60+ Lawmakers 7 States Tell Obama; if you want on 2012 ballot, RELEASE YOUR RECORDS!

3 more states, South Carolina, New Hampshire and Indiana have joined Arizona in proposing bills requiring proof of Article II Eligibility for POTUS. Does this mean this is no longer a crazy, fringe conspiracy theory movement?

South Carolina-Bill 3389, freshman state Rep. Tommy Stringer has introduced legislation that would amend the state’s election code to make sure that “a candidate for President or Vice President of the United States may not have his name printed on a ballot in this State unless there is conclusive evidence that he is a natural born citizen of the United States.”…
2009-2010 Bill 3389 Text of Previous Version (Jan. 29, 2009) - South Carolina Legislature Online

New Hampshire’s House bill 1245, mandates that “the names of the candidates shall not appear on the ballot unless the secretary of state has received certified copies of the birth certificates of the candidates.”
HB 1245

Indiana’s Senate bill 82, grapples with the legal standing issue that has vexed “birthers,” granting the right to challenge qualifications to “a registered voter of the jurisdiction conducting the election.”.
Senate Bill 0082

Arizona House bill 2441, titled: presidential candidates; proof of qualifications
…Within ten days after submittal of the names of the candidates, the national political party committee shall submit an affidavit of the presidential candidate in which the presidential candidate states the candidate’s citizenship and age and shall append to the affidavit documents that prove that the candidate is a natural born citizen, prove the candidate’s age and prove that the candidate meets the residency requirements for President of the United States as prescribed in article II, section 1, Constitution of the United States… …view entire Arizona bill HERE.
Documents For Bill

Other states are also joining: According to the National Conference of State Legislatures; New York, Virginia, Georgia and other states are also working on the same type legislation. …more HERE.
Obama's eligibility becomes war among the states

Also, let us not forget the federal bill proposed by Bill Posey of Florida;H.R.1503 - Presidential Eligibility Act -
H.R.1503: Presidential Eligibility Act - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress

To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require the principal campaign committee of a candidate for election to the office of President to include with the committee’s statement of organization a copy of the candidate’s birth certificate, together with such other documentation as may be necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under the Constitution…

…Congress finds that under - the Constitution of the United States, in order to be eligible to serve as President, an individual must be a natural born citizen of the United States who has attained the age of 35 years and has been a resident within the United States for at least 14 years.
Wow, you are a busy boy. You posted this one 251 places on the internet.


Are you being paid for this?

I believe he is. This is just about all he does. You find some thread started by him here, just google it and you find it word for word all over the place.
The argument for the bill in the Arizona state legislator is not about race, or even about Obama really. It is about the controversy itself. The argument on the legislator actually calls for a candidates qualifications before the electors are allowed to cast their vote because the nuttier ones among the legislator spent so much time (in the AZ House especially) that it is seen as the way to prevent that time from being wasted in the future.
The actual bill only calls for a candidate to provide proof of eligiblity before our state electors are then allowed to vote, as required in the electorial college system. It only pertains to Obama if he wins in the future, and then because he has already served, it may not be required then. The proof could be that he completed one term, so is ok for the next.
I thought this was all settled, and that his BC had been released by hawai. I guess I was wrong.
I also thought that when the congress passed that bill making certain that those born to American parents were indeed citizens, it meant Obama as well.
I imagine there are those that want to "prevent a man of color" from serving, and I see there are those that want to label everyone that even questions Obama a racist.
Both of those conditions indicate that the person making them has issues with race.
Personally, even if I didn't vote for Obama, and even though I am not real impressed with his performance, I find it a big step in the right direction that this country elected a black man to the presidency. That comes from a old redneck big hatted, big belt buckle cowboy who remembers visiting family in the deep south when I was a kid, and seeing separate bathrooms, water fountains, ect.
Nope, this old cowboy thinks it is a step towards progress.

Personally I never accuse people who disagree with Mr Obama of racism, (unless they made an overtly racist statement, like one that included the word "******") and have vehemently argued in the past with people who do. But this is not a simple disagreement over issues.

The reason why I implied that this particular issue has racist undertones is due to the fact that no other president in the history of the nation has had their citizenship challenged in this manner.

Now we have the first black president, who has provided as much documentation as any of his predecessors, but his citizenship is being challenged.

