.67c from giss for June. This is the second hottest after 1998's .74!!!

roughly a third of all the CO2 we have put in the air has been produced since 1998. and no warming. if there are natural influences that are hiding the rise, why dont the models show it?

The models show it, reality refuses to acknowledge it

The reality that is the glacial melt worldwide and the Arctic Sea Ice melt seems to acknowledge it quite well. As will the troposphere temperatures within this decade. Look at the graph. It is not a straight line, it moves in steps.

Odd that the 3ppm of CO2 is powerful enough to cause these imaginary wider swings with an overall warming (not evident in the chart BTW) instantly but refuses to show us that in a lab

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roughly a third of all the CO2 we have put in the air has been produced since 1998. and no warming. if there are natural influences that are hiding the rise, why dont the models show it?

The models show it, reality refuses to acknowledge it

The reality that is the glacial melt worldwide and the Arctic Sea Ice melt seems to acknowledge it quite well. As will the troposphere temperatures within this decade. Look at the graph. It is not a straight line, it moves in steps.

You are so entirely fixated on ice.. Funny thing about ice --- it actually melts the INSTANT it's above 32degF.. It's almost binary at that point and 1degF COLDER or warmer in the dead of winter ain't gonna fix it and it ain't gonna hurt it neither. 1degF in the summertime will have an effect.

So that whole kettle boils down to how many days are above 32degF.. Global warming could probably STOP TODAY --- dead in its' tracks --- and the Arctic and the glaciers would keep on retreating..
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Funny thing about ice. It takes 334 joules to change one gram of ice at 0 degrees, to one gram of water at 0 degrees. It takes 4.18 joules to increase the temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius.

So, ice reflect 90% of the sunlight falling on it. Water absorbs 90% of the sunlight falling on it. The 334 joules of energy to convert one gram of ice to water, still at 0 degrees, would raise the temperature of 80 grams of water one degree. The amount of sunlight that converts one gram of ice to one gram of water, now raises the temperature of 720 grams of water one degree, when falling on open water.

In the last 30 years we have seen millions of square kilometers more of open water in the Arctic Sea in the summer than we have ever seen before. That is energy now absorbed that used to be reflected back into space.
Funny thing about ice. It takes 334 joules to change one gram of ice at 0 degrees, to one gram of water at 0 degrees. It takes 4.18 joules to increase the temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius.

So, ice reflect 90% of the sunlight falling on it. Water absorbs 90% of the sunlight falling on it. The 334 joules of energy to convert one gram of ice to water, still at 0 degrees, would raise the temperature of 80 grams of water one degree. The amount of sunlight that converts one gram of ice to one gram of water, now raises the temperature of 720 grams of water one degree, when falling on open water.

In the last 30 years we have seen millions of square kilometers more of open water in the Arctic Sea in the summer than we have ever seen before. That is energy now absorbed that used to be reflected back into space.

All over the world there are cities that have been submerged, so unless man built them there, the water must have risen to overtake them. That would mean that the seas have been rising and falling long before you dreamed up this pseudo-"Science" as a way of distributing wealth
Funny thing about ice. It takes 334 joules to change one gram of ice at 0 degrees, to one gram of water at 0 degrees. It takes 4.18 joules to increase the temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius.

So, ice reflect 90% of the sunlight falling on it. Water absorbs 90% of the sunlight falling on it. The 334 joules of energy to convert one gram of ice to water, still at 0 degrees, would raise the temperature of 80 grams of water one degree. The amount of sunlight that converts one gram of ice to one gram of water, now raises the temperature of 720 grams of water one degree, when falling on open water.

In the last 30 years we have seen millions of square kilometers more of open water in the Arctic Sea in the summer than we have ever seen before. That is energy now absorbed that used to be reflected back into space.

That will all be SUMMERTIME concerns in the Arctic or on a glacier.. You left out the part where to withdraw 4.18 joules (or 8.4J) from the water to MAKE ICE AGAIN is a pretty low bar at MINUS 46degF nine months out of the year..

The glaciers were doomed a couple hundred years ago.. And actually --- that's overall a good thing... I wouldn't be in favor of rooting for the glaciers to be growing..
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