58-Year-Old Asian Woman Dragged Down NYC Subway Stairs Dies After Brain Surgery

"The son grabbed onto his mother as he got dragged and they both tumbled down the steps."
My advice is that the next time you are arrested let the public defender handle the case and dont try to represent yourself
Do you not feel like just calling out your fellow black racists for once? even just this time since one's murdered an innocent Asian woman.

Just this one time?
He will NEVER hold "his" people accountable for any crime, no matter how violent or who the victim is. It is a sad part of African culture and why "his" oeople will never change. They will always be murderers and petty criminals
You cant read either eh?

"The son grabbed onto his mother as he got dragged and they both tumbled down the steps."
So negro you can't read either?

The son grabbed onto his mother as he got dragged and they both tumbled down the steps.
He will NEVER hold "his" people accountable for any crime, no matter how violent or who the cictim is. It is a sad part of African culture and why "his" oeople will never change. They will always be murderers and petty criminals
In all honesty you've got to hand it to them - the blacks seem to know how to stick together (in general as I know there's a few decent exceptions out there in the mainstream)

Compared to whites where 50% of us are traitors and jump into bed with the blacks at every opportunity they get - even if they're in the wrong.

It's like an unconditional mechanism built-in. A default mode. It's fucking strange.

If every white person seen sense and stood up to the black racists and BLM instead of enabling them they'd be nothing - but instead we make them grow (to everyone's detriment).
I dont need to call anyone out and especially not for racists whites to be satisfied. I have no idea what happened or if she may have started it.

So she deserved to die?

Let say a white man did this to a elderly black woman and the black woman started it would you have the same opinion?

Of course not and you would be calling for the white guy death, so no matter the skin color if you act this way the answer is simple and it is death!
Do you not feel like just calling out your fellow black racists for once? even just this time since one's murdered an innocent Asian woman.

Just this one time?
The blacks are not currently targeting Asians at the frequency as that by the trump Nazis.

Motivated by their cult leader's hate-speech, the trump Nazis attack any race resembling the Chinese.


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