What other motivation would there be to this type of political attack besides racism? And if there is some other motivation, why has no-one tried to use it before?

The whole point here is that because Mr Obama is black and has a funny name, these "Birthers" are more apt to consider him to be a "foreigner", which is clearly a racist sentiment.

Add to that the fact that I know one or two "Birthers" myself, personally, (uncles) and know them to be definite racists.
Republicans are missing the point. Obama's grandfather and great uncle both served in the US Military honorably on Active Duty during WWII. Then there is his grandmother and mother. All of them say or have said he was born in this country.

Republicans have smeared the integrity of a patriotic American family who has served this country honorably for generations. It's dirty and dangerous people who do that to honorable Americans who have committed no crime. Despicable. Disgusting. I would ask if Republicans have any shame, but the word is obviously not part of their vocabulary. And that IS a shame.

oh spare us your indignity. after the way you yokels treated the Palin family I am not impressed with your wailing and knashing of teefs.
Republicans are missing the point. Obama's grandfather and great uncle both served in the US Military honorably on Active Duty during WWII. Then there is his grandmother and mother. All of them say or have said he was born in this country.

Republicans have smeared the integrity of a patriotic American family who has served this country honorably for generations. It's dirty and dangerous people who do that to honorable Americans who have committed no crime. Despicable. Disgusting. I would ask if Republicans have any shame, but the word is obviously not part of their vocabulary. And that IS a shame.

As much as I disagree with Republicans I do not think it's fair to claim mainstream Republicans agree with birthers. It would be like saying the Dems are in line with the "truthers"
Wow, you are a busy boy. You posted this one 251 places on the internet.


Are you being paid for this?

Aw shucks, the economy's bad, Ravi. Go easy on a fella making a few bucks as a spammin' shill. I'm sure it's embarrassing enough as it is. Especially since he's busted.

The argument for the bill in the Arizona state legislator is not about race, or even about Obama really. It is about the controversy itself. The argument on the legislator actually calls for a candidates qualifications before the electors are allowed to cast their vote because the nuttier ones among the legislator spent so much time (in the AZ House especially) that it is seen as the way to prevent that time from being wasted in the future.
The actual bill only calls for a candidate to provide proof of eligiblity before our state electors are then allowed to vote, as required in the electorial college system. It only pertains to Obama if he wins in the future, and then because he has already served, it may not be required then. The proof could be that he completed one term, so is ok for the next.
I thought this was all settled, and that his BC had been released by hawai. I guess I was wrong.
I also thought that when the congress passed that bill making certain that those born to American parents were indeed citizens, it meant Obama as well.
I imagine there are those that want to "prevent a man of color" from serving, and I see there are those that want to label everyone that even questions Obama a racist.
Both of those conditions indicate that the person making them has issues with race.
Personally, even if I didn't vote for Obama, and even though I am not real impressed with his performance, I find it a big step in the right direction that this country elected a black man to the presidency. That comes from a old redneck big hatted, big belt buckle cowboy who remembers visiting family in the deep south when I was a kid, and seeing separate bathrooms, water fountains, ect.
Nope, this old cowboy thinks it is a step towards progress.

Personally I never accuse people who disagree with Mr Obama of racism, (unless they made an overtly racist statement, like one that included the word "******") and have vehemently argued in the past with people who do. But this is not a simple disagreement over issues.

The reason why I implied that this particular issue has racist undertones is due to the fact that no other president in the history of the nation has had their citizenship challenged in this manner.

Now we have the first black president, who has provided as much documentation as any of his predecessors, but his citizenship is being challenged.

What other motivation would there be to this type of political attack besides racism? And if there is some other motivation, why has no-one tried to use it before?

The whole point here is that because Mr Obama is black and has a funny name, these "Birthers" are more apt to consider him to be a "foreigner", which is clearly a racist sentiment.

Add to that the fact that I know one or two "Birthers" myself, personally, (uncles) and know them to be definite racists.

