.
BS.............I know of 4 near me from the families who were elderly........CDC gave the assume for Covid in the definition of death..........

A couple went to get tested down here...........was taking so dang long.......they left..........never got tested and got a call saying they tested positive................LOL
You have NO credibility.
LOL................you don't like the story from real people so you are going to take your toys and go home

They got tired of waiting..............that docs office gets paid for the tests dumb ass.........they were NEVER SWABBED MORON.

Oh well.........you can't keep this BS alive til the election......poor thing.
More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'
The other 43% of Republiscum want MORE deaths!!!!!

Um ... Democrats want more deaths, it's your campaign strategy
Since the Trump-45 virus kills mostly minorities, it is actually Tramp's campaign strategy.
See my sig.

Yes, you've shown me your lying sig before. For example, in the first one Rush was saying what your strategy is and you lie that it's his strategy. You're a fundamentally dishonest person.

And the dead bodies from the Biden virus are what Democrats are cheering for because you think it'll get you back behind the steering wheel. That Republicans want people to die is just retarded, they don't benefit from that. You're just a ball of hate
China has 3 deaths per million after 90 million tests.
That absolute bullshit

the communists have always been good at telling lies

and liberals have always been eager to accept those lies
All the possible lies China may have told in their entire history does not equal the lies Tramp tells in one day!
CON$ not only accept Tramp's lies, they are STUPID enough to repeat them in public!!!!!
Another Chi com bitch here..............you love them so much...........use their data to say America Sucks........when do you move there........or are you already there.

So why do Chi coms have flat ....blunt skulls...........at birth they don't get spanked to cry......they get hit in the head with a frying pan.
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."

Well since they were predicting 2.2 million anyone with a working brain cell will take the actual numbers and be glad it wasn't that 2.2 million.

You, of course, were hoping for 2.2 million so you could try and blame it on Trump instead of the Chinese who released that virus into the world.

Oh and compared to the 2.2 million that number is acceptable. And I'm not a Republican. LOL
Show who predicted 2.2 million deaths

That was only if absolutely nothing was done.

Trump's decisive actions saved 2 million lives.

His barely action and delayed response has cost many lives.
Trump saved 2 million Americans.
Tramp "saved" not a single one!!!!!
If you're going to claim he killed the ones that died, you have to say he saved the ones that lived.
No I don't. They survived despite Tramp's best efforts to sacrifice their lives so he could brag about the economy for his reelection campaign.
And nobody knows that better than you!
when i see you demoncrats write---tramp, tramps, etc. my first thought is of k-um-illa you know BEIJING joes douchebag ,slut,willies girl you get it---just saying

It's tRump, try to keep up.
i did look up and guess what i saw---Tramp "saved" not a single one!!!!!---so do yourself a favor, try to keep up---just saying...dink

I did not say tramp it is tRump. Stay stupid.
ok mister no other comments exist---obviously you lack in the brain division---it--was--stated--like--that--before--you--opened--your--thoughtless--head. try--to--read--the--whole--thread--and--quit--being-a--stupid--demoncrat--. i hope thats spelled out for you --just saying

So you have no evidence, can't prove it and now run and hide like your cowardly fuckwad master!!

Oh so MAGA!!!
hey asswipe...here i am. i am not a demoncrat, i stand up not put the tail between the legs--but anyhow, i kind of figured it would bring out the troll in you. if you want to know, bring your lazy ass to look it up..you should stop expecting people to do the work for you. lazy

Yep. I pointed that dishonesty out to cynic years ago. He's a fundamentally dishonest person.

It's also funny. A cynic is someone who disbelieves politicians. By cynic he actually means he doubts people who doubt politicians. He's a massive sheep
The Dimtard's "experts" told us we would have 2.2 MILLION dead, so I'm OK with Trump saving over 2 million lives.
Hey DUMB ASS, that was Tramp's STAFF who created that 2.2 million phony number back in April this year. The actual "experts" predicted the death toll is expected to fall between 100,000 and 240,000, according to the government model.

Tramp then patted himself on the back after giving his FAKE 2.2 million number claiming “If we can hold that down, as we’re saying, to 100,000 … we all, together, have done a very good job,” Tramp has failed miserably even with his own FAKE numbers as he has killed over 180,000 so far.
No dumbass, it wasn't Trump's STAFF. It was an "expert" in England who was touted by the Fake News NYTs.

You are a blatant lying sack of shit.

Epidemiologist Who Estimated 2.2 Million Dead In U.S., 500,000 In U.K. Dramatically Downgrades Projection

Epidemiologist Neil Ferguson painted the grimmest of pictures: 2.2 million dead people in the U.S., 500,000 in the U.K.

