60yo Ex-US Intel Officer Sentenced 10 Years In Chinese Espionage Case - Feinstein Remains Free


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Sept 24 (Reuters) - A former U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency officer who admitted he betrayed his country for financial gain was sentenced on Tuesday to 10 years in federal prison for attempted espionage on behalf of China, the U.S. Justice Department said. Ron Rockwell Hansen, 60, of Syracuse, Utah, pleaded guilty in March to trying to pass classified U.S. national defense information to China, and admitted to receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars as an agent for the Beijing government."
-- Ex-U.S. intelligence officer gets 10 years in Chinese espionage case

Diane Feinstein, Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, harbored a Chinese Spy for DECADES.

"The Bay Area is a hotbed for Russian and Chinese espionage. Late last year, the feds shut down the Russian consulate in San Francisco. A staffer for Senator Feinstein turned out to be a Chinese spy who reported back to the local Chinese government officials. The spy acted as Feinstein's driver, gofer, liaison to the Asian American community, and attended Chinese consulate functions for her.

“Think about Diane Feinstein and what she had access to,” said Harp. “One, she had access to the Chinese community here in San Francisco; great amount of political influence. Two, correct me if I’m wrong, Dianne Feinstein still has very close ties to the intelligence committees there in Washington, D.C.”

It is well-known that Feinstein and her husband made their fortune through their close ties to and business / financial dealings with the Chicom Government and that they were very close friends to the Chicom Leader.

During Obama's administration Feinstein FREAKED out when she found out Obama's Director of the CIA, Brennan, was illegally spying on US Senators and their staff, and - in an unusual act of Democrats exposing Democrats' crimes - Pelosi blew the whistle on Brennan to get his illegal spying on her and the Senate stopped - we now know why she was so panicked.
-- Brennan was forced to admit he was illegally spying on the Senate and escaped indictment / prison by agreeing to appear before Congress, admit to lying, admit to spying, and promise to never do it again (which did not last long)

So, what happened when Obama / Congress / Democrats learned that Feinstein had been facilitating Chinese espionage for decades?
- Feinstein FIRED the Chinese spy. That's it.

Diane Feinstein was not brought in for Questioning.
The Chinese Spy was not detained and questioned.
There was no investigation of Diane Feinstein.

Feinstein’s office would not comment on the story.

The FBI declined to comment on the story.

Ron Rockwell Hansen is going to prison after being recruited by the Chinese 5 (FIVE) tears ago. Feinstein facilitated Chinese Espionage for DECADES while her and her husband made a fortune off of their close relationship to Chicom leaders.


Details Surface About Sen. Feinstein And The Chinese Spy Who Worked For Her

Lawlessness in our government seems to be no big deal these days if they are connected politicians or bureaucrats.
You’re confusing the FBI with the president. Under Obama the DOJ was a separate entity as were the intelligence agencies.

Trump runs everything in his administration.
And Bill barr is his own personal lawyer.
Yet one more example of who the politicians support - themselves. It's "We the people" who are used to keep the damn crooks in power.

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