60% of firms to kill health insurance, charge more under Obamacare


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Thanks Obama, my company is dropping my medical coverage in 2014. Pay more for less, the result of the liberal failure tour.

60% of firms to kill health insurance, charge more under Obamacare

A majority of small business owners and manufacturers are mulling drastic changes to comply with Obamacare, with 21 percent set to drop health insurance to workers altogether and 38 percent planning to make employees pay much more.

In a poll done for the National Association of Manufacturers and National Federation of Independent Businesses, 59 percent said that they will have to consider changes once the full law kicks in because increased costs will jeopardize their operations. According to the poll, 67 percent expect Obamacare to raise healthcare costs.

60% of firms to kill health insurance, charge more under Obamacare | WashingtonExaminer.com
but... but... to win election in 2008, Obama promised our premiums would go down $2500 a year!
but... but... to win election in 2008, Obama promised our premiums would go down $2500 a year!

And he promised that if he spent our grandchildren into massive debt the unempolyment rate would be below 8 percent. Took him 3 1/2 years and trillions in debt but damn he did it!!!!! The longest and weakest recovery in history....HE DID IT!!!!! Man when a party has to brag about a 7.8 percent unemployment rate you know they are in trouble.
Yet more bitching and complaining from the right. Yes, Obamacare is a very bad law. Continually whining about it accomplishes nothing. Oh yeah, except your futile hope that after all this bitching and complaining people might suddenly decide to vote for Romney. Here's a pro tip for you: Obamacare has been around too long now for it to change or alter anyone's vote. If people like it, they already are set on that and aren't going to change that. If people don't like it, they already knew that a long time ago.
Yet more bitching and complaining from the right. Yes, Obamacare is a very bad law. Continually whining about it accomplishes nothing. Oh yeah, except your futile hope that after all this bitching and complaining people might suddenly decide to vote for Romney. Here's a pro tip for you: Obamacare has been around too long now for it to change or alter anyone's vote. If people like it, they already are set on that and aren't going to change that. If people don't like it, they already knew that a long time ago.

These are NEW developments as the private sector reacts and recoils to the unintended consequences.

NEW developments, such as, oh the employer of a person who once supported Obamacare suddenly DROPPING his insurance altogether can tend to change person's mind on the subject.

Obamacare is NOT a settled issue.
Yet more bitching and complaining from the right. Yes, Obamacare is a very bad law. Continually whining about it accomplishes nothing. Oh yeah, except your futile hope that after all this bitching and complaining people might suddenly decide to vote for Romney. Here's a pro tip for you: Obamacare has been around too long now for it to change or alter anyone's vote. If people like it, they already are set on that and aren't going to change that. If people don't like it, they already knew that a long time ago.

Yes, much better to be a democrat lemming and walk off the cliff. And no people don't know if they like it or not. The bill had to pass before we knew what was in it. Now we know for sure and it ain't great. So let's vote the lemmings out and get a honest man into the WH. Congress needs a clean sweep.
the price of health care and hospital care should go down because no one will be able to afford the gas to get there
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These are NEW developments as the private sector reacts and recoils to the unintended consequences.


That's like saying lung cancer is a new development and unintended consequence of smoking two packs a day.

Not even close. You don't remember your messiah telling you that 'if you like your healthcare plan, you could keep it'?

How many Obamacare supporters actually believed that lie, and are now experience the NEW development of them not being able to keep their healthcare plan?
the survey seems to be a farce.

I followed the link to it, and it says only 800 people were surveyed, they included businesses with 2-300 plus employees, when businesses with 2-50 employees are completely exempt from obamacare mandates....
the survey seems to be a farce.

I followed the link to it, and it says only 800 people were surveyed, they included businesses with 2-300 plus employees,
when businesses with 2-50 employees are completely exempt from obamacare mandates....[/

Why do you want to post facts like the above fact about small employers? That little bit of info does not fit into the Obama hating rants that have gone on right here. Quit it.

Btw, why is it the employers obligation to provide health insurnace? And if they can make more money by not providing health insurance, why shouldn't they? I thought capitalists were all about the profit motive. The hell with insurance if it don't make the employer money.

Who needs health insurance anyway? Just go to the ER and recieve world class health care..........for free.

Riight rethugs. Isn't that the way to do it?
Thanks Obama, my company is dropping my medical coverage in 2014. Pay more for less, the result of the liberal failure tour.

60% of firms to kill health insurance, charge more under Obamacare

A majority of small business owners and manufacturers are mulling drastic changes to comply with Obamacare, with 21 percent set to drop health insurance to workers altogether and 38 percent planning to make employees pay much more.

