6 yr. old boy beheaded in Saudia Arabia

I wonder how the muslim apologists will defend this?

It simply illustrates how this most intolerant of all relgions should not be allowed to migrate to America via allowing it's followers to immigrate to America.....not even to mention there are a lot more deserving Christians that are constantly persecuted in muslim nations....they are the ones we should allow to come here.

Boy, 6, beheaded in front of screaming mum 'for being wrong religion'
-------------------------------------- terrible but i don't think it was the Saudi government or the Saudi government or family that did this did they . Think it was some whacked out muslim of some type wasn't it ?? As regards the Saudis though . USA and President TRUMP wants them as USA and Israeli allies against 'yemen' and 'iran' don't they ?? Just asking questions eh .
It's horrible, but it's no different than hanging a black civil rights worker or burning down a synagogue. It's bigotry. It happens everywhere. What is your particular point?
Or like getting a beat down and/or murdered because you are white by a number of African Americans in cities. Its everywhere.
------------------------------ and don't forget the 'knockout game' which i think have killed some elderly white , i think '22' .
It's horrible, but it's no different than hanging a black civil rights worker or burning down a synagogue. It's bigotry. It happens everywhere. What is your particular point?

The point is this shit happens in muzzy-land every goddamn day. In the past 30 days there have been 105 instances of Islamic brutality/terrorism in 23 different countries resulting in 531 deaths. Can you say the same about "hanging black civil rights workers" or "burning down synagogues"?
----------------------------------------- and the USA imports them to the USA for the next generations of Americans to have to deal with SBill .
It's horrible, but it's no different than hanging a black civil rights worker or burning down a synagogue. It's bigotry. It happens everywhere. What is your particular point?
Did I miss a Virginia Democrat lynching some blacks last week?
It's horrible, but it's no different than hanging a black civil rights worker or burning down a synagogue. It's bigotry. It happens everywhere. What is your particular point?

The point is this shit happens in muzzy-land every goddamn day. In the past 30 days there have been 105 instances of Islamic brutality/terrorism in 23 different countries resulting in 531 deaths. Can you say the same about "hanging black civil rights workers" or "burning down synagogues"?
----------------------------------------- and the USA imports them to the USA for the next generations of Americans to have to deal with SBill .

The point too many are missing on here is that this sort of thing is done for religious reasons ....the religion being Islam and how so many of that persuasion are fanatics....and even the ones that are not fanatic are very,very intolerant of other religious belliefs.....that is a huge,huge reason we should not let them into America.....we have enough problems already....we do not need to be importing more....if people are so obsessed with importing Arabs....allow the Christian Arabs in...the ones Obama refused to let in whilst bringing in as many muslims as he possibly could.

Obama claimed to be a Christian but he seem much more enamored with Islam.
It's horrible, but it's no different than hanging a black civil rights worker or burning down a synagogue. It's bigotry. It happens everywhere. What is your particular point?

The point is this shit happens in muzzy-land every goddamn day. In the past 30 days there have been 105 instances of Islamic brutality/terrorism in 23 different countries resulting in 531 deaths. Can you say the same about "hanging black civil rights workers" or "burning down synagogues"?
----------------------------------------- and the USA imports them to the USA for the next generations of Americans to have to deal with SBill .

The point too many are missing on here is that this sort of thing is done for religious reasons ....the religion being Islam and how so many of that persuasion are fanatics....and even the ones that are not fanatic are very,very intolerant of other religious belliefs.....that is a huge,huge reason we should not let them into America.....we have enough problems already....we do not need to be importing more....if people are so obsessed with importing Arabs....allow the Christian Arabs in...the ones Obama refused to let in whilst bringing in as many muslims as he possibly could.

Obama claimed to be a Christian but he seem much more enamored with Islam.
----------------------------------- i wouldn't let any of them in no matter their religion or type of ' arab ' they are . Theres plenty of 'AK's' lying around in the desert and mostly rust free plus lots of ammo . Let those that aren't 'muslim' fight the 'muslims' . Also we have one recent imported 'muslim' from 'arabia' and he can vote in the USA and he votes and works against Gun RIGHTS in the USA . These imported 'arabs' and many others are never going to be or think Western and American Mac .
Saudi Arabia is a shithole, but we look the other way b/c we enjoy the profits made by doing business in that forsaken land.
Instead we could be doing business with Venezuela who has the largest oil reserves in the world.

