575,000 illegal alien Muslims in America, be afraid, very afraid, hide the children!!

JStone brain is the board retard.

He just posts the same quotes and video over and over and over. :cuckoo: :lol:

You follow a cult invented by an illiterate cave-dwelling pedophile bum and criminal who says you will have sex with 72 virgins if you die while killing infidels, so, who's retarded, islamonazi? :lol:

Ibn Ishaq, "The Life of Muhammad"...
Muhammad married ‘A’isha in Mecca when she was a child of six [he was 53] and lived with her in Medina when she was nine or ten. She was the only virgin that he married. Her father, Abu Bakr, married her to him and the apostle gave her four hundred dirhams.
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I am not following Islam JStone and you absolutely are an Islamaphobe...usually some of us would describe it as bigotry.
How many Army of God terrorists have been arrested for plotting to bomb anything in the last year? How many people have been killed by the Army of God? Is the Army of God committing terrorist acts throughout the world?

If you don't accept the fact of islamic terrorism now, there's really nothing left to say. You'll never understand. If you look at the 911 attacks, the murders at Ft. Hood, the Mumbai hotel bombing, the bombing of a bar in Bali and still say that it's no different from the Army of God, there's no comprehension of the danger islam poses and likely never will be such a comprehension.
Christianity IS a religion just like Judaism or Islam is.

No. The RCC is a religion; Baptist is a religion; Protestant is a religion; Islam is a religion; Mormon is a religion; Judaism is a religion - Christianity is not. It is a belief. But if you and many others want to consider it a religion, go for it.
Christianity IS a religion just like Judaism or Islam is.

No. The RCC is a religion; Baptist is a religion; Protestant is a religion; Islam is a religion; Mormon is a religion; Judaism is a religion - Christianity is not. It is a belief. But if you and many others want to consider it a religion, go for it.

No, those are branches of religion..Christianity is the central religion because it is all based on the same belief system. If you want to claim Christianity is not a religion then it is not a protected religious right to be a Christian.

How many Army of God terrorists have been arrested for plotting to bomb anything in the last year?

why do you limit yourself to one year? hmm? I notice you didn't keep claiming they weren't Christian...lol

Eric Rudolph who bombed the Olympic games in Atlanta

The first Army of God incident was when in 1982 they held a doctor and his wife hostage.
Michael Bray and two other men planted bombs in 7 abortion clinics in 1985
The Anthrax attacks in 2001 were perpetrated by Clayton Waagner a member of Army of God
Does Paul Hill ring a bell to you?
James Charles Kopp?
Scott Rhoeder? 2009 btw
Fritz Springmeir?
David Leach?
Christianity IS a religion just like Judaism or Islam is.

No. The RCC is a religion; Baptist is a religion; Protestant is a religion; Islam is a religion; Mormon is a religion; Judaism is a religion - Christianity is not. It is a belief. But if you and many others want to consider it a religion, go for it.

No, those are branches of religion..Christianity is the central religion because it is all based on the same belief system. If you want to claim Christianity is not a religion then it is not a protected religious right to be a Christian.

How many Army of God terrorists have been arrested for plotting to bomb anything in the last year?

why do you limit yourself to one year? hmm? I notice you didn't keep claiming they weren't Christian...lol

Eric Rudolph who bombed the Olympic games in Atlanta

The first Army of God incident was when in 1982 they held a doctor and his wife hostage.
Michael Bray and two other men planted bombs in 7 abortion clinics in 1985
The Anthrax attacks in 2001 were perpetrated by Clayton Waagner a member of Army of God
Does Paul Hill ring a bell to you?
James Charles Kopp?
Scott Rhoeder? 2009 btw
Fritz Springmeir?
David Leach?

Christianity is a belief in CHRIST and not considered a religion. But as I said, if that is what you want to believe, go for it. Case closed.
They are criminals! There are lots of criminals. They have an axe to grind against abortionists (who may or may not be murderers depending on how you look at it). They are not committing acts of terrorism to advance Christianity. Neither are they committing terrorist acts throughout the world for the SAME reasons.

Needless to say none of those named were foreigners who became citizens for the purpose of easing the commission of terrorist acts as the naturalized muslims have done.

