68 years ago today

What was "soon forgotten" and by whom?

That we are the super power...who fight like we are the Red Cross...forgotten by everyone in the pussyfied world of progtard sensibility.

So..we should remind people we are the Supah Powah by nuking a few here and there?

today we play the politically correct game, call them freedom fighters and give them millions of dollars in aid to blow themselves up.
So, deliberately killing all those civilians was an act of revenge?

Nope. It was ending a war they started and weren't ready to give up on. That is until we forced them to give up.

We didn't start the war but had the balls to finish it. They got what they deserved.

"They" meaning all those civilians who were killed in the atomic bombings?

Wasn't seen as that much different than firebombing raids.

Do you know the estimate of the numbers of civilians that would have been killed had we been force to invade their main island?
Nope. It was ending a war they started and weren't ready to give up on. That is until we forced them to give up.

We didn't start the war but had the balls to finish it. They got what they deserved.

"They" meaning all those civilians who were killed in the atomic bombings?

Wasn't seen as that much different than firebombing raids.

Do you know the estimate of the numbers of civilians that would have been killed had we been force to invade their main island?

The cost was very high as is the case of all war. War is perhaps the single most stupid act of humankind, but as a very wise man once said, ""And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places."

If we must fight a war, overwhelming force to keep it short, sweet, and decisive, despite heavy collateral loss, is far more merciful than dragging it out over many months, years, even decades in which millions will die, be injured, be maimed. I wonder how many thousands/millions have died unnecessarily because of the politically correct demand to fight wars without killing anybody?

The use of the A-bombs was far more merciful than a land invasion or months of carpet bombing would have been.
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Once again it appears we need to keep an eye on Japan...the Communist Party is on the rise despite the fact that Abe Shinzo was reelected.....and that he plans to create a more 'business friendly' atmosphere...

Abe plans to “prime the pump” with nuclear power and a renewed push to build up Japan’s military forces...

once upon a time Japan could rely upon the US for protection from Russia, China, and NOrth Korea.....but with Obama in office the trust isn't there like it used to be...

The Japanese Communist Party, by gaining five more seats in the upper house in the July 21 vote, is positioned to become the head of the opposition to Abe. The number one opposition party, Democratic Party of Japan, lost 27 seats, continuing its downward slide in the polls.

Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog » Japanese Communism on the Rise ? Tokyo to Re-Arm
How many people did the Japanese occupation soldiers kill, rape, torture, mutilate and force to work until they dropped and then were killed over the 35 years of Japanese aggression and domination?

far more than the alleged 6 million jews that Hitler was blamed for :up:

So.......how many was he responsible for putting to death if not at lease six million? :eusa_eh:

Hitler was a leftie. And from that it follows that Hitler did not kill any Jews. He loved Jews, like all lefties do...

Jews were responsible for communism. Hitler knew that. He convinced a lot of Germans this was true. And since he was a leftie commie lover, why would he hurt the Jews? That would make no sense at all.

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Once again it appears we need to keep an eye on Japan...the Communist Party is on the rise despite the fact that Abe Shinzo was reelected.....and that he plans to create a more 'business friendly' atmosphere...

Abe plans to “prime the pump” with nuclear power and a renewed push to build up Japan’s military forces...

once upon a time Japan could rely upon the US for protection from Russia, China, and NOrth Korea.....but with Obama in office the trust isn't there like it used to be...

The Japanese Communist Party, by gaining five more seats in the upper house in the July 21 vote, is positioned to become the head of the opposition to Abe. The number one opposition party, Democratic Party of Japan, lost 27 seats, continuing its downward slide in the polls.

Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog » Japanese Communism on the Rise ? Tokyo to Re-Arm


The Japanese Communist Party has been steadily declining, receiving smaller and smaller percentages of votes.

They have 11 out of 241 seats in the House of Councillors, compared to 113 seats held by Abe's party.

The Democratic Party has 58 seats. The New Komeito party has 20 seats. The Your Party has 18 seats.

So to call the JCP the "head of the opposition" is to bloviate from one's ass. What kind of rag are you reading?
But they make such bloody good cameras. (Mandrake is Dr. Strangelove)
Once again it appears we need to keep an eye on Japan...the Communist Party is on the rise despite the fact that Abe Shinzo was reelected.....and that he plans to create a more 'business friendly' atmosphere...

Abe plans to “prime the pump” with nuclear power and a renewed push to build up Japan’s military forces...

once upon a time Japan could rely upon the US for protection from Russia, China, and NOrth Korea.....but with Obama in office the trust isn't there like it used to be...

