6 Reason Roy Moore Will Win

I didn't say that. But thanks for admitting that 15 year olds are fair game for Republicans. Not that anyone is surprised.
well there is only Jones who is for late term abortions. so your choice is a baby killer. nough said.
I realize you are stupid enough to support a predator.

Prove he's a predator or forever be a pathetic liar.
his marriage proves it. He scoped her out when she was 15.
you have no idea what that ever meant, you're not a grown up so it's no wonder.

Did you catch that stupidity? She thinks his marriage makes him a predator.There isn't enough salve in the world to soothe that kind of butthurt.
look at the internet libturd's posting tough guy posts. LMFBsO Alabam
1. Child molester

2. Misses the days of slavery.

3. Believes women should not be allowed to run for office.

There you go, tards. THREE reasons to vote for Moore.

Any woman who votes for him is one sad sack of subservient shit.
no convicted child molester running your post is invalid. try again.
Yeah...they don't convict people for molesting girls in Alabama....they elect them Senator.
Lies are all the butthurt left has. That's why they are out of power and no one believes their lapdog media anymore.
they don't mind the lies cause they get information out. the retraction of a lie doesn't get a 20th of what the lie gets. It's why they do it. they purposely do it. sick fks to say the least.

They HAVE to lie. It's the only way they can keep from cutting themselves. If they admitted the truth their whole fantasy would come crashing down. They'd have to admit we were right all along and they'd rather cut themselves than do that.
I did a list like this last year with Trump, so I figured I'll make another one. I think Roy Moore is going to win tonight. Here's why.

1. This entire campaign has been about him.

Think fast: what's Roy Moore's opponent's name? Dan Jones? Don Jones? Dennis? You know it ends in "Jones", but that's about it. The guy has been persona non grata this entire campaign. The media made this same mistake with Trump. They spent the entire time dumping on Trump thinking they were going to turn him into a pariah. In actuality, this type of media coverage turned him into a Kardashian.

2. People don't believe his accusers, or more importantly, they really don't care.

The media thinks digging up women to make accusations of "sexual misconduct" is the way to purge public figures we don't like. Laymen see through it. Nobody likes the idea of child molestation, but people hate dirty tricks too. You have a woman alleging Roy Moore molested her and her proof is a message in a yearbook that she partially forged (she admitted to writing the date AFTER initially showing the inscription). Oh, by the way, Roy Moore was the judge in this woman's divorce case as well as the judge who sent her brother to jail. Reeeal credible. These other women are coming forward but aren't saying he did anything wrong. And these women decided to wait until six weeks before this important election to accuse him of "misconduct"? Yeah, right. We're not paying close enough attention to do this "I find them credible" BS. Either say it when it happened or move on.

3. The "sexual misconduct" charges really only work on millennial women. Men and older women know better.

Here's the reality: people "care" about you as a matter of goodheartedness, but people don't care about you as a matter of priority. I'm not going to take the side of an accuser I don't know against someone being accused whom I also don't know just as a matter of virtue signalling. I'm a fair-minded individual. I might not be able to be impartial when it's my family, but random chick on TV saying something bad happened to her 40 years ago? Uh, show me some receipt and give me a story I'll buy. So Roy Moore's base is going to be unbothered by the idea that there are *gasp* accusers out there. Big deal. That brings me to the next reason I think hes going to win...

4. There are bigger fish to fry.

I saw Moore's campaign communications director speak and he said some real shit. Alabama is a deep-red state. They want The Wall. They want Obamacare to be overturned. They want a conservative majority on the Supreme Court so they don't have to worry about the Courts enacting the liberal agenda when they don't have the votes to do so. They want to Muslim Ban. There are bigger issues than trying to litigate via Twitter something that may or may not have happened forty years ago. Sorry.

5. The media lacking even the pretense of impartiality has made Republican voters much more simplistic.

There was a time, say, 7-8 years ago where Republicans would've cared about personal baggage like this. But they saw the media eat up Bill Clinton despite his myriad accusations and cover for Obama despite Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, Hillary's private e-mail server, among others, so now they're like, "fuck this". Why do we have to hold on to our principles while the left gets to be selectively moral? Forcing Al Franken and John Conyers out is too little too late.

6. #Metoo movement backlash, NFL protests, bogus Trump/Russia collusion narrative, and emerging evidence that the government covered for Hillary last year has fueled even more ire towards the left...and poor Doug Jones is going to be the recipient.

I think a lot of people low-key feel like the Left has decided to make us miserable because Hillary lost. The SJWing has been ratcheted up to 20, and I think it's making people crazy. I think for many voters, regardless of party-affiliation, Roy Moore represents a rebuke of the Left who are now desperate to maintain their hold over American culture. They look at this as a double-dog dare: "see? We'll spread propaganda that the Republican is a pedophile and dare you to vote for him". I think people are going to see right though that and do exactly that.

Plus, I mean, it's Alabama.
Hoping & praying that you are right, and that the "Honorable" Roy Moore will carry the day. With 2018 elections a-coming,, Republicans will have to campaign with the albatross pedofile Moore hanging around their necks. They will have to defend Roy continually as will The Great Groper. Can't wait. Gonna be great! Bigly!!