His Imperial College London model was heavily cited, including by The New York Times, and has helped guide government decision-making, which has occasionally bordered on hysteria.

Neil Ferguson said Tramp's fake 2.2 million was "UNLIKELY" you left that part out!
“What would have happened if we did nothing?” the president asked Tuesday night.

Like many of Trump’s rhetorical questions, he had already answered it himself — millions would die. Starting on Sunday, Trump began touting a scary figure that his staff had shared with him as it created models to judge the outcome of the coronavirus pandemic — 2.2 million deaths. That was the government’s latest upper-end estimate of how many Americans might die if nothing were done to prevent the spread of the disease — no social distancing, no business closures, no banning of mass gatherings.
Over the next three days, Trump mentioned the number over 20 times in his daily briefings, often to illustrate the success of his efforts thus far to curb the coronavirus.
“Think of the number — potentially 2.2 million people if we did nothing, if we didn’t do the distancing, if we didn’t do all of the things that we’re doing,” Trump said Sunday.
a scary figure that his staff had shared with him

Learn to read, Moron. The numbers didn't come from his staff. They share the "expert's" number, Idiot.
You left this part out, "his staff had shared with him as it created models"
Tell me again how badly those models missed the mark.....
The real models didn't take into account how Tramp doesn't care how many Americans die as long as their deaths get him reelected.
tramp? you do mean kum-illa i presume---just saying
No, the rapist pussy-grabber Tramp.
Good thing we don't have any of those around. They sound scary.
oh...billy the pedo clinton?
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
Just because 99% of them were over 80 and in shitty shape.

And that makes it all ok? Fucking beautiful!!!
Ask the DNC mayors who killed the most if that was beautiful..........because they killed the LIONS SHARE OF THEM.........WITH THEIR FUCKED UP POLICIES...........

Tried to hide the body count by not counting them if they left the nursing home to die in the hospital.........that shit is gonna be REAL in court for Cuomo.............Face it..........DNC politicians SUCK...........They were killing off the elderly in dramatic fashion.

So how is the Cuomo virus now........is he still having hug a china man day.......LMAO
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."

conservative republicans are ok with covid deaths

and they are ok with babies and children dying in foreign lands

and they are ok with killing black joggers in the streets

and they think the only good democrat is a DEAD democrat.....

when it comes to "all life is precious" ABORTION is the only thing they care about....

and even that is limited;

should a non aborted child grow up to become a gay liberal atheist they would have NO PROBLEM with a post birth abortion
WOW... The TDS is strong with this one....
looks like youre willing...
False equivalency....

We went with the science and you all went with Hate Trump and anything he does.... The projections by you left wing idiots is stunning...
You went with science?

You went with Daily Beast and Truthout.org??????? :abgg2q.jpg:

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Factual Reporting: Mixed - Not always Credible or Reliable


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.

  • Overall, we rate Truthout strongly Left Biased based on story selection and political positions that favor the left. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to publishing a false story as well as promoting anti-GMO propaganda.

Home » Daily Beast

Daily Beast

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Factual Reporting: Mostly Factual - Mostly Credible and Reliable
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."

Well since they were predicting 2.2 million anyone with a working brain cell will take the actual numbers and be glad it wasn't that 2.2 million.

You, of course, were hoping for 2.2 million so you could try and blame it on Trump instead of the Chinese who released that virus into the world.

Oh and compared to the 2.2 million that number is acceptable. And I'm not a Republican. LOL
Show who predicted 2.2 million deaths

That was only if absolutely nothing was done.

Trump's decisive actions saved 2 million lives.

His barely action and delayed response has cost many lives.
Trump saved 2 million Americans.
Tramp "saved" not a single one!!!!!
If you're going to claim he killed the ones that died, you have to say he saved the ones that lived.
No I don't. They survived despite Tramp's best efforts to sacrifice their lives so he could brag about the economy for his reelection campaign.
And nobody knows that better than you!
when i see you demoncrats write---tramp, tramps, etc. my first thought is of k-um-illa you know BEIJING joes douchebag ,slut,willies girl you get it---just saying

It's tRump, try to keep up.
i did look up and guess what i saw---Tramp "saved" not a single one!!!!!---so do yourself a favor, try to keep up---just saying...dink

I did not say tramp it is tRump. Stay stupid.
ok mister no other comments exist---obviously you lack in the brain division---it--was--stated--like--that--before--you--opened--your--thoughtless--head. try--to--read--the--whole--thread--and--quit--being-a--stupid--demoncrat--. i hope thats spelled out for you --just saying

So you have no evidence, can't prove it and now run and hide like your cowardly fuckwad master!!

