68 years ago today

So...you would like us to specifically target civilians then? Where and how would that advance our interests in the conflicts that face us?

We should warn the nation states that fund terrorism to cease and desist. If they refuse make an example of one of them...the rest should get the message.

Make an example of who? Their leaders? Their military? The civilian population?

All together now! Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran...

We have an infinite supply of soldiers who never wear out, dontcha know. We build 'em in the Pentagon basement, and they can do nine, ten, eleven tours of combat duty and never tire or suffer PTSD.
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So, deliberately killing all those civilians was an act of revenge?

It was either that or watch as a couple hundred thousand more American servicemen come home in a bag while attempting to take the Japanese mainland.

Those were not the only two possible options.

True. We could have surrendered to Japan. Let them keep all the land areas they conquered. Rewarded them for their actions.
National Naval Aviation Museum

Final pages of the log book of Lieutenant (junior grade) Raymond Porter noting that he and his gunner, Aviation Radioman Third Class Normand Brissette, crashed during a strike against Kure Harbor in Japan. Taken prisoner by the Japanese, the Bombing Squadron (VB) 87 personnel were held captive in Hiroshima, where they died as the result of the atomic bomb dropped on the city on August 6, 1945, sixty-eight years ago today.
No debate-just a memory.
I was going home, my transportation was the navy hospital ship "Bountiful." (Anyone on that voyage?) The war was still going on and my division was still in combat on Luzon. We left New Guinea and a short time later the ship announced the dropping of the first bomb on Hiroshima. Then began the surrender rumors, then a second bomb. Surrender was in everyone's thoughts, and finally came the surrender.
As the "Bountiful" plodded on the radio talked of the stateside parties, the joyous crowds, the happy girls. Finally we arrived at the Golden Gate and it was as if there had been no war; some flights of navy Hellcats buzzed the ship welcoming us home.
The one thing that I remember most of that final voyage was when the surrender was announced and it seemed real the ship was silent. No cheering, no demonstrations, no ship's whistles tooting, no jumping for joy, just silence.
Agreed, and also may have had an even more important effect. Stating what the power of the nuclear bomb could do, and actually seeing the results are two very differant things. The rules of all out war changed that day. Every nation could fool itself into thinking, as Germany did, that it could defend it's cities, and take x amount of damage from the planes that did get through. But now it was one bomb, one city. No real defense.

I think those two aspects of the nuclear bombing of Japan prevented WW3. No matter how you cut it, no winners in such a war.

48 years ago, they finally allowed anyone to vote no matter what race they are as well.

Fucking 48 years ago, blacks couldn't vote. That is a long way to a black man being the president.

Go Obama. Even though so much has changed, there is still so much shit engrained in peoples heads. Slavery was a long long time ago, but tell me things have not resignated in peoples minds. Yes, slavery had something to do with it only being 48 years ago that certain people couldnt vote, sit and eat where they wanted, get hired, get housing etc etc.

Greatest country in the world...
(Pacific War)

1 JULY 1946


The United States Strategic Bombing Survey was established by the Secretary of War on 3 November 1944, pursuant to a directive from the late President Roosevelt. It was established for the purpose of conducting an impartial and expert study of the effects of our aerial attack on Germany, to be used in connection with air attacks on Japan and to establish a basis for evaluating air power as an instrument of military strategy, for planning the future development of the United States armed forces, and for determining future economic policies with respect to the national defense. A summary report and some 200 supporting reports containing the findings of the Survey in Germany have been published. On 15 August 1945, President Truman requested the Survey to conduct a similar study of the effects of all types of air attack in the war against Japan...

Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts, and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey's opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945, and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.
United States Strategic Bombing Survey: Summary Report (Pacific War)
So, deliberately killing all those civilians was an act of revenge?


When you say "Remember Pearl Harbor. You get what you deserve," that's sure what it sounds like.

Don't ever cut my quotes short in desperation to make your point. You quote the entire thing or f*cking nothing. The only need for you to cut my quote short is you don't have the fortitude or the logic to refute it.

Japan wanted a war. They attacked Pearl Harbor in order to drag us into it with the full intention of kicking our *sses and taking over whatever portion of the US they possibly could. In the end they not only got nuked but they got beat so f*cking handily they have never since been a world power militarily.

They picked a fight and got exactly what they asked for in return. Their citizens jumped into the fray just like ours did and yes they were targets to be exterminated. They got the first punch we won devastatingly, f*ck off. They not only earned it they asked for it. Don't pick a fight if you can't handle being knocked out.

When you say "Remember Pearl Harbor. You get what you deserve," that's sure what it sounds like.

Don't ever cut my quotes short in desperation to make your point. You quote the entire thing or f*cking nothing. The only need for you to cut my quote short is you don't have the fortitude or the logic to refute it.

Japan wanted a war. They attacked Pearl Harbor in order to drag us into it with the full intention of kicking our *sses and taking over whatever portion of the US they possibly could. In the end they not only got nuked but they got beat so f*cking handily they have never since been a world power militarily.