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight! Because the party of Senator "I can swim better than my date" Ted "You should see how I can make a waitress sandwich" Kennedy is so damn honorable.

Be careful what you wish for.
Isn't it cute how you have to go to a dead Kennedy for your example?
look at the internet libturd's posting tough guy posts. LMFBsO Alabam
1. Child molester

2. Misses the days of slavery.

3. Believes women should not be allowed to run for office.

There you go, tards. THREE reasons to vote for Moore.

Any woman who votes for him is one sad sack of subservient shit.
no convicted child molester running your post is invalid. try again.
Yeah...they don't convict people for molesting girls in Alabama....they elect them Senator.

he didn't molest anyone liar. Prove he did or you're just another lying lefty.
I did a list like this last year with Trump, so I figured I'll make another one. I think Roy Moore is going to win tonight. Here's why.

1. This entire campaign has been about him.

Think fast: what's Roy Moore's opponent's name? Dan Jones? Don Jones? Dennis? You know it ends in "Jones", but that's about it. The guy has been persona non grata this entire campaign. The media made this same mistake with Trump. They spent the entire time dumping on Trump thinking they were going to turn him into a pariah. In actuality, this type of media coverage turned him into a Kardashian.

2. People don't believe his accusers, or more importantly, they really don't care.

The media thinks digging up women to make accusations of "sexual misconduct" is the way to purge public figures we don't like. Laymen see through it. Nobody likes the idea of child molestation, but people hate dirty tricks too. You have a woman alleging Roy Moore molested her and her proof is a message in a yearbook that she partially forged (she admitted to writing the date AFTER initially showing the inscription). Oh, by the way, Roy Moore was the judge in this woman's divorce case as well as the judge who sent her brother to jail. Reeeal credible. These other women are coming forward but aren't saying he did anything wrong. And these women decided to wait until six weeks before this important election to accuse him of "misconduct"? Yeah, right. We're not paying close enough attention to do this "I find them credible" BS. Either say it when it happened or move on.

3. The "sexual misconduct" charges really only work on millennial women. Men and older women know better.

Here's the reality: people "care" about you as a matter of goodheartedness, but people don't care about you as a matter of priority. I'm not going to take the side of an accuser I don't know against someone being accused whom I also don't know just as a matter of virtue signalling. I'm a fair-minded individual. I might not be able to be impartial when it's my family, but random chick on TV saying something bad happened to her 40 years ago? Uh, show me some receipt and give me a story I'll buy. So Roy Moore's base is going to be unbothered by the idea that there are *gasp* accusers out there. Big deal. That brings me to the next reason I think hes going to win...

4. There are bigger fish to fry.

I saw Moore's campaign communications director speak and he said some real shit. Alabama is a deep-red state. They want The Wall. They want Obamacare to be overturned. They want a conservative majority on the Supreme Court so they don't have to worry about the Courts enacting the liberal agenda when they don't have the votes to do so. They want to Muslim Ban. There are bigger issues than trying to litigate via Twitter something that may or may not have happened forty years ago. Sorry.

5. The media lacking even the pretense of impartiality has made Republican voters much more simplistic.

There was a time, say, 7-8 years ago where Republicans would've cared about personal baggage like this. But they saw the media eat up Bill Clinton despite his myriad accusations and cover for Obama despite Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, Hillary's private e-mail server, among others, so now they're like, "fuck this". Why do we have to hold on to our principles while the left gets to be selectively moral? Forcing Al Franken and John Conyers out is too little too late.

6. #Metoo movement backlash, NFL protests, bogus Trump/Russia collusion narrative, and emerging evidence that the government covered for Hillary last year has fueled even more ire towards the left...and poor Doug Jones is going to be the recipient.

I think a lot of people low-key feel like the Left has decided to make us miserable because Hillary lost. The SJWing has been ratcheted up to 20, and I think it's making people crazy. I think for many voters, regardless of party-affiliation, Roy Moore represents a rebuke of the Left who are now desperate to maintain their hold over American culture. They look at this as a double-dog dare: "see? We'll spread propaganda that the Republican is a pedophile and dare you to vote for him". I think people are going to see right though that and do exactly that.

Plus, I mean, it's Alabama.
Hoping & praying that you are right, and that the "Honorable" Roy Moore will carry the day. With 2018 elections a-coming,, Republicans will have to campaign with the albatross pedofile Moore hanging around their necks. They will have to defend Roy continually as will The Great Groper. Can't wait. Gonna be great! Bigly!!

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight! Because the party of Senator "I can swim better than my date" Ted "You should see how I can make a waitress sandwich" Kennedy is so damn honorable.

Be careful what you wish for.
Isn't it cute how you have to go to a dead Kennedy for your example?

Irrelevant nonsense. His point that you and your party are hypocrites still stands.
The tards own benchmarks are snapping back and bitch slapping them in their slack little faces, and boy are they hating it! :lol:

Roy Moore molested a kid. By your own benchmarks, tards.

In fact, that there is an ACTUAL ACCUSER compared to NONE when you made all that bullshit up over the past eight years, this one LEAPS over your own benchmark.

