66% not sure if they'll insure under ACA


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Dec 8, 2012
Two-Thirds of Americans Don't Know If They Will Insure Under Obamacare

Published: Monday, 3 Jun 2013 | 12:00 AM ET

There's no assurance folks will be buying insurance under Obamacare, and that
could spell trouble for the Affordable Care Act.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans who currently lack health insurance don't know
yet if they will purchase that coverage by the Jan. 1 deadline set by the ACA, a
new survey revealed Monday.

And less than half of those in the survey released by InsuranceQuotes.com think
they'll get better health care after Obamacare takes full effect. Nearly 50
percent believe the ACA will make it more difficult for them to get tests and
procedures done in a timely manner, according to the phone survey of 1,001 adult
Americans conducted in early May.

And a whopping 68 percent of low-income Americans aren't sure they qualify for
tax credits that would subsidize their purchase of health insurance—despite they
fact that they almost invariably will qualify, the survey found. That population
is most likely to benefit from government subsidies under the health-care reform

Laura Adams, senior insurance analyst at InsuranceQuotes.com, said public
uncertainty about Obamacare—particularly a lack of commitment to signing
up—could end up driving up health-insurance costs under the program because not
enough healthy people will participate to offset benefits payouts.

"I was really shocked that 64 percent [of uninsured adults] said they haven't
decided if they will purchase insurance by the Jan. 1 deadline," Adams said. "I
was definitely surprised by the high number of people who really have no clue
what they're going to do next year."

Two-Thirds of Americans Don't Know If They Will Insure Under Obamacare

Clusterrfuck a-coming!
Two-Thirds of Americans Don't Know If They Will Insure Under Obamacare

Published: Monday, 3 Jun 2013 | 12:00 AM ET

There's no assurance folks will be buying insurance under Obamacare, and that
could spell trouble for the Affordable Care Act.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans who currently lack health insurance don't know
yet if they will purchase that coverage by the Jan. 1 deadline set by the ACA, a
new survey revealed Monday.

And less than half of those in the survey released by InsuranceQuotes.com think
they'll get better health care after Obamacare takes full effect. Nearly 50
percent believe the ACA will make it more difficult for them to get tests and
procedures done in a timely manner, according to the phone survey of 1,001 adult
Americans conducted in early May.

And a whopping 68 percent of low-income Americans aren't sure they qualify for
tax credits that would subsidize their purchase of health insurance—despite they
fact that they almost invariably will qualify, the survey found. That population
is most likely to benefit from government subsidies under the health-care reform

Laura Adams, senior insurance analyst at InsuranceQuotes.com, said public
uncertainty about Obamacare—particularly a lack of commitment to signing
up—could end up driving up health-insurance costs under the program because not
enough healthy people will participate to offset benefits payouts.

"I was really shocked that 64 percent [of uninsured adults] said they haven't
decided if they will purchase insurance by the Jan. 1 deadline," Adams said. "I
was definitely surprised by the high number of people who really have no clue
what they're going to do next year."

Two-Thirds of Americans Don't Know If They Will Insure Under Obamacare

Clusterrfuck a-coming!

That's why we need universal healthcare:eusa_whistle:
I was against Obamacare from the start. The wife & I had our own family health insurance policy. We have never claimed on it since we bought the policy over 10 years ago. After the ACA passed we got refund checks because it forced our insurance company to refund all premium paid in excess of 20% of their actual health-care expenses. So at first this ACA seemed like a decent law, because we were actually saving money. But then on January 1, 2013 our rate doubled & our insurance company said it was due to the ACA. So I just canceled our policy June 1rst. I checked with 15 different companies & could not find any cheaper rates because they all went up. So we just said to hell with that expensive crap.

Something is seriously screwed up with this law when all the individual & family policies double. We do not belong to a group or big corporation who can lobby the government so we just got shit on. We are thinking of putting all of our assets into a corporation & make the government pay if we get sick. The people who support this stupid law deserve to pay.

