60 days of Donald Trump


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Trump Supporters: 60 days in to Donald Trump's administration, and what have we learned?

* There is not going to be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and what we do build, we'll be paying for it, not Mexico.

* Passing healthcare legislation, even with a friendly Republican controlled Congress is a lot more difficult than it sounded 6 months ago in those speeches.

* President Trump didn't exactly tell the truth about wire tapping Trump Tower, now did he?

* Republicans in the House and Senate are beginning to distance themselves from Trump, due to his erratic behavior, and tweets.

* It's now the F.B.I (not just those pesky Liberals) who want answers to Donald Trump's ties with Russia.

* The founding fathers of our nation, designed our country to be governed as a democracy, not a for profit business.

Relax Trump supporters, as a left leaning Independent, I'm not going to insult you, curse at you, or belittle you ( though I've received plenty of that from some of you) No, I would only ask you to consider the next time someone you don't know get's up and starts making such threatening and foreboding speeches that seek to divide us, you do your homework, ask questions, consider that the answers to complex problems are not always simple, and most of all, try to see issues from the other side of the aisle. For over 200 years Conservatives and Liberals worked together to craft legislation and pass laws, it called compromise, and it's not a dirty word. Compromise is not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of innovation and intelligence. The founding fathers of our nation (who happen to be pretty smart guy's) set things up to work this way, and that's not going to change. I would also ask you to consider that Jesus Christ (who happen to be a real smart guy) once said: "A house divided against itself, will not stand" :bye1:
You're appealing to the Trumpies better instincts.
Boy that's a dead end.
They'd just as soon sell their first born into the Russian sex trade than compromise.

Your 6 points were on the money. They're called facts. A foreign concept to the orange cheeto cult.
Trump Supporters: 60 days in to Donald Trump's administration, and what have we learned?

* There is not going to be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and what we do build, we'll be paying for it, not Mexico.

* Passing healthcare legislation, even with a friendly Republican controlled Congress is a lot more difficult than it sounded 6 months ago in those speeches.

* President Trump didn't exactly tell the truth about wire tapping Trump Tower, now did he?

* Republicans in the House and Senate are beginning to distance themselves from Trump, due to his erratic behavior, and tweets.

* It's now the F.B.I (not just those pesky Liberals) who want answers to Donald Trump's ties with Russia.

* The founding fathers of our nation, designed our country to be governed as a democracy, not a for profit business.

Relax Trump supporters, as a left leaning Independent, I'm not going to insult you, curse at you, or belittle you ( though I've received plenty of that from some of you) No, I would only ask you to consider the next time someone you don't know get's up and starts making such threatening and foreboding speeches that seek to divide us, you do your homework, ask questions, consider that the answers to complex problems are not always simple, and most of all, try to see issues from the other side of the aisle. For over 200 years Conservatives and Liberals worked together to craft legislation and pass laws, it called compromise, and it's not a dirty word. Compromise is not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of innovation and intelligence. The founding fathers of our nation (who happen to be pretty smart guy's) set things up to work this way, and that's not going to change. I would also ask you to consider that Jesus Christ (who happen to be a real smart guy) once said: "A house divided against itself, will not stand" :bye1:
Waaaay better than 60 days of Hillary.
He's a man with a plan.
Trump Supporters: 60 days in to Donald Trump's administration, and what have we learned?

* There is not going to be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and what we do build, we'll be paying for it, not Mexico.

* Passing healthcare legislation, even with a friendly Republican controlled Congress is a lot more difficult than it sounded 6 months ago in those speeches.

* President Trump didn't exactly tell the truth about wire tapping Trump Tower, now did he?

* Republicans in the House and Senate are beginning to distance themselves from Trump, due to his erratic behavior, and tweets.

* It's now the F.B.I (not just those pesky Liberals) who want answers to Donald Trump's ties with Russia.

* The founding fathers of our nation, designed our country to be governed as a democracy, not a for profit business.

Relax Trump supporters, as a left leaning Independent, I'm not going to insult you, curse at you, or belittle you ( though I've received plenty of that from some of you) No, I would only ask you to consider the next time someone you don't know get's up and starts making such threatening and foreboding speeches that seek to divide us, you do your homework, ask questions, consider that the answers to complex problems are not always simple, and most of all, try to see issues from the other side of the aisle. For over 200 years Conservatives and Liberals worked together to craft legislation and pass laws, it called compromise, and it's not a dirty word. Compromise is not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of innovation and intelligence. The founding fathers of our nation (who happen to be pretty smart guy's) set things up to work this way, and that's not going to change. I would also ask you to consider that Jesus Christ (who happen to be a real smart guy) once said: "A house divided against itself, will not stand" :bye1:
Waaaay better than 60 days of Hillary.

So much better to have someone who used a server in her basement, than a President who is a compulsive liar and is really under investigation.
Trump Supporters: 60 days in to Donald Trump's administration, and what have we learned?

* There is not going to be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and what we do build, we'll be paying for it, not Mexico.

