66 Programs President Trump Wants to Eliminate


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
President Trump's fiscal 2018 budget proposal would completely eliminate 66 federal programs, for a savings of $26.7 billion.

Some of the programs would receive funding for 2018 as part of a phasing-out plan.

Here are the programs the administration wants on the chopping block.

Agriculture Department — $855 million

· McGovern-Dole International Food for Education

· Rural Business-Cooperative Service

· Rural Water and Waste Disposal Program Account

· Single Family Housing Direct Loans

Commerce Department — $633 million

· Economic Development Administration

· Manufacturing Extension Partnership

· Minority Business Development Agency

· National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Grants and Education

Education Department — $4.976 billion

· 21st Century Community Learning Centers

· Comprehensive Literacy Development Grants

· Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants

· Impact Aid Payments for Federal Property

· International Education

· Strengthening Institutions

· Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants

· Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants

· Teacher Quality Partnership

Energy Department — $398 million

· Advanced Research Projects Agency—Energy

· Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Loan Program and Title 17 Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program

· Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility

Health and Human Services — $4.834 billion

· Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

· Community Services Block Grant

· Health Professions and Nursing Training Programs

· Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

Homeland Security — $235 million

· Flood Hazard Mapping and Risk Analysis Program

· Transportation Security Administration Law Enforcement Grants

Housing and Urban Development — $4.123 billion

Choice Neighborhoods

· Community Development Block

· HOME Investment Partnerships Program

· Self-Help and Assisted Homeownership Opportunity Program Account

Interior Department — $122 million

· Abandoned Mine Land Grants

· Heritage Partnership Program

· National Wildlife Refuge Fund

Justice Department — $210 million

· State Criminal Alien Assistance Program

Labor Department — $527 million

· Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Training

· OSHA Training Grants

· Senior Community Service Employment Program

State Department and USAID — $4.256 billion

· Development Assistance

Earmarked Appropriations for Non-Profit Organizations

· The Asia Foundation

· East-West Center

· P.L. 480 Title II Food Aid

State Department, USAID, and Treasury Department — $1.59 billion

· Green Climate Fund and Global Climate Change Initiative

Transportation Department — $499 million

· National Infrastructure Investments (TIGER)

Treasury Department — $43 million

Global Agriculture and Food Security Program

Environmental Protection Agency — $493 million

· Energy Star and Voluntary Climate Programs

· Geographic Programs

National Aeronautics and Space Administration — $269 million

· Five Earth Science Missions

· Office of Education

Other Independent Agencies — $2.683 billion

· Chemical Safety Board

· Corporation for National and Community Service

· Corporation for Public Broadcasting

· Institute of Museum and Library Services

International Development Foundations

· African Development Foundation

· Inter-American Foundation

· Legal Services Corporation

· National Endowment for the Arts

· National Endowment for the Humanities

· Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation

· Overseas Private Investment Corporation

Regional Commissions

· Appalachian Regional Commission

· Delta Regional Authority

· Denali Commission

· Northern Border Regional Commission

· U.S. Institute of Peace

· U.S. Trade and Development Agency

· Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
More on Trump Budget Cuts

1. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration

The Economic Development Administration spent $251 million dollars in 2017. This agency’s authority to exist expired in 2008.

2. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Grants and Education

In 2017, NOAA spent $217 million on state, local, and/or industry interests (think special interest).

3. Department of Health and Human Services, Community Services Block Grant

The Community Services Block Grant funds approximately 1,000 non-profit and local government organizations to a tune of $714 million dollars. These funds are not tied to performance and the money has been allocated based on what a state received in 1981.

4. Department of Homeland Security, Port Security Grants and Transit Security Assistance

The 2018 Budget did not mention how much the individual Port Security Grant program spends each year but did mention it was an unauthorized program and that the Department’s budget would be reduced. Overall, the 2018 budget eliminates $218 million from Homeland Security for programs that are being eliminated.

5. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Choice Neighborhoods

The 2018 Budget proposes to eliminate the $125 million budget of Choice Neighborhoods and allow state and local governments provide incentives to private interests to improve neighborhoods.

6. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Community Development Block Grant

The Community Development Block Grant has spent approximately $150 billion since its inception in 1974. The 2018 budget states that the grants have not demonstrated a measurable impact.

7. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Indian Community Development Block Grant

This $60 million block grant fund is being eliminated because it is duplicative and no longer authorized by Congress. This fund authorized grants to Tribes for the construction of affordable housing. There is no matrix to prove that this grant actually had any impact on affordable housing.

8. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Self-Help and Assisted Homeownership Opportunity Program Account

In addition to offering duplicative services, this program has been expired since 2001. For 16 years, this program has been giving money to non-profit organizations to assist with community development activities. This program will waste $56 Million in 2017.

9. Department of Justice, State Criminal Alien Assistance Program

This duplicative and unauthorized program reimburses States and local governments for the cost of incarcerating illegal criminal aliens. This program is poorly administered in that the government applying for the funds did not actually have to use the funds for detaining illegal criminal aliens. A large portion of the funds is going to New York and California.

10. Department of Transportation, National Infrastructure Investments

This $499 million discretionary grant program was a part of the 2009 stimulus bill. It spends federal dollars upon local projects with no national or regional interests. This grant program has not been authorized by Congress for the last two years.

11. Department of Treasury, Community Development Financial Institutions Fund This program was created in 1994 and is currently unauthorized. This program was designed to assist in the expansion of credit for “low-income and underserved people and communities.” This fund has created 1,100 Treasury-certified CDFIs. The Trump 2018 budget is eliminating the ability for this program to issue grants but is allowing the program to provide oversight for the 1,100 CDFIs that the program created in the last 23 years.

Let’s see how many in Congress scream about these cuts.
There is massive needless redundancy in our government, numerous agencies that do the exact same thing. Consolidation and elimination is needed.

Fraud, waste, and abuse of tax dollars by government agencies and politicians must be eliminated as well.
- Several agencies have been in the news for mis-use of tax dollars, and one politician, for example, was just Per-Walked for abuse/mis-use of tax dollars.

The govt is supposed to be 'good stewards' of OUR money. Part of the problem is they think it is all THEIR money.
The new Republican Party...

Transforming America from Bedford Falls into Pottersville, one impoverished, politically impotent child at a time...
Personally, I couldn't care less about funding for international programs in the present climate...

We spend far too much money, buying-off the barbarians at our gates as it is, and we've been doing it for far too long already...

We need to take care of our own people before we start (or resume) worrying about others...

Trouble is, we're screwing-over our own people, as well, in dozens of ways, with these proposals, and the accompanying budget, and that needs to be resisted...

It's OK to root-out and eliminate waste and fraud and redundant effort...

It's NOT OK to screw-over your own people while you arrogantly serve-up tax-breaks to rich phukkers, under the (false) pretense of Trickle-Down Economics...

These cold, heartless, shameless bastards would sell their own mothers down the river, the same way they're selling-out the Old, and the Very Young, and most of Middle America, in between...

Never ceases to amaze me, how much political hor$e$hit some folks will put up with and go along with and defend, just to flush the Beaners south of the border or ban more Muzzies from coming in or to bail out of NAFTA or TPP or whatever other hot-button gives the Righties a boner nowadays...

But, that's the appeal, and the trap, of Populism, and we will soon begin to see the carnage and wreckage caused by granting them power across the board...

All done under the guise of crafting Smaller Government, of course...

A shameful deception - one that so many present-day backers don't even perceive - yet...

That requires actual Critical Thought, Foresight, and Imagination, outside a dogmatic framework...

Something that most of the Bots on that side of the fence really don't have in them...

So... Americans will suffer... until Republicans and Trump-Bots screw-up badly enough that they get tossed out on their ears again...

Just like the dumbass Democrats and ObamaBots, dumbass Republicans and TrumpBots never learn...

It would be wonderful if there were actually a viable Alternative for Middle America to vote for, but the Fruit Loops and Snowflakes on The Left ain't it...
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Personally, I couldn't care less about funding for international programs in the present climate...

We spend far too much money, buying-off the barbarians at our gates...

We need to take care of our own people before we start (or resume) worrying about others...

Trouble is, we're screwing-over our own people, as well, in dozens of ways, with these proposals, and the accompanying budget, and that needs to be resisted...

It's OK to root-out and eliminate waste and fraud and redundant effort...

It's NOT OK to screw-over your own people while you arrogantly serve-up tax-breaks to rich phukkers, under the (false) pretense of Trickle-Down Economics.
Again, proof?
Personally, I couldn't care less about funding for international programs in the present climate...

We spend far too much money, buying-off the barbarians at our gates as it is, and we've been doing it for far too long already...

We need to take care of our own people before we start (or resume) worrying about others...

Trouble is, we're screwing-over our own people, as well, in dozens of ways, with these proposals, and the accompanying budget, and that needs to be resisted...