Ordinarily, the IRS has broad powers to collect taxes from taxpayers. However, because of the intense hue and cry surrounding the individual mandate, the PPACA’s drafters imposed specific limitations on the methods that the IRS can use to collect the tax penalty. The IRS will only be able to collect the tax penalty from a resistant taxpayer if they are entitled to refundable tax credits that exceed their net tax liability. IOW never let your employer withhold to much from your check or never overpay the IRS.
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Several things that the Obama IDIOTS haven't considered is that many of those
millions of uninsured folks work under the table, and the last thing they want
to do is invite the IRS in to scrutinize their income in order to approve
subsidies, and they won't be able to afford the mandated coverage without
subsidies. In the mean time, they get free HC at ERs and community clinics. And
since they pay no income tax, face no penalty.

It's a house of cards.
Two-Thirds of Americans Don't Know If They Will Insure Under Obamacare

Published: Monday, 3 Jun 2013 | 12:00 AM ET

There's no assurance folks will be buying insurance under Obamacare, and that
could spell trouble for the Affordable Care Act.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans who currently lack health insurance don't know
yet if they will purchase that coverage by the Jan. 1 deadline set by the ACA, a
new survey revealed Monday.

And less than half of those in the survey released by InsuranceQuotes.com think
they'll get better health care after Obamacare takes full effect. Nearly 50
percent believe the ACA will make it more difficult for them to get tests and
procedures done in a timely manner, according to the phone survey of 1,001 adult
Americans conducted in early May.

And a whopping 68 percent of low-income Americans aren't sure they qualify for
tax credits that would subsidize their purchase of health insurance—despite they
fact that they almost invariably will qualify, the survey found. That population
is most likely to benefit from government subsidies under the health-care reform

Laura Adams, senior insurance analyst at InsuranceQuotes.com, said public
uncertainty about Obamacare—particularly a lack of commitment to signing
up—could end up driving up health-insurance costs under the program because not
enough healthy people will participate to offset benefits payouts.

"I was really shocked that 64 percent [of uninsured adults] said they haven't
decided if they will purchase insurance by the Jan. 1 deadline," Adams said. "I
was definitely surprised by the high number of people who really have no clue
what they're going to do next year."

Two-Thirds of Americans Don't Know If They Will Insure Under Obamacare

Clusterrfuck a-coming!

One of the biggest failures in the implementation of the ACA is the government not making people aware of how all of this is going to work. On top of that, the paperwork involved to determine eligibility for tax credits is going to be as bad or worse than filling out your taxes. All is not perfect, but hopefully with some better information, things might not be so bad. I have a hunch that H&R Block and similar companies may find a new revenue stream helping people figure out what they qualify for with the credits and filling out all the necessary paperwork.
I was against Obamacare from the start. The wife & I had our own family health insurance policy. We have never claimed on it since we bought the policy over 10 years ago. After the ACA passed we got refund checks because it forced our insurance company to refund all premium paid in excess of 20% of their actual health-care expenses. So at first this ACA seemed like a decent law, because we were actually saving money. But then on January 1, 2013 our rate doubled & our insurance company said it was due to the ACA. So I just canceled our policy June 1rst. I checked with 15 different companies & could not find any cheaper rates because they all went up. So we just said to hell with that expensive crap.

Something is seriously screwed up with this law when all the individual & family policies double. We do not belong to a group or big corporation who can lobby the government so we just got shit on. We are thinking of putting all of our assets into a corporation & make the government pay if we get sick. The people who support this stupid law deserve to pay.

Ordinarily, the IRS has broad powers to collect taxes from taxpayers. However, because of the intense hue and cry surrounding the individual mandate, the PPACA’s drafters imposed specific limitations on the methods that the IRS can use to collect the tax penalty. The IRS will only be able to collect the tax penalty from a resistant taxpayer if they are entitled to refundable tax credits that exceed their net tax liability. IOW never let your employer withhold to much from your check or never overpay the IRS.