How do you justify that claim?
Its been a wild 60 days.....Not as easy as Trump thought it would be

It should have been a cakewalk/lovefest with a Republican President and a Republican Congress with Democrats disorganized and on the ropes. Yet Trump has managed to make a mess of things

-The first day in office which Trump bragged would dazzle us with what he would get done........turned into an argument over how big his inauguration crowd was
-Muslim ban failed
- Trumpcare is a trainwreck with Trump fighting for Republican support
- Trump should be using his political capital to push Trumpcare, the budget, Gorsuch ......instead he is fighting over his wiretap claims

The big black cloud of Trumps ties to Russia hang over his administration
Its been a wild 60 days.....Not as easy as Trump thought it would be

It should have been a cakewalk/lovefest with a Republican President and a Republican Congress with Democrats disorganized and on the ropes. Yet Trump has managed to make a mess of things

-The first day in office which Trump bragged would dazzle us with what he would get done........turned into an argument over how big his inauguration crowd was
-Muslim ban failed
- Trumpcare is a trainwreck with Trump fighting for Republican support
- Trump should be using his political capital to push Trumpcare, the budget, Gorsuch ......instead he is fighting over his wiretap claims

The big black cloud of Trumps ties to Russia hang over his administration

1. Trump did not think it would be easy.

2. It is very dishonest of you to pretend that it should have been a cake walk. YOu are pretending to be unaware of the deep divisions in the GOP to the point that that much of the GOP establishment sided with HIllary.

The fact that you know you have to be dishonest, shows that you know that that the Truth is not on your side.

Yet you refuse to make the logical step to realize that means you are wrong.

3. THe Muslim Ban didn't fail. Democracy failed, because of a fascist judge.

4. On a global scale Medical Care is a problem without apparent solutions.

5. No matter what Trump says or does, the Political Class, the media and their partisans (you) would be saying the same stuff.

6. Russia is a manufactured scandal.
Historian Douglas Brinkley: “This is the most failed first 100 days of any president."
Nice spin, just like the OP. Guess who previously held the record for "the most failed first 100 days"? Yep, Bill Clinton. :D

Douglas Brinkley is a "best-selling biographer". No doubt he's setting himself up to make even more money off the Trump Presidency. God Bless America!
Its been a wild 60 days.....Not as easy as Trump thought it would be

It should have been a cakewalk/lovefest with a Republican President and a Republican Congress with Democrats disorganized and on the ropes. Yet Trump has managed to make a mess of things

-The first day in office which Trump bragged would dazzle us with what he would get done........turned into an argument over how big his inauguration crowd was
-Muslim ban failed
- Trumpcare is a trainwreck with Trump fighting for Republican support
- Trump should be using his political capital to push Trumpcare, the budget, Gorsuch ......instead he is fighting over his wiretap claims

The big black cloud of Trumps ties to Russia hang over his administration
Wild, yes. Still better than Hillary Clinton. :)

The Democrats and LWers have been predicting the failure of the Trump administration as soon as they dried their eyes on November 9th.


Its been a wild 60 days.....Not as easy as Trump thought it would be

It should have been a cakewalk/lovefest with a Republican President and a Republican Congress with Democrats disorganized and on the ropes. Yet Trump has managed to make a mess of things

-The first day in office which Trump bragged would dazzle us with what he would get done........turned into an argument over how big his inauguration crowd was
-Muslim ban failed
- Trumpcare is a trainwreck with Trump fighting for Republican support
- Trump should be using his political capital to push Trumpcare, the budget, Gorsuch ......instead he is fighting over his wiretap claims

The big black cloud of Trumps ties to Russia hang over his administration
Wild, yes. Still better than Hillary Clinton. :)

The Democrats and LWers have been predicting the failure of the Trump administration as soon as they dried their eyes on November 9th.


Translation- I cannot believe what a mistake we made, but I will not admit it.
Its been a wild 60 days.....Not as easy as Trump thought it would be

It should have been a cakewalk/lovefest with a Republican President and a Republican Congress with Democrats disorganized and on the ropes. Yet Trump has managed to make a mess of things

-The first day in office which Trump bragged would dazzle us with what he would get done........turned into an argument over how big his inauguration crowd was
-Muslim ban failed
- Trumpcare is a trainwreck with Trump fighting for Republican support
- Trump should be using his political capital to push Trumpcare, the budget, Gorsuch ......instead he is fighting over his wiretap claims

The big black cloud of Trumps ties to Russia hang over his administration
Wild, yes. Still better than Hillary Clinton. :)

The Democrats and LWers have been predicting the failure of the Trump administration as soon as they dried their eyes on November 9th.


Guess what?
Hillary didn't win

Trump won and is responsible for what happens with his presidency
Its been a wild 60 days.....Not as easy as Trump thought it would be

It should have been a cakewalk/lovefest with a Republican President and a Republican Congress with Democrats disorganized and on the ropes. Yet Trump has managed to make a mess of things

-The first day in office which Trump bragged would dazzle us with what he would get done........turned into an argument over how big his inauguration crowd was
-Muslim ban failed
- Trumpcare is a trainwreck with Trump fighting for Republican support
- Trump should be using his political capital to push Trumpcare, the budget, Gorsuch ......instead he is fighting over his wiretap claims

The big black cloud of Trumps ties to Russia hang over his administration

1. Trump did not think it would be easy.

2. It is very dishonest of you to pretend that it should have been a cake walk. YOu are pretending to be unaware of the deep divisions in the GOP to the point that that much of the GOP establishment sided with HIllary.

The fact that you know you have to be dishonest, shows that you know that that the Truth is not on your side.

Yet you refuse to make the logical step to realize that means you are wrong.

3. THe Muslim Ban didn't fail. Democracy failed, because of a fascist judge.

4. On a global scale Medical Care is a problem without apparent solutions.

5. No matter what Trump says or does, the Political Class, the media and their partisans (you) would be saying the same stuff.

6. Russia is a manufactured scandal.

It should have been easy for Trump. All he had to do was stay out of trouble
Yet, he goes out of his way to create crisis that have nothing to do with his agenda. He spends his time fighting fires of his creation and seems unable to see the big picture

An FBI investigation that has been going on for eight months is a big scandal. Trump is already in a bunker mentality as he now denies even knowing Flynn and Manafort

Ex-Trump campaign chief Manafort reportedly worked to 'benefit Putin government'

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