We slap sanctions on them for the shitty way the treat their citizens, but give Saudi Arabia an arms deal. We shouldn’t be doing business with any of those places until they get their shit together.
I agree but hey there is no such things as friends and money...

Though the U.S. no longer needs Saudi oil , thanks to our shale reserves, it does need the kingdom to regulate production and thereby stabilize markets US:CLX8 . American defense contractors are dependent on the billions the kingdom spends on military hardware. Intelligence cooperation is crucial to ferreting out jihadists and thwarting their plots.

But, most important, Saudi Arabia is the leading Arab bulwark against Iranian expansionism. The kingdom has supported proxies in Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen to contain Iran’s machinations.
Well, I see they finally moved the thread. I was expecting that.

Anyone know why?
You’re saying the story is fake?
The Mirror, like the Enquirer, is tabloid journalism for the gullible.

Elvis was spotted living on Mars. ... :rolleyes:

Is this source more acceptable to you?

Pictured: Six-year-old boy who was beheaded in Saudi Arabia | Daily Mail Online

or maybe this one?

Saudi Arabian 6yo beheaded in front of mother over religious beliefs

Then of course there is youtube>>>>>

The real question that needs to be answered is why has the msm ignored the story"?

Can anyone answer that?

The guy in the video said it was because he was not white.

I think that the real reason is that because it was a muslim thing............the msm being dominated by political correctness trys to the best of their ability to ignore crimes comitted by muslims or negroes.....such does not fit their pc agenda.

I do believe as soon as the msm figures out a way to blame Trump for it....then they will report it....incessantly.

What these Media turds don't even realize is they will be the first people with their heads on sticks. Muslims hate dissent from the media or anyone else they will control media first. Better learn to bow and kiss some Muslims ass now I guess, maybe they'll only castrate you. Nope! You're an infidel off with your head. Allahu Akbar! :abgg2q.jpg:
I wonder how the muslim apologists will defend this?

It simply illustrates how this most intolerant of all relgions should not be allowed to migrate to America via allowing it's followers to immigrate to America.....not even to mention there are a lot more deserving Christians that are constantly persecuted in muslim nations....they are the ones we should allow to come here.

Boy, 6, beheaded in front of screaming mum 'for being wrong religion'
Hard to believe
I wonder how the muslim apologists will defend this?

It simply illustrates how this most intolerant of all relgions should not be allowed to migrate to America via allowing it's followers to immigrate to America.....not even to mention there are a lot more deserving Christians that are constantly persecuted in muslim nations....they are the ones we should allow to come here.

Boy, 6, beheaded in front of screaming mum 'for being wrong religion'

Muslims are fucking animals.

This kind of behavior is expected. It's because they act like this that democrats love Muslims.
I wonder how the muslim apologists will defend this?

It simply illustrates how this most intolerant of all relgions should not be allowed to migrate to America via allowing it's followers to immigrate to America.....not even to mention there are a lot more deserving Christians that are constantly persecuted in muslim nations....they are the ones we should allow to come here.

Boy, 6, beheaded in front of screaming mum 'for being wrong religion'

"I wonder how the muslim apologists will defend this?"

The way Trump apologized for the saudis' murder of that reporter?

Can you link that?

Oh, you're just lying.

Carry on...
I wonder how the muslim apologists will defend this?

It simply illustrates how this most intolerant of all relgions should not be allowed to migrate to America via allowing it's followers to immigrate to America.....not even to mention there are a lot more deserving Christians that are constantly persecuted in muslim nations....they are the ones we should allow to come here.

Boy, 6, beheaded in front of screaming mum 'for being wrong religion'
Hard to believe

Why? They do similar stuff and worse all the time...day in and day out and have been doing it for over a thousand years.

Wake up boyo.
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We cannot control the world or how other countries treat their own citizens. We murder babies and sell their body parts. Surely some country would object to that and take corrective action.
The people of Saudi Arabia think Americans are barbaric for legalizing abortion. ... :cool:

I agree. They should make abortion illegal and legalize Beheadings. Stoning, and Honor Killings.

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