For those of us who currently have private plans, rates are going up. The fact that your rates doubled surprises me because my kids' plans only went up 20%. I am in the high risk pool, so I will get a new plan at the beginning of next year through the exchange. As for those great rates you were paying, you need to understand a couple of things. Those rates are much less than you would pay if you were an employee of a company. The reason you get such low rates is because you are completely healthy and never use the insurance. The problem is as soon as you get sick, the insurance companies increase your rates like crazy. They do whatever they can to get you off of the insurance. I'm speaking from experience here. With the ACA, you won't ever have to worry about not being able to afford insurance. Even if you lose your job and your income takes a nosedive, you'll be able to afford it with the tax credits, until you can get back on your feet again.

So many people with insurance think they are safe because they have insurance. But if they get a long term illness that forces them out of work for an extended period of time, they may not be able to afford the payments for the insurance. Then all of a sudden they lose everything. The ACA is far from perfect and it's going to require some changes once everything is moving forward, but to refuse to pay for insurance is really not wise, and if you're doing on principal, then you are really not being intelligent about this.

Let me ask you this. If you or your spouse got sick, could your afford the medical bills, or would they bankrupt you. Eleven years ago, my wife was diagnosed with leukemia. She battled for her life for ten months before losing the fight. That ten months led to $1.3 million in medical bills, and that was eleven years ago. Do you have that kind of money to pay for those type of medical bills if you, your spouse, or one of your kids gets sick?
I was against Obamacare from the start. The wife & I had our own family health insurance policy. We have never claimed on it since we bought the policy over 10 years ago. After the ACA passed we got refund checks because it forced our insurance company to refund all premium paid in excess of 20% of their actual health-care expenses. So at first this ACA seemed like a decent law, because we were actually saving money. But then on January 1, 2013 our rate doubled & our insurance company said it was due to the ACA. So I just canceled our policy June 1rst. I checked with 15 different companies & could not find any cheaper rates because they all went up. So we just said to hell with that expensive crap.

Something is seriously screwed up with this law when all the individual & family policies double. We do not belong to a group or big corporation who can lobby the government so we just got shit on. We are thinking of putting all of our assets into a corporation & make the government pay if we get sick. The people who support this stupid law deserve to pay.

Ordinarily, the IRS has broad powers to collect taxes from taxpayers. However, because of the intense hue and cry surrounding the individual mandate, the PPACA’s drafters imposed specific limitations on the methods that the IRS can use to collect the tax penalty. The IRS will only be able to collect the tax penalty from a resistant taxpayer if they are entitled to refundable tax credits that exceed their net tax liability. IOW never let your employer withhold to much from your check or never overpay the IRS.

If the bolded passage is true, no small business owner will ever pay the penalty.
I was against Obamacare from the start. The wife & I had our own family health insurance policy. We have never claimed on it since we bought the policy over 10 years ago. After the ACA passed we got refund checks because it forced our insurance company to refund all premium paid in excess of 20% of their actual health-care expenses. So at first this ACA seemed like a decent law, because we were actually saving money. But then on January 1, 2013 our rate doubled & our insurance company said it was due to the ACA. So I just canceled our policy June 1rst. I checked with 15 different companies & could not find any cheaper rates because they all went up. So we just said to hell with that expensive crap.

Something is seriously screwed up with this law when all the individual & family policies double. We do not belong to a group or big corporation who can lobby the government so we just got shit on. We are thinking of putting all of our assets into a corporation & make the government pay if we get sick. The people who support this stupid law deserve to pay.

Ordinarily, the IRS has broad powers to collect taxes from taxpayers. However, because of the intense hue and cry surrounding the individual mandate, the PPACA’s drafters imposed specific limitations on the methods that the IRS can use to collect the tax penalty. The IRS will only be able to collect the tax penalty from a resistant taxpayer if they are entitled to refundable tax credits that exceed their net tax liability. IOW never let your employer withhold to much from your check or never overpay the IRS.

If the bolded passage is true, no small business owner will ever pay the penalty.

It is true, and all self-employed individuals need to do is pay quarterly in a manner that they will make them owe some money each year, and not get a refund. IRS will only collect the penalty out of any refund owed.

The penalty collection is supposed to be a big part of the funding mechanism, but they're going to find that not to be the case. Between that, and so many individuals not wanting to participate, the funding just won't be there, and the entire mess explodes.

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