So sad. Too bad. Fuck you.
Most Alabamans think middle aged men are a good fit for 14 and 15 year olds so of course he'll win.

Such hate and bigotry! Tisk tisk.
Truth isn't bigoted.

There's where you fail again. It's not truth, it's just lies and bigotry. Still waiting for you to prove Moore is a predator, liar.
How many spoke up against him???? What do you need Pictures??? This pos was scum BEFORE the women came out against him,,, TWICE thrown off his seat? But then again he'd be a fine fit in the republican senate
The tards own benchmarks are snapping back and bitch slapping them in their slack little faces, and boy are they hating it! :lol:

Roy Moore molested a kid. By your own benchmarks, tards.

In fact, that there is an ACTUAL ACCUSER compared to NONE when you made all that bullshit up over the past eight years, this one LEAPS over your own benchmark.

So sad. Too bad. Fuck you.

Prove it nit wit. Otherwise, you're just the liar we have always known you to be.
Most Alabamans think middle aged men are a good fit for 14 and 15 year olds so of course he'll win.

Such hate and bigotry! Tisk tisk.
Truth isn't bigoted.

There's where you fail again. It's not truth, it's just lies and bigotry. Still waiting for you to prove Moore is a predator, liar.
How many spoke up against him???? What do you need Pictures??? This pos was scum BEFORE the women came out against him,,, TWICE thrown off his seat? But then again he'd be a fine fit in the republican senate

Prove it. You cannot, you are simply lying.
Okay. Everybody remember the "prove it" benchmark the tards have just created while they defended a child molester.

Don't forget.

After all the years of making false accusations against Obama and the Clintons, the tards have suddenly discovered the words "prove it". :lol:
Most Alabamans think middle aged men are a good fit for 14 and 15 year olds so of course he'll win.

Such hate and bigotry! Tisk tisk.
Truth isn't bigoted.

There's where you fail again. It's not truth, it's just lies and bigotry. Still waiting for you to prove Moore is a predator, liar.
How many spoke up against him???? What do you need Pictures??? This pos was scum BEFORE the women came out against him,,, TWICE thrown off his seat? But then again he'd be a fine fit in the republican senate

Is that the benchmark in your fantasy land now? All the proof needed is for people to accuse? We all think you are an complete idiot. I guess you must be one.
Okay. Everybody remember the "prove it" benchmark the tards have just created while they defended a child molester.

Don't forget.

After all the years of making false accusations against Obama and the Clintons, the tards have suddenly discovered the words "prove it". :lol:

Go away liar.
Okay. Everybody remember the "prove it" benchmark the tards have just created while they defended a child molester.

Don't forget.

After all the years of making false accusations against Obama and the Clintons, the tards have suddenly discovered the words "prove it". :lol:

You can't remember anything nit wit. You only know what you are spoon fed. No one believes anything a liar like you says.
Ivanka Trump believes “there’s a special place in hell” for people who do the things that GOP Senate nominee Roy Moore is accused of.

While President Trump ignored shouted questions from reporters about Moore on Wednesday, the first daughter weighed in on the scandal surrounding the firebrand former Alabama judge, telling the Associated Press that she has seen no evidence discrediting his accusers.

Moore has been accused of pursuing sexual and romantic relationships with teenage girls — one as young as 14 — when he was in his 30s.

“There is a special place in hell for people who prey on children,” Trump told the AP. “I’ve yet to see a valid explanation, and I have no reason to doubt the victims’ accounts.”

Ivanka Trump: There's a 'special place in hell for people who prey on children'
Okay. Everybody remember the "prove it" benchmark the tards have just created while they defended a child molester.

Don't forget.

After all the years of making false accusations against Obama and the Clintons, the tards have suddenly discovered the words "prove it". :lol:

You can't remember anything nit wit. You only know what you are spoon fed. No one believes anything a liar like you says.
Oh, I have a very, very long memory.

That's what pisses you hypocrites off so much.
Ivanka Trump believes “there’s a special place in hell” for people who do the things that GOP Senate nominee Roy Moore is accused of.

While President Trump ignored shouted questions from reporters about Moore on Wednesday, the first daughter weighed in on the scandal surrounding the firebrand former Alabama judge, telling the Associated Press that she has seen no evidence discrediting his accusers.

Moore has been accused of pursuing sexual and romantic relationships with teenage girls — one as young as 14 — when he was in his 30s.

“There is a special place in hell for people who prey on children,” Trump told the AP. “I’ve yet to see a valid explanation, and I have no reason to doubt the victims’ accounts.”

Ivanka Trump: There's a 'special place in hell for people who prey on children'

Accused is the operative word here. Get it yet?
Okay. Everybody remember the "prove it" benchmark the tards have just created while they defended a child molester.

Don't forget.

After all the years of making false accusations against Obama and the Clintons, the tards have suddenly discovered the words "prove it". :lol:

You can't remember anything nit wit. You only know what you are spoon fed. No one believes anything a liar like you says.
Oh, I have a very, very long memory.

That's what pisses you hypocrites off so much.

Ok, Mr. Memory. Give me an example of me being hypocritical.

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