There is no shortage of racists, that much is sure. There were legislators in the AZ house that were undoubtedly motivated by racism. That said, it has progressed the the legislator using the argument of the time wasted by the nutters who continually brought the issue to the AZ house floor. The measure was really a non-issue for most of our state reps, and it is hard to argue against more measures to uphold the law. One of our reps aregued that "if you have to prove citizenship to work at taco bell, then why is it you don;t have to prove citizenship to be the president of the USA?". Even the most ardent supporters of Obama in the house found it hard not to support the bill, based on that kind of argument.
Like I said, there never seems to be a shortage of racists, but likewise, it isn't accurate or fair to paint all of a state's legislators that way, especially when the arguments are for upholding an existing law.
The argument for the bill in the Arizona state legislator is not about race, or even about Obama really. It is about the controversy itself. The argument on the legislator actually calls for a candidates qualifications before the electors are allowed to cast their vote because the nuttier ones among the legislator spent so much time (in the AZ House especially) that it is seen as the way to prevent that time from being wasted in the future.
The actual bill only calls for a candidate to provide proof of eligiblity before our state electors are then allowed to vote, as required in the electorial college system. It only pertains to Obama if he wins in the future, and then because he has already served, it may not be required then. The proof could be that he completed one term, so is ok for the next.
I thought this was all settled, and that his BC had been released by hawai. I guess I was wrong.
I also thought that when the congress passed that bill making certain that those born to American parents were indeed citizens, it meant Obama as well.
I imagine there are those that want to "prevent a man of color" from serving, and I see there are those that want to label everyone that even questions Obama a racist.
Both of those conditions indicate that the person making them has issues with race.
Personally, even if I didn't vote for Obama, and even though I am not real impressed with his performance, I find it a big step in the right direction that this country elected a black man to the presidency. That comes from a old redneck big hatted, big belt buckle cowboy who remembers visiting family in the deep south when I was a kid, and seeing separate bathrooms, water fountains, ect.
Nope, this old cowboy thinks it is a step towards progress.

Personally I never accuse people who disagree with Mr Obama of racism, (unless they made an overtly racist statement, like one that included the word "******") and have vehemently argued in the past with people who do. But this is not a simple disagreement over issues.

The reason why I implied that this particular issue has racist undertones is due to the fact that no other president in the history of the nation has had their citizenship challenged in this manner.

Now we have the first black president, who has provided as much documentation as any of his predecessors, but his citizenship is being challenged.

What other motivation would there be to this type of political attack besides racism? And if there is some other motivation, why has no-one tried to use it before?

The whole point here is that because Mr Obama is black and has a funny name, these "Birthers" are more apt to consider him to be a "foreigner", which is clearly a racist sentiment.

Add to that the fact that I know one or two "Birthers" myself, personally, (uncles) and know them to be definite racists.

They're conspiracy theorists they don't have to be racist, they just never accept facts as illustrated by this xkcd comic.

Wow, you are a busy boy. You posted this one 251 places on the internet.


Are you being paid for this?

Aw shucks, the economy's bad, Ravi. Go easy on a fella making a few bucks as a spammin' shill. I'm sure it's embarrassing enough as it is. Especially since he's busted.


Where does one sign up to get paid to 'spam message boards'? While I prefer to torment truthers, I will post anything if the money is right.
Well, it can't be porn, I can't tell my kids that dad is a pornographer, just a personal thing.....:lol::lol::lol:
Wow, you are a busy boy. You posted this one 251 places on the internet.


Are you being paid for this?

Aw shucks, the economy's bad, Ravi. Go easy on a fella making a few bucks as a spammin' shill. I'm sure it's embarrassing enough as it is. Especially since he's busted.


Where does one sign up to get paid to 'spam message boards'? While I prefer to torment truthers, I will post anything if the money is right.
Well, it can't be porn, I can't tell my kids that dad is a pornographer, just a personal thing.....:lol::lol::lol:

I dunno, but if anybody finds out I take pm's. :cool:
Wow, you are a busy boy. You posted this one 251 places on the internet.


Are you being paid for this?

Aw shucks, the economy's bad, Ravi. Go easy on a fella making a few bucks as a spammin' shill. I'm sure it's embarrassing enough as it is. Especially since he's busted.

I'm not busted on anything. I only posted this story here and over at Hannity Forums like I do all my posts. That's it and its not spam and I am not being paid.
The interesting thing about the Internet is that it gives crazy people a platform.
another thread from the psycho freaktoid troll?

What do you think of all these state legislatures drafting bills to make Obama pony up his credentials?