It's OK to root-out and eliminate waste and fraud and redundant effort...

It's NOT OK to screw-over your own people while you arrogantly serve-up tax-breaks to rich phukkers, under the (false) pretense of Trickle-Down Economics...

These cold, heartless, shameless bastards would sell their own mothers down the river, the same way they're selling-out the Old, and the Very Young, and most of Middle America, in between...

Never ceases to amaze me, how much political hor$e$hit some folks will put up with and go along with and defend, just to flush the Beaners south of the border or ban more Muzzies from coming in or to bail out of NAFTA or TPP or whatever other hot-button gives the Righties a boner nowadays...

But, that's the appeal, and the trap, of Populism, and we will soon begin to see the carnage and wreckage caused by granting them power across the board...

All done under the guise of crafting Smaller Government, of course...

A shameful deception - one that so many present-day backers don't even perceive - yet...

That requires actual Critical Thought, Foresight, and Imagination, outside a dogmatic framework...

Something that most of the Bots on that side of the fence really don't have in them...

So... Americans will suffer... until Republicans and Trump-Bots screw-up badly enough that they get tossed out on their ears again...

Just like the dumbass Democrats and ObamaBots, dumbass Republicans and TrumpBots never learn...

It would be wonderful if there were actually a viable Alternative for Middle America to vote for, but the Fruit Loops and Snowflakes on The Left ain't it...

The new Republican Party...

Transforming America from Bedford Falls into Pottersville, one impoverished, politically impotent child at a time...
all children are politically impotent since children cannot vote
President Trump's fiscal 2018 budget proposal would completely eliminate 66 federal programs, for a savings of $26.7 billion.

Some of the programs would receive funding for 2018 as part of a phasing-out plan.

Here are the programs the administration wants on the chopping block.

Agriculture Department — $855 million

· McGovern-Dole International Food for Education

· Rural Business-Cooperative Service

· Rural Water and Waste Disposal Program Account

· Single Family Housing Direct Loans

Commerce Department — $633 million

· Economic Development Administration

· Manufacturing Extension Partnership

· Minority Business Development Agency

· National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Grants and Education

Education Department — $4.976 billion

· 21st Century Community Learning Centers

· Comprehensive Literacy Development Grants

· Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants

· Impact Aid Payments for Federal Property

· International Education

· Strengthening Institutions

· Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants

· Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants

· Teacher Quality Partnership

Energy Department — $398 million

· Advanced Research Projects Agency—Energy

· Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Loan Program and Title 17 Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program

· Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility

Health and Human Services — $4.834 billion

· Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

· Community Services Block Grant

· Health Professions and Nursing Training Programs

· Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

Homeland Security — $235 million

· Flood Hazard Mapping and Risk Analysis Program

· Transportation Security Administration Law Enforcement Grants

Housing and Urban Development — $4.123 billion

Choice Neighborhoods

· Community Development Block

· HOME Investment Partnerships Program

· Self-Help and Assisted Homeownership Opportunity Program Account

Interior Department — $122 million

· Abandoned Mine Land Grants

· Heritage Partnership Program

· National Wildlife Refuge Fund

Justice Department — $210 million

· State Criminal Alien Assistance Program

Labor Department — $527 million

· Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Training

· OSHA Training Grants

· Senior Community Service Employment Program

State Department and USAID — $4.256 billion

· Development Assistance

Earmarked Appropriations for Non-Profit Organizations

· The Asia Foundation

· East-West Center

· P.L. 480 Title II Food Aid

State Department, USAID, and Treasury Department — $1.59 billion

· Green Climate Fund and Global Climate Change Initiative

Transportation Department — $499 million

· National Infrastructure Investments (TIGER)

Treasury Department — $43 million

Global Agriculture and Food Security Program

Environmental Protection Agency — $493 million

· Energy Star and Voluntary Climate Programs

· Geographic Programs

National Aeronautics and Space Administration — $269 million

· Five Earth Science Missions

· Office of Education

Other Independent Agencies — $2.683 billion

· Chemical Safety Board

· Corporation for National and Community Service

· Corporation for Public Broadcasting

· Institute of Museum and Library Services

International Development Foundations

· African Development Foundation

· Inter-American Foundation

· Legal Services Corporation

· National Endowment for the Arts

· National Endowment for the Humanities

· Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation

· Overseas Private Investment Corporation

Regional Commissions

· Appalachian Regional Commission

· Delta Regional Authority

· Denali Commission

· Northern Border Regional Commission

· U.S. Institute of Peace

· U.S. Trade and Development Agency

· Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

/--- Great . Trump should cut twice as much.
Make America a third world country. [again].....with the 1% resembling the "royalty" during Marie Antoinette's France.
Trump can't drain the swamp and reduce the debt if he is prevented from cutting the Gators favorite pet projects.

