61% Americans Say Abortions Should Be Legal!

I did and there is no "heart" at 6 weeks.

And what makes a human a human is it the heart beat or the nervous system , especially the brain?

We take people off of feeding tubes and ventilators when they still have heartbeats.

And all that "science-ey" shit.


I did and there is no "heart" at 6 weeks.

And what makes a human a human is it the heart beat or the nervous system , especially the brain?

We take people off of feeding tubes and ventilators when they still have heartbeats.
You missed the electrical signal part huh? Ignore cool
May have already been said, as I have not read all 31 pages, but just because a majority think something doesn't make it right. At one time a majority supported slavery, but that didn't make it right.
Conception is life, biology says so.
Of course Conception is life. BUT LIFE IS NOT PERSONHOOD.

That is why Alito said this with the Donbs decision ;

“For our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,” Sam Alito..​
Of course not.

That's how you defend a country from foreign invasion, by shooting at the invaders, by using what force is needed to keep the invaders out.

You think it is a condemnation against me that I would support defending the country' from invasion, but it's not.

It's a condemnation of you, as a treasonous piece of anti-American shit, that you oppose defending the nation.
Lol I knew it you’re so goddamn predictable. Gee why am I not surprised you think it’s a good thing to shoot unarmed people many of whom are desperate and are with your children? Could you be more pathetic?
May have already been said, as I have not read all 31 pages, but just because a majority think something doesn't make it right. At one time a majority supported slavery, but that didn't make it right.
When blacks were slaves and still under masters planned parenthood
Lol I knew it you’re so goddamn predictable. Gee why am I not surprised you think it’s a good thing to shoot unarmed people many of whom are desperate and are with your children? Could you be more pathetic?

Who's with my children?

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At one time a majority supported slavery,
NFBW Yes, and now the majorities in the former Confederacy states are supporting reproductive slavery on women through white Christian state lawmakers passing laws to force gestation for nine months against their will.

{ 00020 tshrmp #20 } Don't want kids, then don't get pregnant. Once your pregnant it isn't okay for you to kill your kid,

NFBW: What makes every woman who gets pregnant your business before their conception develops into it’s own individual viable person? That is still 24 weeks mostly in women’s rights protective states.
{ cowboytvd #543 } “Now you are here calling people {murderers} You are classic case of what a wedge issue is supposed to do... •••• You are all riled up about something (unless your Catholic) didn't give hoot about 50 years ago... “

{ nf #562 } “When a rightwing woman is too ignorant to use birth control and goes to a blue state to kill her mistake safely and legally, what harm does that scenario bring to you?”

{ BobBlylck #580 to ytvd #543 } “That you support a “right” to kill innocent human beings in cold blood might have something to do with that, don't you think? •••• If you're going to defend and advocate cold-blooded murder, then you really have no place to complain when you are called a murderer.

{ billy0 #581 90% of abortions occur in the first trimester •••• Less than 1% happen in the third. The large majority of those are more medical reasons.

00584 { blylck #583 to nf #562 } One does not have to be directly affected by an evil act, to recognize that it is evil, and to wish for that act to be prohibited, and that there be justice for the victim of that act. •••• Needlessly, willfully killing an innocent child is wrong, and it is evil, and there is no place for it in any sane society. It is one of the most fucked-up things about our current culture, that we allow this.

{ OhPleaseJustQuit #587 to blylck #583 } VERY well said!

{NFBW #595 to all of the above} “IF” all the billions of dollars spent the past 50 years electing “saving baby fetus” gun whacko politicians, including God’s chosen ‘Trump’ and billions more of JESUS MOOLAH on the fallacious “pro life, x-treme Christian Crusade to nominate a total of 6 Catholic Supreme Court justices being incubated and groomed at the Federalist Society; if If If If If If Saint Bob Blaylock and all his LIB-bashing morons diverted all their time energy and money from buying up assault rifles and ammo and hate lib propaganda to educating and providing social services and reproductive care to young families and impoverished areas, then the numbers of aborted fetuses would surely have been cut at least in half.

but no! You MAGA losers elected the biggest JackAss in American history through nothing but propaganda and lies and chicken little antics by holier than thou self anointed jackals and neanderthal saviors of civilization for what - to spend millions and millions on Big Corp tax cuts; Election LIE court battles and then we had to spend millions more prosecuting the MAGA Jesus Militants that stormed our Capitol and Democracy on Jan6 trying to keep Orange Jesus in power.

If you think it means something when you call 60 percent of the voting public baby killing murderers you will find reality when every election becomes a Kansas - a preservation of women’s reproductive rights.
The MAGA golden dominoes began to fall when Dobbs was handed down.
Lol why was I included in this?
Since when is life not personhood?
Since Eve chomped on that one goddam apple!! it is not a nefesh [a being with a soul] until first breath.

To the woman [the Lord God] said, “I will greatly multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children.” Scripture teaches that as a result of original sin, God would “greatly multiply” the pains of labor not only for Eve, but for all women.​

Judaism covered the first 4000 years.