Stanley Armour Dunham
Stanley Dunham is the grandfather of Barack Obama. He was born in 1918 and served as a sergeant in the U.S. Army during World War II, enlisting just after the attacks on Pearl Harbor.

Ralph Dunham, Ph.D.
Great-uncle of Barack Obama, older brother of Stanley Dunham, born 1916. He served in the U.S. Army as an assignment and personnel officer during World War II, landing at Normandy's Omaha Easy Red beach on D-Day plus four and working his way through France, Italy and Germany

Charles Thomas Payne
Great-uncle of Barack Obama, younger brother of Madelyn Dunham, born 1925. Served during World War II in the U.S. Army 89th Infantry Division. Obama has often described Payne's role in liberating Ohrdruf forced labor camp. Payne appeared in the visitor's gallery at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado, when his great-nephew was nominated for President.


You claim to be retired from the military and yet you malign the patriotism of the Obama family in an earlier post and refer to our president as "black mold".

I can't believe you could possibly have been in the military and say those things about active duty soldiers from WWII. You're dirty. No way around it.
another thread from the psycho freaktoid troll?

What do you think of all these state legislatures drafting bills to make Obama pony up his credentials?

Stanley Armour Dunham
Stanley Dunham is the grandfather of Barack Obama. He was born in 1918 and served as a sergeant in the U.S. Army during World War II, enlisting just after the attacks on Pearl Harbor.

Ralph Dunham, Ph.D.
Great-uncle of Barack Obama, older brother of Stanley Dunham, born 1916. He served in the U.S. Army as an assignment and personnel officer during World War II, landing at Normandy's Omaha Easy Red beach on D-Day plus four and working his way through France, Italy and Germany

Charles Thomas Payne
Great-uncle of Barack Obama, younger brother of Madelyn Dunham, born 1925. Served during World War II in the U.S. Army 89th Infantry Division. Obama has often described Payne's role in liberating Ohrdruf forced labor camp. Payne appeared in the visitor's gallery at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado, when his great-nephew was nominated for President.


You claim to be retired from the military and yet you malign the patriotism of the Obama family in an earlier post and refer to our president as "black mold".

I can't believe you could possibly have been in the military and say those things about active duty soldiers from WWII. You're dirty. No way around it.
I didn't say anything about their service. What is alarming is what that family spawned, a communist socialist with the intent to destroy and violate the American Constitution along with his wife who for the first time during the campaign said she was proud of her country. Look at the church he sat in for 22 years with that anti american preacher. Look at his friend Bill Ayers, a domestic terrorist who bombed the Pentagon and Police Stations. Is that Patriotic? no it is not. Look at what they decorated the White House Christmas Tree with, Mao Tse Tung (a known Communist) ornaments. Obama as a child was mentored by his grandfathers friend Frank Marshall Davis, was a member of the CPUSA —

Frank Marshall Davis, alleged Communist, was early influence on Barack Obama - Telegraph

The 1951 report of the Commission on Subversive Activities to the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii identified Davis as a CPUSA member. What’s more, anti-communist congressional committees, including the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), accused Davis of involvement in several communist-front organizations.

Again, there sits a communist in the White House that is a black mold spreading slowly that is destroying the rights of citizens and the constitution. There is no Patriotism. Sarah Palin endures Patriotism and dwells on it in her riviting speeches. She is about building a bright Patriotic American future for all instead of tearing it apart through socialist radical policies that Obama is proposing. She is Americas best hope to rescue this nation. She has experience and a good track record of producing common sense policies that will turn this country around. Obama is usurping the Oval office and needs to be removed and tried for treason and sent to federal prison or deported.

I have no respect for a fellow army officer befriending communist like Stanley Dunham did with Frank Marshall Davis. He is a American traitor and communist sympathizer.
Wow, you are a busy boy. You posted this one 251 places on the internet.


Are you being paid for this?

Aw shucks, the economy's bad, Ravi. Go easy on a fella making a few bucks as a spammin' shill. I'm sure it's embarrassing enough as it is. Especially since he's busted.


I feel a little bad for him in a way. I don't think he's just an asshole, I think he's just so stupid that he doesn't even realize that he's full of shit. It's a little bit sad actually. :(
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