68 years ago today

So, deliberately killing all those civilians was an act of revenge?

Nope. As I said, it was a way to end the war quickly, without killing the millions who would have died in an invasion of the Japanese home islands.

You really should read the thread before asking what the thread says.
It isn't like we didn't know how powerful that bomb would be.

They dropped it because they were sick of the war and just wanted it to end.

Terrible as it was, I do not in any way fault Truman for using the bombs.

Knowing what we know now about nuclear weapons and their long term consequences, of course, using them now would not get the same pass as I'm giving to Truman.

Are you sick of the WOT and what the gentle approach is costing us? Find the epicenter...warn them...no response...disappear them.

I'm having my doubts about the whole issue of "terrorism" Del.

But if it were true, and if we could find its epicenter, then yes I'd want it wiped out.

I would not approve of going after anybody with nukes though.
Now, they are healthier, better educated and live longer than Americans. Technologically they kick our asses as well.

Meh! The Japanese are great copycats. Technology comes from others. They copied the Germans to make better (some) cameras. They copied Europeans and Americans to make better (some) cars. They are really good at copying others, but not so good at coming up with the idea first.

The Japanese are essentially very frugal, very hard working, very meticulous, very nationalistic copycats.

Their frugality cost them a lot of pilots as their Zeros were similar to flying Coke cans...no armor.

68 years ago today, I was 2 years old, playin' in black gumbo mud when it rained...
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The intentionally spared Hiroshima from conventional bombs in order to maximize the effect and study the data which is s very cold, and calculated reasoning whether or not one believes it should have been done.
Now, they are healthier, better educated and live longer than Americans. Technologically they kick our asses as well.

Meh! The Japanese are great copycats. Technology comes from others. They copied the Germans to make better (some) cameras. They copied Europeans and Americans to make better (some) cars. They are really good at copying others, but not so good at coming up with the idea first.

The Japanese are essentially very frugal, very hard working, very meticulous, very nationalistic copycats.

Their frugality cost them a lot of pilots as their Zeros were similar to flying Coke cans...no armor.

but think about this. while they may have copied they developed methods to make it more efficiently and with better quality. what is sad is that someone can produce our ideas better then we can.
The intentionally spared Hiroshima from conventional bombs in order to maximize the effect and study the data which is s very cold, and calculated reasoning whether or not one believes it should have been done.

I have been to Peace Park where the dome skeleton still stands. It was close enough to the bomb drop point that the force was essentially downward and did not wipe the building off its foundation as happened to those farther away.

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The A-bombs did indeed save millions of lives unless we just decided to stop fightng the war. By fighting Germany and Italy to unconditional surrender, by bringing Japan to unconditional surrender, we were able to make some of the world's most viscious and dangerous enemies into peaceful friends, assets instead of threats to the world community.

The knowledge to build the bomb was out there and that knowledge cannot now ever be taken back. Us perfecting a usable weapon and using it first, however, for a specific and prudent purpose, did not cease its production. But it was so graphic an illustration of its power and deadly potential that no nation has presumed to use one since.

Paying the price to force aggressive nations into complee submission, unconditional surrender, has netted great benefits both for those nations and the world.

Since WWII we have won no wars. We simply at some point stop fighting them. And in every single case we have left less than friendly nations in the wake. But we Americans seem to have a tough time even relating our history to current realities, much less learn from it.
Now, they are healthier, better educated and live longer than Americans. Technologically they kick our asses as well.

Meh! The Japanese are great copycats. Technology comes from others. They copied the Germans to make better (some) cameras. They copied Europeans and Americans to make better (some) cars. They are really good at copying others, but not so good at coming up with the idea first.

The Japanese are essentially very frugal, very hard working, very meticulous, very nationalistic copycats.

Their frugality cost them a lot of pilots as their Zeros were similar to flying Coke cans...no armor.

but think about this. while they may have copied they developed methods to make it more efficiently and with better quality. what is sad is that someone can produce our ideas better then we can.
As I said, Japanese workers are very frugal, very hard working, very meticulous, very nationalistic...unlike the American labor union members...greedy, lazy, sloppy and out for themselves. That is ONE of several reasons why the Japanese do things better.
I'm not sure celebration would be how I'd describe it. Perhaps respect for the dead and those that had their eyeballs fall out.
Meh! The Japanese are great copycats. Technology comes from others. They copied the Germans to make better (some) cameras. They copied Europeans and Americans to make better (some) cars. They are really good at copying others, but not so good at coming up with the idea first.

The Japanese are essentially very frugal, very hard working, very meticulous, very nationalistic copycats.

Their frugality cost them a lot of pilots as their Zeros were similar to flying Coke cans...no armor.

but think about this. while they may have copied they developed methods to make it more efficiently and with better quality. what is sad is that someone can produce our ideas better then we can.
As I said, Japanese workers are very frugal, very hard working, very meticulous, very nationalistic...unlike the American labor union members...greedy, lazy, sloppy and out for themselves. That is ONE of several reasons why the Japanese do things better.

couldn't agree with you more on those points.
It isn't like we didn't know how powerful that bomb would be.

They dropped it because they were sick of the war and just wanted it to end.

Terrible as it was, I do not in any way fault Truman for using the bombs.

Knowing what we know now about nuclear weapons and their long term consequences, of course, using them now would not get the same pass as I'm giving to Truman.

Are you sick of the WOT and what the gentle approach is costing us? Find the epicenter...warn them...no response...disappear them.

I'm having my doubts about the whole issue of "terrorism" Del.

But if it were true, and if we could find its epicenter, then yes I'd want it wiped out.

I would not approve of going after anybody with nukes though.

My theory is that there is a financial epicenter existing in a nation state that finances Islamo terrorism. Could be Iran could be Saudi Arabia ...I think we know. We need to tell them the game is over...one way or another.
Are you sick of the WOT and what the gentle approach is costing us? Find the epicenter...warn them...no response...disappear them.

I'm having my doubts about the whole issue of "terrorism" Del.

But if it were true, and if we could find its epicenter, then yes I'd want it wiped out.

I would not approve of going after anybody with nukes though.

My theory is that there is a financial epicenter existing in a nation state that finances Islamo terrorism. Could be Iran could be Saudi Arabia ...I think we know. We need to tell them the game is over...one way or another.

Actually its the WORLD OF FINANCE that make me dubious that the story we're getting about Islamo-terrorism is even real, Del.

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