6 Baltimore schools can't produce one single student proficient in math or English

What your chart essentially shows is that areas of the country with a largely white homogeneous population have higher graduation rates, whereas the parts that generally have higher populations of minorities do not, but I don't think that's the point you were aiming for, was it........
You wish. Blacks only make up 13 or 14% of the entire US Population. Some States, like West Virginia and Kentucky are over 90% white. Go ahead, try to blame it on minorities, but the facts tell a completely different story.

Typical for right wingers. They just imagine something is true so in their minds, it is.

Oh please Rderp South Carolina, Georgia , Mississippi all have over 30% blacks

Yea and 7% in Kentucky and 4% in West Virginia. So how do you explain the dropout rate in those states? And while you are at it, check out Arkansas and other right wing, conservative and mostly white states. Why the high drop out rate?

Go ahead, explain.

In NYC, 40% of minorities drop out and 80% of the graduating class can't read or write at grade level, another Democrat success
So the explanation of all the drop outs in GOP mostly white states is New York?

Republican states are a drag on the country and even a drag on the world. So they duck and weave by attacking blacks in blue states. Republicans have no shame.

No, Dean, it's the Federal Department of Public Education at fault. I was hoping that Trump would burn it to the ground
You wish. Blacks only make up 13 or 14% of the entire US Population. Some States, like West Virginia and Kentucky are over 90% white. Go ahead, try to blame it on minorities, but the facts tell a completely different story.

Typical for right wingers. They just imagine something is true so in their minds, it is.

Oh please Rderp South Carolina, Georgia , Mississippi all have over 30% blacks

Yea and 7% in Kentucky and 4% in West Virginia. So how do you explain the dropout rate in those states? And while you are at it, check out Arkansas and other right wing, conservative and mostly white states. Why the high drop out rate?

Go ahead, explain.

In NYC, 40% of minorities drop out and 80% of the graduating class can't read or write at grade level, another Democrat success
So the explanation of all the drop outs in GOP mostly white states is New York?

Republican states are a drag on the country and even a drag on the world. So they duck and weave by attacking blacks in blue states. Republicans have no shame.

No, Dean, it's the Federal Department of Public Education at fault. I was hoping that Trump would burn it to the ground
Eh Betsy DeVos is doing a decent job I think...hope she help more kids get into charter schools. I know here in NC charter schools are exploding at a rapid rate.
Oh please Rderp South Carolina, Georgia , Mississippi all have over 30% blacks

Yea and 7% in Kentucky and 4% in West Virginia. So how do you explain the dropout rate in those states? And while you are at it, check out Arkansas and other right wing, conservative and mostly white states. Why the high drop out rate?

Go ahead, explain.

In NYC, 40% of minorities drop out and 80% of the graduating class can't read or write at grade level, another Democrat success
So the explanation of all the drop outs in GOP mostly white states is New York?

Republican states are a drag on the country and even a drag on the world. So they duck and weave by attacking blacks in blue states. Republicans have no shame.

No, Dean, it's the Federal Department of Public Education at fault. I was hoping that Trump would burn it to the ground
Eh Betsy DeVos is doing a decent job I think...hope she help more kids get into charter schools. I know here in NC charter schools are exploding at a rapid rate.
Noble charter school teachers take a step toward forming a union
You wish. Blacks only make up 13 or 14% of the entire US Population. Some States, like West Virginia and Kentucky are over 90% white. Go ahead, try to blame it on minorities, but the facts tell a completely different story.

Typical for right wingers. They just imagine something is true so in their minds, it is.

Oh please Rderp South Carolina, Georgia , Mississippi all have over 30% blacks

Yea and 7% in Kentucky and 4% in West Virginia. So how do you explain the dropout rate in those states? And while you are at it, check out Arkansas and other right wing, conservative and mostly white states. Why the high drop out rate?

Go ahead, explain.

In NYC, 40% of minorities drop out and 80% of the graduating class can't read or write at grade level, another Democrat success
So the explanation of all the drop outs in GOP mostly white states is New York?

Republican states are a drag on the country and even a drag on the world. So they duck and weave by attacking blacks in blue states. Republicans have no shame.

No, Dean, it's the Federal Department of Public Education at fault. I was hoping that Trump would burn it to the ground
Educated people tend to vote Democrat. No wonder Republicans want to keep their kids uneducated.
Oh please Rderp South Carolina, Georgia , Mississippi all have over 30% blacks

Yea and 7% in Kentucky and 4% in West Virginia. So how do you explain the dropout rate in those states? And while you are at it, check out Arkansas and other right wing, conservative and mostly white states. Why the high drop out rate?

Go ahead, explain.

In NYC, 40% of minorities drop out and 80% of the graduating class can't read or write at grade level, another Democrat success
So the explanation of all the drop outs in GOP mostly white states is New York?

