60 days of Donald Trump

Its been a wild 60 days.....Not as easy as Trump thought it would be

It should have been a cakewalk/lovefest with a Republican President and a Republican Congress with Democrats disorganized and on the ropes. Yet Trump has managed to make a mess of things

-The first day in office which Trump bragged would dazzle us with what he would get done........turned into an argument over how big his inauguration crowd was
-Muslim ban failed
- Trumpcare is a trainwreck with Trump fighting for Republican support
- Trump should be using his political capital to push Trumpcare, the budget, Gorsuch ......instead he is fighting over his wiretap claims

The big black cloud of Trumps ties to Russia hang over his administration
As well as an all to FBI investigation

1. Trump did not think it would be easy.

2. It is very dishonest of you to pretend that it should have been a cake walk. YOu are pretending to be unaware of the deep divisions in the GOP to the point that that much of the GOP establishment sided with HIllary.

The fact that you know you have to be dishonest, shows that you know that that the Truth is not on your side.

Yet you refuse to make the logical step to realize that means you are wrong.

3. THe Muslim Ban didn't fail. Democracy failed, because of a fascist judge.

4. On a global scale Medical Care is a problem without apparent solutions.

5. No matter what Trump says or does, the Political Class, the media and their partisans (you) would be saying the same stuff.

6. Russia is a manufactured scandal.

It should have been easy for Trump. All he had to do was stay out of trouble...'

What the hell are you talking about?

He is a real outsider in a system that has demonstrated is virulently hostile to any outsider.

For you to claim that "it should have been easy for him" is insanely dishonest or deluded of you.

Knock that shit off and talk sense.
How quickly we change our opinions. Trump was going to take Washington by storm with his business acumen and deal making ability. In actuality he is a disaster

You are talking crazy talk.
I learned nothing... I knew the left would absolutely meltdown if Trump won.. I just din't know the severity of the meltdown.
I learned nothing... I knew the left would absolutely meltdown if Trump won.. I just din't know the severity of the meltdown.
Can a piece of garbage like you even imagine your reaction had this happened to the Obama administration
All Trump had to do is "play president"
Go to meetings, shake a lot of hands, smile for the cameras

Reagan was quite good at it

Do that and Republicans pass legislation, Trump signs it, the economy is strong.....Trump gets reelected

But Trump can't help himself. He can't ignore the small stuff. He had to accuse Obama of a crime

Then there is that Russian thing.......
Disagreed about "play President", but I do agree that Reagan knew how to use the system and not get used by it.

As for Trump, I do agree he gets wrapped up in minutia. His Twitter account is the biggest detriment to his Presidency and, IMO, the main reason for his disapproval ratings:
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

His 140-character rants make him look like a conspiracy kook whereas Reagan was eloquent and well-spoken.

Even those who opposed Reagan liked him. Reagan was charming, witty and knew how to work with people

Trump is basically a Dick. His own party despises him, the allies mock him and he struggles to keep an approval rating above 40%

Trump's "dickness" is nothing compared to the vile hatred that has consumed you and yours.

I know you are......but what am I?

THis is what you are now.





I learned nothing... I knew the left would absolutely meltdown if Trump won.. I just din't know the severity of the meltdown.
Can a piece of garbage like you even imagine your reaction had this happened to the Obama administration

It would have been powerful evidence for those who claimed that America was horribly racist.

But instead the election of a black democrat led to a very similar transition as the election of past white democrats.

Not widespread unrest.
And Hillary would have been better?
she should have been. she was a senator before running for the executive office. she had some political experience.
Yet she was deep into cronyism and her main campaign promise was to keep things the same. Many Americans, especially those without jobs and/or concerned about how the Middle Class is continually squeezed by both the Left and the Right, didn't want to hear "Yes, we're just going to keep fucking you for your own good".
the right has nothing but repeal and pander.
All Trump had to do is "play president"
Go to meetings, shake a lot of hands, smile for the cameras

Reagan was quite good at it

Do that and Republicans pass legislation, Trump signs it, the economy is strong.....Trump gets reelected

But Trump can't help himself. He can't ignore the small stuff. He had to accuse Obama of a crime

Then there is that Russian thing.......
Disagreed about "play President", but I do agree that Reagan knew how to use the system and not get used by it.