Frankly, anyone who buys into what bleating politicians are saying in Washington are just a bunch of simple-minded lemmings.
The filthy ass Federal government is much too large and corrupt. It is the right priority to eliminate that crap. Good for Trump!
President Trump's fiscal 2018 budget proposal would completely eliminate 66 federal programs, for a savings of $26.7 billion.

Some of the programs would receive funding for 2018 as part of a phasing-out plan.

Here are the programs the administration wants on the chopping block.

Agriculture Department — $855 million

· McGovern-Dole International Food for Education

· Rural Business-Cooperative Service

· Rural Water and Waste Disposal Program Account

· Single Family Housing Direct Loans

Commerce Department — $633 million

· Economic Development Administration

· Manufacturing Extension Partnership

· Minority Business Development Agency

· National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Grants and Education

Education Department — $4.976 billion

· 21st Century Community Learning Centers

· Comprehensive Literacy Development Grants

· Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants

· Impact Aid Payments for Federal Property

· International Education

· Strengthening Institutions

· Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants

· Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants

· Teacher Quality Partnership

Energy Department — $398 million

· Advanced Research Projects Agency—Energy

· Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Loan Program and Title 17 Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program

· Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility

Health and Human Services — $4.834 billion

· Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

· Community Services Block Grant

· Health Professions and Nursing Training Programs

· Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

Homeland Security — $235 million

· Flood Hazard Mapping and Risk Analysis Program

· Transportation Security Administration Law Enforcement Grants

Housing and Urban Development — $4.123 billion

Choice Neighborhoods

· Community Development Block

· HOME Investment Partnerships Program

· Self-Help and Assisted Homeownership Opportunity Program Account

Interior Department — $122 million

· Abandoned Mine Land Grants

· Heritage Partnership Program

· National Wildlife Refuge Fund

Justice Department — $210 million

· State Criminal Alien Assistance Program

Labor Department — $527 million

· Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Training

· OSHA Training Grants

· Senior Community Service Employment Program

State Department and USAID — $4.256 billion

· Development Assistance

Earmarked Appropriations for Non-Profit Organizations

· The Asia Foundation

· East-West Center

· P.L. 480 Title II Food Aid

State Department, USAID, and Treasury Department — $1.59 billion

· Green Climate Fund and Global Climate Change Initiative

Transportation Department — $499 million

· National Infrastructure Investments (TIGER)

Treasury Department — $43 million

Global Agriculture and Food Security Program

Environmental Protection Agency — $493 million

· Energy Star and Voluntary Climate Programs

· Geographic Programs

National Aeronautics and Space Administration — $269 million

· Five Earth Science Missions

· Office of Education

Other Independent Agencies — $2.683 billion

· Chemical Safety Board

· Corporation for National and Community Service

· Corporation for Public Broadcasting

· Institute of Museum and Library Services

International Development Foundations

· African Development Foundation

· Inter-American Foundation

· Legal Services Corporation

· National Endowment for the Arts

· National Endowment for the Humanities

· Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation

· Overseas Private Investment Corporation

Regional Commissions

· Appalachian Regional Commission

· Delta Regional Authority

· Denali Commission

· Northern Border Regional Commission

· U.S. Institute of Peace

· U.S. Trade and Development Agency

· Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

/--- Great . Trump should cut twice as much.

The biggest problem is that many departments do not yet know exactly what subdivisions they have! It was one of the president's first directives to his cabinet and leaders - find out what you have, what they do, and their value to continue.

They've barely scratched the surface.

Here's an image for you:

A federal building somewhere in the country. At the end of an unused hallway is an office door with a notice that it is xxxxx, of the Department of xxx. Inside are four gray government desks manned by nameless clerks with Selectric typewriters and four large file cabinets. Their in and out boxes are empty and they are busy reading newspapers or the daily government digest. A door leads to another office where their boss is ensconced behind a large wooden desk in an executive swivel chair. She is busy on the telephone, supposedly conducting business - of some mysterious kind.

Nobody knows who they are or what they do except the Human Resources office that has their personnel files and submits their names for the payroll. And nobody in that office pays the slightest attention to what they do.

Function - unknown

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