00036 lvsh #36 23y1m23d “Jewish law does not consider the fetus to be a being with a soul until it is born. It does not have personhood. Furthermore, before 40 days, some poskim, or deciders of Jewish law, have a low bar for allowing an abortion. •••• The Talmud, in Yevamos 69b, cites the view of Rav Hisda that “until forty days from conception the fetus is merely water. It is not yet considered a living being.” •••• If there is a threat to a woman’s life, the safety of the mother takes precedence over continuing the pregnancy at any stage. Many sources illustrate this graphically and rather unambiguously, and all modern poskim, or religious decisors, agree on this. In fact, in certain circumstances, a fetus that endangers the life of the mother is legally considered a “murderer” in active pursuit. •••• For example, in a case of maternal danger, we find in Sanhedrin 72b (further clarified with Rashi’s commentary) that “a midwife may insert her hand into the womb and kill the fetus … [the reason is] for as long as the fetus has not emerged into the world, it is not a nefesh [a being with a soul]; one is therefore allowed to kill it and save the mother …”​
Since Eve chomped on that one goddam apple!! it is not a nefesh [a being with a soul] until first breath.

To the woman [the Lord God] said, “I will greatly multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children.” Scripture teaches that as a result of original sin, God would “greatly multiply” the pains of labor not only for Eve, but for all women.​

Judaism covered the first 4000 years.

00036 lvsh #36 23y1m23d “Jewish law does not consider the fetus to be a being with a soul until it is born. It does not have personhood. Furthermore, before 40 days, some poskim, or deciders of Jewish law, have a low bar for allowing an abortion. •••• The Talmud, in Yevamos 69b, cites the view of Rav Hisda that “until forty days from conception the fetus is merely water. It is not yet considered a living being.” •••• If there is a threat to a woman’s life, the safety of the mother takes precedence over continuing the pregnancy at any stage. Many sources illustrate this graphically and rather unambiguously, and all modern poskim, or religious decisors, agree on this. In fact, in certain circumstances, a fetus that endangers the life of the mother is legally considered a “murderer” in active pursuit. •••• For example, in a case of maternal danger, we find in Sanhedrin 72b (further clarified with Rashi’s commentary) that “a midwife may insert her hand into the womb and kill the fetus … [the reason is] for as long as the fetus has not emerged into the world, it is not a nefesh [a being with a soul]; one is therefore allowed to kill it and save the mother …”​
Psst…. It’s biology 101, learn something
Lol why was I included in this?
THE OP Is a political dunce and you nailed the reason why..

DOBBS killed the biggest dog in the fight for the GOP billionaires donor class - the Evangelicals : Catholics grassroots voters Merger in 1980 to save baby fetus was the motherload to special interests - and those rascally six SCOTUS Catholics fucked it all up - The gravy train is off the rails
Psst…. It’s biology 101, learn something

My understanding of reproductive biology is the same as rightwingers like ding
The poor guy is shocked we both use the same biology sources.

ding #3,792 3,911 #121

NFBW #3,917 My view is abortion is literally ending the development of a living, genetically distinct human organism beholden to the autonomy of the human being who took part in its creation.”

NFBW #3,949 I apply RPGeorge’s definition “immature -- human organism” as a fair and scientific definition of the developing human in the womb of every pregnant woman.

I argue the immature human organism, when it depends on receiving oxygenated blood from the living breathing fully developed human being that carries it, may be terminated because the “would be” mother has a right in good conscience to decide what happens to her health, and pursuit of her mental and economic well being as a citizen of the United States of America under the protection of the Constitution. The immature fetus prior to ability of viable separation from its mother had rights secondary and subordinate to its breathing and nourishment source - The pregnant woman.
My understanding of reproductive biology is the same as rightwingers like ding
The poor guy is shocked we both use the same biology sources.

ding #3,792 3,911 #121

NFBW #3,917 My view is abortion is literally ending the development of a living, genetically distinct human organism beholden to the autonomy of the human being who took part in its creation.”

NFBW #3,949 I apply RPGeorge’s definition “immature -- human organism” as a fair and scientific definition of the developing human in the womb of every pregnant woman.

I argue the immature human organism, when it depends on receiving oxygenated blood from the living breathing fully developed human being that carries it, may be terminated because the “would be” mother has a right in good conscience to decide what happens to her health, and pursuit of her mental and economic well being as a citizen of the United States of America under the protection of the Constitution. The immature fetus prior to ability of viable separation from its mother had rights secondary and subordinate to its breathing and nourishment source - The pregnant woman.
Biology says conception is life. It isn’t hard. Happens to all kind of animals
Biology says conception is life.
I say conception is life and not only that it’s a new unique individual life with it’s own DNA. So how about that? What is your point? Is that all you know how to say it?
Biology says conception is life.
You are responding to this :

NFBW #3,917 My view is abortion is literally ending the development of a living, genetically distinct human organism beholden to the autonomy of the human being who took part in its creation.”

Don’t you read what you reply to?
Biology says conception is life.

Of course every fetus is alive from the moment of conception. That is not the issue concerning its right to continue its life.

Biology dies not make that call. The Constitution already made that call. It’s a live birth requirement.

The immature fetus prior to ability of viable separation from its mother has rights secondary and subordinate to its breathing and nourishment source - The pregnant woman.

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