Oh so MAGA!!!
hey asswipe...here i am. i am not a demoncrat, i stand up not put the tail between the legs--but anyhow, i kind of figured it would bring out the troll in you. if you want to know, bring your lazy ass to look it up..you should stop expecting people to do the work for you. lazy

So as usual ewe have NO example of me saying tramp in this thread. I do not have to do any work on this, i know what I typed.

Try again loser!
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
Just because 99% of them were over 80 and in shitty shape.

And that makes it all ok? Fucking beautiful!!!
Ask the DNC mayors who killed the most if that was beautiful..........because they killed the LIONS SHARE OF THEM.........WITH THEIR FUCKED UP POLICIES...........

Tried to hide the body count by not counting them if they left the nursing home to die in the hospital.........that shit is gonna be REAL in court for Cuomo.............Face it..........DNC politicians SUCK...........They were killing off the elderly in dramatic fashion.

So how is the Cuomo virus now........is he still having hug a china man day.......LMAO

Because, as usual tRump couldn't drag himself away from Fox News long enough to act either. Nice job done by all don't ewe think?

Never mind of course ewe don't!!!
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."

Well since they were predicting 2.2 million anyone with a working brain cell will take the actual numbers and be glad it wasn't that 2.2 million.

You, of course, were hoping for 2.2 million so you could try and blame it on Trump instead of the Chinese who released that virus into the world.

Oh and compared to the 2.2 million that number is acceptable. And I'm not a Republican. LOL
Show who predicted 2.2 million deaths

That was only if absolutely nothing was done.

Trump's decisive actions saved 2 million lives.

His barely action and delayed response has cost many lives.
Trump saved 2 million Americans.
Tramp "saved" not a single one!!!!!
If you're going to claim he killed the ones that died, you have to say he saved the ones that lived.
No I don't. They survived despite Tramp's best efforts to sacrifice their lives so he could brag about the economy for his reelection campaign.
And nobody knows that better than you!
when i see you demoncrats write---tramp, tramps, etc. my first thought is of k-um-illa you know BEIJING joes douchebag ,slut,willies girl you get it---just saying

It's tRump, try to keep up.
i did look up and guess what i saw---Tramp "saved" not a single one!!!!!---so do yourself a favor, try to keep up---just saying...dink

I did not say tramp it is tRump. Stay stupid.
ok mister no other comments exist---obviously you lack in the brain division---it--was--stated--like--that--before--you--opened--your--thoughtless--head. try--to--read--the--whole--thread--and--quit--being-a--stupid--demoncrat--. i hope thats spelled out for you --just saying

So you have no evidence, can't prove it and now run and hide like your cowardly fuckwad master!!

Oh so MAGA!!!
hey asswipe...here i am. i am not a demoncrat, i stand up not put the tail between the legs--but anyhow, i kind of figured it would bring out the troll in you. if you want to know, bring your lazy ass to look it up..you should stop expecting people to do the work for you. lazy

So as usual ewe have NO example of me saying tramp in this thread. I do not have to do any work on this, i know what I typed.

Try again loser!
did i say---you---no retard i didnt. quit thinking youre that important, you are not, and by no means ever will be---did they teach you not to assume in demoncrat school. obviously not...go put your head in pelosis ass along with your buddy schumer...good place for ya
The real lesson we should learn here is that if you don’t like something, pretend it’s fake.

Too many people died from COVID? Pretend they didn’t.

Economy now growing very fast? Pretend it did.

Russia helped Trump get elected? Pretend they didn’t.
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."

Well since they were predicting 2.2 million anyone with a working brain cell will take the actual numbers and be glad it wasn't that 2.2 million.

You, of course, were hoping for 2.2 million so you could try and blame it on Trump instead of the Chinese who released that virus into the world.

Oh and compared to the 2.2 million that number is acceptable. And I'm not a Republican. LOL
Show who predicted 2.2 million deaths

That was only if absolutely nothing was done.

Trump's decisive actions saved 2 million lives.

His barely action and delayed response has cost many lives.
Trump saved 2 million Americans.
Tramp "saved" not a single one!!!!!
If you're going to claim he killed the ones that died, you have to say he saved the ones that lived.
No I don't. They survived despite Tramp's best efforts to sacrifice their lives so he could brag about the economy for his reelection campaign.
And nobody knows that better than you!
when i see you demoncrats write---tramp, tramps, etc. my first thought is of k-um-illa you know BEIJING joes douchebag ,slut,willies girl you get it---just saying

It's tRump, try to keep up.
i did look up and guess what i saw---Tramp "saved" not a single one!!!!!---so do yourself a favor, try to keep up---just saying...dink

I did not say tramp it is tRump. Stay stupid.
ok mister no other comments exist---obviously you lack in the brain division---it--was--stated--like--that--before--you--opened--your--thoughtless--head. try--to--read--the--whole--thread--and--quit--being-a--stupid--demoncrat--. i hope thats spelled out for you --just saying

So you have no evidence, can't prove it and now run and hide like your cowardly fuckwad master!!