As for Trump, I do agree he gets wrapped up in minutia. His Twitter account is the biggest detriment to his Presidency and, IMO, the main reason for his disapproval ratings:
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

His 140-character rants make him look like a conspiracy kook whereas Reagan was eloquent and well-spoken.

Even those who opposed Reagan liked him. Reagan was charming, witty and knew how to work with people

Trump is basically a Dick. His own party despises him, the allies mock him and he struggles to keep an approval rating above 40%

Trump's "dickness" is nothing compared to the vile hatred that has consumed you and yours.

I know you are......but what am I?

THis is what you are now.






I know you are....but what am I?
Disagreed about "play President", but I do agree that Reagan knew how to use the system and not get used by it.

As for Trump, I do agree he gets wrapped up in minutia. His Twitter account is the biggest detriment to his Presidency and, IMO, the main reason for his disapproval ratings:
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

His 140-character rants make him look like a conspiracy kook whereas Reagan was eloquent and well-spoken.

Even those who opposed Reagan liked him. Reagan was charming, witty and knew how to work with people

Trump is basically a Dick. His own party despises him, the allies mock him and he struggles to keep an approval rating above 40%

Trump's "dickness" is nothing compared to the vile hatred that has consumed you and yours.

I know you are......but what am I?

THis is what you are now.






I know you are....but what am I?

Your dishonest attempt to turn this around has failed.

Attacking Trump for using twitter while your side is unable to contain their rage and hatred, is a sad, sad attempt at offense.
How inept can the Trump Administration be?

I have never seen such disarray at the start of an administration in over 50 years

Trump came in to one of the easiest Presidential stints ever. A solid economy, no wars, no foreign crisis to deal with, a Congress of his own party....What could go wrong?

It turns out that his first priority upon taking office was to establish that he had the biggest inauguration crowd ever
His next priority was to convince the public that he really won the popular vote
His bombshell Muslim ban then blew up in his face
Mexico told him to go fuck himself if he thought they would pay for his wall
His rollout of Trumpcare was universally panned from both sides and was severely discredited by CBO
Then he wakes up one morning and decides that Obama has been spying on him

All this with the cloud of a Russian investigation hanging over his head

Can it get any worse?
After years of trying, Obama learned that meeting Republicans half way was not going to work
Republicans would not even allow themselves to be photographed with Obama

5 Ways Obama Tries to Work With Republicans and is Rejected
Dude, that's an excuse. Yes, there were the hardline Republicans who refused to do anything Obama wanted and, in fact, could be predicted to want the opposite of anything Obama wanted. However, to tar hundreds of Republicans with Congress with the same brush and use that as an excuse for Obama's actions strikes me as political partisanship. The very thing you are accusing all Republicans of doing.
EVERY Republican refused to do anything Obama wanted

Show me a single Republican vote for an Obama initiative
I can show you hundreds of Democratic votes to support Bush initiatives
1) Ummmm, Presidents don't create legislation. That's the job of the.....wait for it.....Legislative branch.

Show me a single Republican vote for an Obama initiative
I can show you hundreds of Democratic votes to support Bush initiatives

2) Thanks for the tacit backpedal since you well know that Republicans have supported various "Obama initiative(s)".