In a poll done for the National Association of Manufacturers and National Federation of Independent Businesses, 59 percent said that they will have to consider changes once the full law kicks in because increased costs will jeopardize their operations. According to the poll, 67 percent expect Obamacare to raise healthcare costs.

60% of firms to kill health insurance, charge more under Obamacare | WashingtonExaminer.com

This was probably the plan all along.
I am sure my company will figure it's cheaper to pay the fine then have to pay into the plan we now have.We will end up in Obmacare with the worst care ever.
Yet more bitching and complaining from the right. Yes, Obamacare is a very bad law. Continually whining about it accomplishes nothing. Oh yeah, except your futile hope that after all this bitching and complaining people might suddenly decide to vote for Romney. Here's a pro tip for you: Obamacare has been around too long now for it to change or alter anyone's vote. If people like it, they already are set on that and aren't going to change that. If people don't like it, they already knew that a long time ago.

It was based on BALD FACE LIE !
When you have 10 million of the supposedly UNINSURED NON-CITIZENS -
Source: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
When 14 million of supposedly UNINSURED are already covered by Medicaid!
source:page 4 of the Blue Cross Report at this web page:http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
And when 18 million UNDER age 34 that can afford health insurance but PAY THEIR HEALTH COSTS out of their OWN POCKET are counted as UNINSURED:
Source for the 18 million figure: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009
AGE the annual per capita expenditure
20 $ 1,448 (So why should they pay a $2,000 penalty for not having insurance when they pay out less in real expenses???
40 $ 2,601
65 $10,245

Source for above expenditures:: The Lifetime Distribution of Health Care Costs

Subtract 42 million of phony already covered, non-citizens and people that don't want or need from 50 million it is 8 million!

NOW a simple way to cover those 8 million is to TAX Lawyers 10% of their $100 billion (like Obamacare taxes tanning salons) and tie the tax decline to the decline of the $600 billion a year of duplicate, DEFENSIVE MEDICINE 90% of doctors say they submit claims DUE TO FEAR of lawsuits!
This $10 billion would cover the 8 million TRULY uninsured WITHOUT do what Obama wants to do and this thread points :
DESTROY the 1,300 health insurance companies, reduce $100 billion a year in taxes and put 400,000 people out of work! Obama has said:
I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program."
Yet more bitching and complaining from the right. Yes, Obamacare is a very bad law. Continually whining about it accomplishes nothing. Oh yeah, except your futile hope that after all this bitching and complaining people might suddenly decide to vote for Romney. Here's a pro tip for you: Obamacare has been around too long now for it to change or alter anyone's vote. If people like it, they already are set on that and aren't going to change that. If people don't like it, they already knew that a long time ago.

yes, it is a very fucking bad law, and we told you're stupid ass that from the very beginning. And NO we won't stop bitching and whining about a very bad law.
The VERY same people that bitch and moan about the evil "millionaires and billionaires' and the evil profit making companies... THEY DEFEND the millionaire, ambulance chasing lawyers!
I have NO problem asking for a 10% tax on Lawyers IF it is tied to
A) Forcing all hospitals to register those people that are "uninsured" with the "Uninsured Health Insurance Co.©" which would be funded by,
B) 10% tax on lawyers $100 billion a year and the 10% would reduce for every X% reduction in the $600 billion a year DEFENSIVE MEDICINE COSTS!

These two steps would GUARANTEE LOWER health costs by easily $100 billion a year!
If that happens and 80% of health premiums are paid in claims.. WHICH IS A FACT.. that would reduce premiums a minimum of X%!
PLUS it would LOWER Medicare outlays as the hospitals would be forbidden from padding and passing on sometimes at 6,000% to Medicare!
Thanks Obama, my company is dropping my medical coverage in 2014. Pay more for less, the result of the liberal failure tour.

60% of firms to kill health insurance, charge more under Obamacare

A majority of small business owners and manufacturers are mulling drastic changes to comply with Obamacare, with 21 percent set to drop health insurance to workers altogether and 38 percent planning to make employees pay much more.

In a poll done for the National Association of Manufacturers and National Federation of Independent Businesses, 59 percent said that they will have to consider changes once the full law kicks in because increased costs will jeopardize their operations. According to the poll, 67 percent expect Obamacare to raise healthcare costs.

60% of firms to kill health insurance, charge more under Obamacare | WashingtonExaminer.com

This was probably the plan all along.
I am sure my company will figure it's cheaper to pay the fine then have to pay into the plan we now have.We will end up in Obmacare with the worst care ever.

And they told us that 45 million uninsured was a national disgrace. There is a good bet we will be looking at 145 million uninsured in 2015! Thank you Barack.


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