The real enemies of the country aren't the muslims or the illegals. The real enemies of the country are the liberals without whom none of the other factions would exist. That's what needs to be wiped out.
actually they are using Christianity to justify their terrorist acts.

as to the accusation that Christianity is not a religion you are wrong...read the following

Christianity (from the Ancient Greek word Χριστός, Khristos, "Christ", literally "anointed one") is a monotheistic religion[1]

Christianity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christianity is ONLY a religion when it is connected to organized religions such as the ones I mentioned. But - christianity when it stands ALONE is NON-denominational and falls under a religion ONLY when in the context of those I mentioned. Once again - case closed for certain. I will not continue this discussion on the immigration board.
I don't care what you claim they say as that isn't what they say at all in fact, Muslims recognize that Christians and Jews are believers of the book all three are considered monotheistic religions and religions of Abraham.
You're a bit confused. You know a LITTLE which isn't nearly enough. Reading a koran might help, as would some sessions with a decent imam. To muslims Christians are polytheists because Christians believe in the divinity of Jesus. Christians unlike muslims and Jews have the Trinity. I am not going to argue with you because you don't know enough to debate the subject. It would require a MASSIVE education. Yes, Islam, Christianity and Judaism are all monotheistic religions with the same origins in Abraham. After that comes a whole bunch that you should know.
Tipsy, no they say that there is only one God, and that is God. I tend to agree with that view. Christians argue that believing in God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost is one unit..an argument can be made that what Christians believe is indeed polytheism, because that is three Gods not one. However, I understand what the trinity is...I disagree but I understand. However, most Muslims I know realize that Christians are not polytheistic and simply stick to calling Christians believers of the book. It isn't as simple as you think...they don't believe that Christians ascribe partners to God, but they think that Christians are wrong in ascribing a division of God..they do recognize that Christians believe God is the only God. They don't believe that Christians are Kaafirs and believe that only God can determine who is Kaafir...I have my understandings from a friend who is Muslim.

This may help you some in understanding that they don't believe that Christians are polytheists

Christians should not be called "Mushrik" or "Kaafir". We may say that Christians ascribe to polytheistic beliefs but should not call them polytheists, as the Qur'an has not called them polytheists. Likewise, we can call them "non-Muslims", but should not call them "Kaafir",
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One of the things I hated most about California was it's multiculturalism. It's what I wanted to leave more than any other single circumstance. The area that I lived in was less than 25% white born Americans. I think it really might have been 15%. There was no clear racial or ethinic majority although it seemed to me that the most visible ethnicity was hispanic. While I despised the multiculturalism, I have come to realize, after I left, how much it benefitted me. I knew muslims, lots of muslims of all kinds. I knew imams and clerics to discuss aspects of theology. As well, the politics of the Chinese, (to whom I own personal debts of gratitude) Japanese, Indians (I have a real preference for traditional Indian and Pakistani women's fashion). Every kind of person from all over the world. I was fortunate enough to get my koran as a gift from the House of Saud through a friend. It is a translation of a traditional fundamental koran personally approved by King Faisal. I read it every day just to remind myself of what we're up against. The same reason that Thomas Jefferson kept and daily read his own koran.

You only need a decent islamic education.
why does it bother you to live in an area that isn't a majority white Tipsy? That is wrong you should not give a rat what color your neighbors are.

You should not hate the multiculturalism you need to learn and benefit from it, it seems you did to some point but not quite as much as you should have. What you need to do is take the good stuff from the cultures, fashion that you like, food, customs, attitudes, etc...and grow from that. It improves the US by people doing that. It makes the culture stronger not weaker to do so.
why does it bother you to live in an area that isn't a majority white Tipsy? That is wrong you should not give a rat what color your neighbors are.

You should not hate the multiculturalism you need to learn and benefit from it, it seems you did to some point but not quite as much as you should have. What you need to do is take the good stuff from the cultures, fashion that you like, food, customs, attitudes, etc...and grow from that. It improves the US by people doing that. It makes the culture stronger not weaker to do so.