Obama Gets Conservative Republican's Support On Libya Action

Republicans ready to support president on Afghanistan troop increase

Republican candidates back arming Syria rebels
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Yet she was deep into cronyism and her main campaign promise was to keep things the same. Many Americans, especially those without jobs and/or concerned about how the Middle Class is continually squeezed by both the Left and the Right, didn't want to hear "Yes, we're just going to keep fucking you for your own good".
the right has nothing but repeal and pander.
Disagreed, but I understand partisans on both sides can't see anything but their own views.
Yet she was deep into cronyism and her main campaign promise was to keep things the same. Many Americans, especially those without jobs and/or concerned about how the Middle Class is continually squeezed by both the Left and the Right, didn't want to hear "Yes, we're just going to keep fucking you for your own good".
the right has nothing but repeal and pander.
Disagreed, but I understand partisans on both sides can't see anything but their own views.
the immigration issue is nothing but pander.
so was the repeal of health care reform.
How inept can the Trump Administration be?

I have never seen such disarray at the start of an administration in over 50 years

Trump came in to one of the easiest Presidential stints ever. A solid economy, no wars, no foreign crisis to deal with, a Congress of his own party....What could go wrong?

It turns out that his first priority upon taking office was to establish that he had the biggest inauguration crowd ever
His next priority was to convince the public that he really won the popular vote
His bombshell Muslim ban then blew up in his face
Mexico told him to go fuck himself if he thought they would pay for his wall
His rollout of Trumpcare was universally panned from both sides and was severely discredited by CBO
Then he wakes up one morning and decides that Obama has been spying on him

All this with the cloud of a Russian investigation hanging over his head

Can it get any worse?
I stand corrected

It can get worse......Trumpcare crashed and burned

Trump is setting a new standard for ineptness
Yet she was deep into cronyism and her main campaign promise was to keep things the same. Many Americans, especially those without jobs and/or concerned about how the Middle Class is continually squeezed by both the Left and the Right, didn't want to hear "Yes, we're just going to keep fucking you for your own good".
the right has nothing but repeal and pander.
Disagreed, but I understand partisans on both sides can't see anything but their own views.
the immigration issue is nothing but pander.
so was the repeal of health care reform.
You think the Republicans are pandering but the Democrats are not? Interesting, but obviously partisan on your part. That said, yes, a lot of pandering goes on in Washington. Lots of grandstanding too. OTOH, we do have health care problems, specifically rising costs, and we have an illegal immigration problem. I fail to understand why people are blind to the exploitation of illegals. Immigration reform will protect them from unscrupulous employers and criminals.
Yet she was deep into cronyism and her main campaign promise was to keep things the same. Many Americans, especially those without jobs and/or concerned about how the Middle Class is continually squeezed by both the Left and the Right, didn't want to hear "Yes, we're just going to keep fucking you for your own good".
the right has nothing but repeal and pander.
Disagreed, but I understand partisans on both sides can't see anything but their own views.
the immigration issue is nothing but pander.
so was the repeal of health care reform.
You think the Republicans are pandering but the Democrats are not? Interesting, but obviously partisan on your part. That said, yes, a lot of pandering goes on in Washington. Lots of grandstanding too. OTOH, we do have health care problems, specifically rising costs, and we have an illegal immigration problem. I fail to understand why people are blind to the exploitation of illegals. Immigration reform will protect them from unscrupulous employers and criminals.
yes, pander is all talk and no action without any definite goals, beyond the pander.

how is a wall and more socialism, going to solve our problem?

with capitalism, we could simply be charging foreigners a market friendly fee for a visa with work authorization that is god for a year. the black market simply, cannot compete with legal products.
yes, pander is all talk and no action without any definite goals, beyond the pander.

how is a wall and more socialism, going to solve our problem?

with capitalism, we could simply be charging foreigners a market friendly fee for a visa with work authorization that is god for a year. the black market simply, cannot compete with legal products.
Could be but usually pandering is this: The act of expressing one's views in accordance with the likes of a group to which one is attempting to appeal. The term is most notably associated with politics.

I don't know and they won't IMO. How is it going to solve our problems in your opinion?

Thanks, another good reason for immigration reform.
The "100 days" was a takeoff from FDR's first 100 days and the Democratic response to the Great Depression. If Trump had any feelings for this nation he would resign, and not wait for the impeachment and removal.

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