Oh so MAGA!!!
hey asswipe...here i am. i am not a demoncrat, i stand up not put the tail between the legs--but anyhow, i kind of figured it would bring out the troll in you. if you want to know, bring your lazy ass to look it up..you should stop expecting people to do the work for you. lazy

So as usual ewe have NO example of me saying tramp in this thread. I do not have to do any work on this, i know what I typed.

Try again loser!
did i say---you---no retard i didnt. quit thinking youre that important, you are not, and by no means ever will be---did they teach you not to assume in demoncrat school. obviously not...go put your head in pelosis ass along with your buddy schumer...good place for ya

Do ewe have tRump's dick out of yours?

We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."

conservative republicans are ok with covid deaths

and they are ok with babies and children dying in foreign lands

and they are ok with killing black joggers in the streets

and they think the only good democrat is a DEAD democrat.....

when it comes to "all life is precious" ABORTION is the only thing they care about....

and even that is limited;

should a non aborted child grow up to become a gay liberal atheist they would have NO PROBLEM with a post birth abortion
WOW... The TDS is strong with this one....
looks like youre willing...
False equivalency....

We went with the science and you all went with Hate Trump and anything he does.... The projections by you left wing idiots is stunning...
You went with science?

You went with Daily Beast and Truthout.org??????? :abgg2q.jpg:

Truth Out

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Truthout - Left Bias - Liberal - Progressive - Not Credible
Factual Reporting: Mixed - Not always Credible or Reliable


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.

  • Overall, we rate Truthout strongly Left Biased based on story selection and political positions that favor the left. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to publishing a false story as well as promoting anti-GMO propaganda.

Home » Daily Beast

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Daily Beast - Left Bias - Liberal - Democrat - Progressive - Credible
Factual Reporting: Mostly Factual - Mostly Credible and Reliable
ok, awesome that you had no issue with the mcenany schools reopening.
on Gohmert's daughter, the same thing is reported on a local news station

And as far as Fauci science issue (ABC has high factual rating):

We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
It seems odd, doesn't it? How can Americans be so unique, and hardly exceptional. But we do have something like 15% of us just saying 'fuck no, I donn wanna wear a mask'

It's not that big of an inconvenience. The necessity isn't because the virus is so fatal, it's because that unless we socially distance and wear masks, so many people can get sick at the same time that we will lack ICU beds for "REGULAR" STUFF, like car accidents and strokes. But Trum's core base simply refuses to even consider whether that is true (and beyond any reasonable doubt it is true). Whether all of the dead were somehow defective is not the issue, and not all of them were somehow "weak"

I'd think it would be impossible for Trump to get enough votes based upon his championing people determined to not be part of any solution to allow fully opening the econ and school. But if they can just not count minority votes and votes with a certain zip code …...
the 2 million that would have died
Again, a FAKE number made up by Tramp's STAFF so he would have something to brag about rather than admit his complete failure.
You just traped yourself, because Trump told us through CDC estimates that around 200,000 - and possibly as much as 300,000 would die in the U.S. (after the measures we took) but the CDC said it would have been close to 2 million. Now the MSM acts as if they were never told to expect that and that number of cases would increase but the death rate would decrease as more are tested and we are better prepared and knowledgable to what remedies work. So what does the MSM and leftist politicians do? Play dumb for tactical political use of a pandemic, then deny and squelch those remedies killing tens of thousands of people. Then they start complaining about the number of deaths, just like they cry for more tests, so they can complain about the expected increase in cases, even though they are mostly asymptomatic, help herd immunity, and was caused by leftist rioting and autonomous zones and mass exodus travel of failed democratic anarchistic cities.
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
Just because 99% of them were over 80 and in shitty shape.

And that makes it all ok? Fucking beautiful!!!
It must have been ok, since deBlasio and Cuomo sent in covid cases to nursing homes...
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We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
Just because 99% of them were over 80 and in shitty shape.

And that makes it all ok? Fucking beautiful!!!
It must have been ok, since deBlasio Cuomo sent in covid cases to nursing homes...

Nice deflection, it is what ewe tools do best. I am guessing you are part of the 57% RethugiKKKons that think the death count is ok. Thank you for participating.

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