Republican states are a drag on the country and even a drag on the world. So they duck and weave by attacking blacks in blue states. Republicans have no shame.

No, Dean, it's the Federal Department of Public Education at fault. I was hoping that Trump would burn it to the ground
Educated people tend to vote Democrat. No wonder Republicans want to keep their kids uneducated.

NYC is a Republican bastion? I had no idea
Yea and 7% in Kentucky and 4% in West Virginia. So how do you explain the dropout rate in those states? And while you are at it, check out Arkansas and other right wing, conservative and mostly white states. Why the high drop out rate?

Go ahead, explain.

In NYC, 40% of minorities drop out and 80% of the graduating class can't read or write at grade level, another Democrat success
So the explanation of all the drop outs in GOP mostly white states is New York?

Republican states are a drag on the country and even a drag on the world. So they duck and weave by attacking blacks in blue states. Republicans have no shame.

No, Dean, it's the Federal Department of Public Education at fault. I was hoping that Trump would burn it to the ground
Eh Betsy DeVos is doing a decent job I think...hope she help more kids get into charter schools. I know here in NC charter schools are exploding at a rapid rate.
Noble charter school teachers take a step toward forming a union
Far from being unionized and would be a REALLY dumb move. Want a union then go to a public school. There you can be a shitty teacher and never get fired!
Education does the black race no good. They just don't have the IQ to compete in this society.
While your statement has a certain amount of validity to it, you do recognize there are exceptions, don't you?
Every time an inner city student drops out or fails, a Democrat politician gets their wings
Oh please Rderp South Carolina, Georgia , Mississippi all have over 30% blacks

Yea and 7% in Kentucky and 4% in West Virginia. So how do you explain the dropout rate in those states? And while you are at it, check out Arkansas and other right wing, conservative and mostly white states. Why the high drop out rate?

Go ahead, explain.

In NYC, 40% of minorities drop out and 80% of the graduating class can't read or write at grade level, another Democrat success
So the explanation of all the drop outs in GOP mostly white states is New York?

Republican states are a drag on the country and even a drag on the world. So they duck and weave by attacking blacks in blue states. Republicans have no shame.

No, Dean, it's the Federal Department of Public Education at fault. I was hoping that Trump would burn it to the ground
Educated people tend to vote Democrat. No wonder Republicans want to keep their kids uneducated.

I'm not a republican but my cousin is a republican and a christian. She home schooled both her kids and they graduated at age 16 and then went to college. One of them graduated college with a degree in physics and went on to higher studies.
Baltimore is famous, that if you step away from the harbor district tourist block, you get hassled and pan handled immediately. If you drive and stop at the red light, scores of losers swarm you trying to sell you things or beg for some. Awful. Americans. At least in Bangladesh they offer you prostitution. Americans can't even offer, they can only hassle.
Are black people less likely to finish high school because they're simply not as good, or are black people less likely to finish high school because far more are in poverty (25% to 7% for white people) and more likely to live in ghettos and have role models who are single parents and don't care and can't get a job because they didn't get through high school?

The poverty rate, of course, hence the reason you see the same disparities in Appalachia which is full of whites

Yes, poverty plays a massive part in all of this. And what is the government doing about it? Nothing. They sit back on their big fat checks and say "Everyone can make it in America" knowing full well that they're making things easier for themselves and their families and doing nothing for those who actually need it.

What exactly are they supposed to do? As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
Have you tried to understand some of these kids? Some sound like they are speaking a foreign language.
Ebonics, slang, etc.

If I were a Republican, it wouldn't be Baltimore I would be worrying about.
Those blue areas are all white left wing urbanites.
Are black people less likely to finish high school because they're simply not as good, or are black people less likely to finish high school because far more are in poverty (25% to 7% for white people) and more likely to live in ghettos and have role models who are single parents and don't care and can't get a job because they didn't get through high school?

The poverty rate, of course, hence the reason you see the same disparities in Appalachia which is full of whites

Yes, poverty plays a massive part in all of this. And what is the government doing about it? Nothing. They sit back on their big fat checks and say "Everyone can make it in America" knowing full well that they're making things easier for themselves and their families and doing nothing for those who actually need it.

What exactly are they supposed to do? As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

Well, they are supposed to try and fix the problems, or at least try. In Europe many politicians feel that that is why they are there. In the US they just feel they're there to be paid for doing nothing.
This does not surprise anyone, they encourage poor English poor writing, and they just hang around being COOL. For some years I beleived it to be the teachers fault, but it really is the parents fault for not kicking some butt, the school board, and kids, and teachers ass. These kids white, or black does not matter. If the parent do not demand excelance then the kids are screwed.

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