The Japanese Communist Party, by gaining five more seats in the upper house in the July 21 vote, is positioned to become the head of the opposition to Abe. The number one opposition party, Democratic Party of Japan, lost 27 seats, continuing its downward slide in the polls.

Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog » Japanese Communism on the Rise ? Tokyo to Re-Arm


The Japanese Communist Party has been steadily declining, receiving smaller and smaller percentages of votes.

They have 11 out of 241 seats in the House of Councillors, compared to 113 seats held by Abe's party.

The Democratic Party has 58 seats. The New Komeito party has 20 seats. The Your Party has 18 seats.

So to call the JCP the "head of the opposition" is to bloviate from one's ass. What kind of rag are you reading?

they doubled their numbers in the House of Councilors.....a significant gain in the upper house for one of the smaller parties.....and they are growing even more in local elections....of course they will oppose any re-arming of Japan...
What was "soon forgotten" and by whom?

That we are the super power...who fight like we are the Red Cross...forgotten by everyone in the pussyfied world of progtard sensibility.

So...you would like us to specifically target civilians then? Where and how would that advance our interests in the conflicts that face us?

We should warn the nation states that fund terrorism to cease and desist. If they refuse make an example of one of them...the rest should get the message.
68 years ago today, on August 5, 1945, a single B-29 bomber dropped a single uranium bomb on the city of Hiroshima, Japan. 80,000 Japanese people were killed, and no Americans. By the end of 1945, approx. 30,000 more Japanese had died from injuries, starvations, and radiation.

Three days later, on August 8, a plutonium bomb was caried to Kobe, Japan. But the city was hidden by clouds, so the plane turned and flew to the alternate target, Nagasaki, and dropped it there instead. 50,000 people died from the explosion, with 20,000 more dying within a few months.

The bombing help end the war quickly, made an invasion of the Japanese home islands unnecessary, and saved millions of Japanese and American casualties that would have died in such an invasion.

nagasaki replaced kyoto on the target list and was the alternate target to kokura. kokura was hidden in smoke and clouds. so nagasaki was bombed.
Nope. It was ending a war they started and weren't ready to give up on. That is until we forced them to give up.

We didn't start the war but had the balls to finish it. They got what they deserved.

"They" meaning all those civilians who were killed in the atomic bombings?

Wasn't seen as that much different than firebombing raids.

Do you know the estimate of the numbers of civilians that would have been killed had we been force to invade their main island?

Very true. We wouldn't have stormed ashore like idiots waiting to be gunned down by suicidal Japanese.

We would have blockaded the Island for Months and hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of Japanese civilians would have died.

The Japanese have no natural resources to speak of, they can't grow enough food to feed themselves, not even close.

It was kinder to nuke 'em.

All this was started by a raid on Pearl Harbor where 2,386 Americans were killed and a few ships sunk.

We nuked Japan for what they did at Pearl Harbor


Kinda looks like Dee-troit

Still just the 2nd worst attack on American Soil in our entire history.


killed 2,996 people. Innocent people. Not Soldiers.....Women, children, babies.

And some want us to pick up and leave SW Asia because their pussies hurt or something?

Probably the same people who believe the 'Truther' bullshit...


Look!! I think I can see George Bush in his Flight Suit piloting that CIA Airplane!!
One more, just for fun....

Our people who want to run away from SW Asia because they feel some kind of concern for... Something. I don't know what. Something.

I want you to put yourselves in the place of these men and women in the picture below and tell me what was going through their minds at that very time.


Now I want you to tell me again about how you want to leave SW Asia because you have a pussy rash or something.
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Yes, let's celebrate the needless deaths of tens of thousands of people.

Dante's Ghost: Remembering Hiroshima. Thomas Merton and the Original Child Bomb
You fail to acknowledge that the deaths of tens of thousands of Japanese people kept millions from dying in an invasion of the Japanese mainland and bloody warfare that would have followed. Your density is exceeding great.

Regardless of how one views Truman's ultimate decision, the atomic bomb or massive invasion were not the only two possible options.
That we are the super power...who fight like we are the Red Cross...forgotten by everyone in the pussyfied world of progtard sensibility.

So...you would like us to specifically target civilians then? Where and how would that advance our interests in the conflicts that face us?

We should warn the nation states that fund terrorism to cease and desist. If they refuse make an example of one of them...the rest should get the message.

Make an example of who? Their leaders? Their military? The civilian population?

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