I have never lived in an area that's majority white until now. Mostly the areas I grew up in were majority black. The difference is that multiculturalism has nothing to do with race, but CULTURE. Encouraged to keep immersed in one's own culture made it very difficult to get along with so many people from so many different cultures. It requires constant shifting to just not make someone mad at you. Not to mention instant evaluations as to what culture that person might belong to. When you meet someone, will you smile, or is that culture offended by showing teeth as a sign of dislike? Is it safe to shake hands, which hand is unclean? Do you remember? The woman wearing the dress covered with swastikas, what do you think about that? Did you notice they were reversed? Do you know that in the Indian culture this is the sign of happiness? Dozens of cultures with hundreds of social conventions. I had a Pakistani secretary once, and made a HORRIBLE mistake by hiring a secretary whose parents were from India. I was blinded by her qualifications. The two girls were close in age and became fast friends. UNTIL the Indian girls father announced that he was going to kill my Pakistani secretary because she was - from Pakistan! You don't know what war is until you try to mix Hindu and Muslim. I had to get a restraining order against him and tell him point blank that I didn't care what the law said, if he came by the office, I was going to kick his ass 7 ways from Sunday. Whose fault was that? MINE. I violated someone else's cultural beliefs. The poor Indian girl, who just wanted a job got beaten because her friend was a muslim Pakistani. It's exhausting and I didn't want to do it anymore. The only thing I can say is that at least I could do it! Not everyone can.

If it means anything to you. I can't adjust here either. This is rural, all white Nevada. My son told me I wouldn't be able to do it. I may not have liked the multiculturalism but that doesn't mean it's possible to live comfortably without it. I was told. He told me. When the nearest Indian restaurant is 200 miles away, there are NO Brazilian or Phillipino restaurants at all, you can't get a new sharwar-kameeze, there is no more Chinese art school, the cable station doesn't carry either your favorite Chinese historical serials, mexican novela OR the Japanese talent show you'll be SORRY you moved! There's no Korean community theater. I belonged to a troupe of Egyptian and Turkish style belly dancers. Fat chance of finding Egyptian and Turkish style belly dancing here. That's over. I can practice in the living room. I miss my dance classes. I miss the little performances.

He was right, I'm taking a job with a firm of Iranian lawyers who are themselves originally from England and moving back. Probably in a month. I've been back a few times already and have to go next week to apartment hunt. There are worse things than being exhausted from constant dealing with cultural differences, there's being bored. Ideally, the immigrants of today would have done what immigrants have always done, assimilate and become Americans. Put aside all those cultural mandates and prohibitions. They can't or won't and we no longer tell them to.

A friend of mine moved to Kansas several years ago, then moved her father to Kansas too. She was concerned that her Dad might be homesick. He said that California had changed so much, that it wasn't home to him anymore either. That's one of the things I thought of when I decided to move here. My error was in not realizing that as California changed, my friend's Dad did not. I did. I'm no longer capable of living in a single culture. I don't belong here. No matter how difficult it is, how tiring and in many cases distasteful, to live in a truly multicultural area, I still don't belong here.

Thank you for giving me this chance to vent.
Besides a better choice and variety of restaurants.

I can't think of one single thing that all of this diversity and multiculturism has done for my state or nation.

Except bankrupt this with illegal aliens and basically turn us into a third world country. :doubt:
Besides a better choice and variety of restaurants.

I can't think of one single thing that all of this diversity and multiculturism has done for my state or nation.

Except bankrupt this with illegal aliens and basically turn us into a third world country. :doubt:

That's politically! Politically multiculturalism has been absolutely destructive. These cultures vote in a bloc. They vote ONLY to benefit their fellow countrymen and the home country. They care nothing for the United States nor any state in which they reside. Politically the result isn't multiculturalism but tribalism.
What this country has done, is given in to the mass hysteria that the USA is racist! So they decided to be PC every step of the way! Suicidal for any country. We are seeing first hand the USA committing suicide.
Tipsy it is fine to vent. Like I said take the good from it which it seems to some level you have done, dance classes, etc. You are right you changed and appreciated the different things that you liked and you miss them her father did not change so he is happier. I will soon return to the states and don't know how well I will adjust to the change again. My son is 15 and grew up in Honduras pretty much so I am not sure how well it is going to work for him either. We will just have to take it a day at a time...the drug war is just too dangerous for us now.

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