They picked a fight and got exactly what they asked for in return. Their citizens jumped into the fray just like ours did and yes they were targets to be exterminated. They got the first punch we won devastatingly, f*ck off. They not only earned it they asked for it. Don't pick a fight if you can't handle being knocked out.

I'll address whatever part of your stupidity I feel like, douchebag. Deal with it. Japan's goal in WWII wasn't to take over America, it was to push us out of Asia so Japan could fulfill its exceedingly impractical and misleading vision of a "Co-prosperity Sphere" in East Asia. Don't bother posting if you're going to be an ignorant shit, and don't bother commenting on a difficult moral question if you are an amoral animal at best.
When you say "Remember Pearl Harbor. You get what you deserve," that's sure what it sounds like.

Don't ever cut my quotes short in desperation to make your point. You quote the entire thing or f*cking nothing. The only need for you to cut my quote short is you don't have the fortitude or the logic to refute it.

Japan wanted a war. They attacked Pearl Harbor in order to drag us into it with the full intention of kicking our *sses and taking over whatever portion of the US they possibly could. In the end they not only got nuked but they got beat so f*cking handily they have never since been a world power militarily.

They picked a fight and got exactly what they asked for in return. Their citizens jumped into the fray just like ours did and yes they were targets to be exterminated. They got the first punch we won devastatingly, f*ck off. They not only earned it they asked for it. Don't pick a fight if you can't handle being knocked out.

I'll address whatever part of your stupidity I feel like, douchebag. Deal with it. Japan's goal in WWII wasn't to take over America, it was to push us out of Asia so Japan could fulfill its exceedingly impractical and misleading vision of a "Co-prosperity Sphere" in East Asia. Don't bother posting if you're going to be an ignorant shit, and don't bother commenting on a difficult moral question if you are an amoral animal at best.
No, you will take my entire quote and f*cking deal with it the best your tiny mind is capable of processing.

Japan was part of the Axis power who's entire goal was the defeat of western philosophy of capitalism and freedom in favor of government rule. Japan's one entry into this alliance was to get the US into the war. That was their job. And it f*cking worked. We got in and they all lost. Because at the time we apparently had animals like me that would choose to win by any means necessary and not c*nt's like you.

How much f*cking stupid am I going to have to deal with from you? I don't have all day here.
Germany and Japan were not the same. Japanese culture had Bushido, and many Japanese followed that code. How many German soldiers would cut their bellies open rather than surrender? Another difference was the emperor. We offered Germany only unconditional surrender and Germany took it, but with Japan it meant, what about the emperor? Could America offer Japan terms, terms agreed upon by both America and Japan to surrender? What would have been the American people or the Republican party's response to that? But, of course Truman eventually did keep the emperor but still tried to make it sound like unconditional surrender. Even Hirohito had to make his wishes to surrender twice to the military before Japan surrendered.
Sadly the a-bombing of Japan was the most disgraceful day in American history. A fool, Truman, purposely incinerated old men, women and children primarily because of his racist views of the Japanese and to impress histories greatest murderer, Uncle Joe. The war was over. Japan was done and had been trying to surrender for years.

Uncle Joe must have had a big laugh...from Old Harry thinking murdering innocents would impress him and force him to stop the Red Army hordes from continuing their rape, murder, and pillage of E. Europe.

But, the statists continue to promote the lie that the a-bombing was necessary to force Japan to surrender and avoid 500,000 additional American casualties to conqueror the main islands.

Very sad day for America.
Don't ever cut my quotes short in desperation to make your point. You quote the entire thing or f*cking nothing. The only need for you to cut my quote short is you don't have the fortitude or the logic to refute it.

Japan wanted a war. They attacked Pearl Harbor in order to drag us into it with the full intention of kicking our *sses and taking over whatever portion of the US they possibly could. In the end they not only got nuked but they got beat so f*cking handily they have never since been a world power militarily.

They picked a fight and got exactly what they asked for in return. Their citizens jumped into the fray just like ours did and yes they were targets to be exterminated. They got the first punch we won devastatingly, f*ck off. They not only earned it they asked for it. Don't pick a fight if you can't handle being knocked out.

I'll address whatever part of your stupidity I feel like, douchebag. Deal with it. Japan's goal in WWII wasn't to take over America, it was to push us out of Asia so Japan could fulfill its exceedingly impractical and misleading vision of a "Co-prosperity Sphere" in East Asia. Don't bother posting if you're going to be an ignorant shit, and don't bother commenting on a difficult moral question if you are an amoral animal at best.
No, you will take my entire quote and f*cking deal with it the best your tiny mind is capable of processing.

Guess again, kid. Go study a little history before shooting your mouth off.
Germany and Japan were not the same. Japanese culture had Bushido, and many Japanese followed that code. How many German soldiers would cut their bellies open rather than surrender? .

Commit suicide rather than surrender? You mean like Hitler did?

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