6th Circuit Federal Appeals Court Gives Thumb's Up to States' Choice on Gay Marriage

Should the definition of marriage be up to the states?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • No

    Votes: 8 42.1%

  • Total voters
Actually, I'm an anarchist. I oppose all government, no matter what its form. Democracy is just another form of tyranny, as far as I'm concerned. I wouldn't allow anyone to be able to vote my freedoms away if I had my druthers.

Yet- here you are arguing that government should treat homosexuals differently than heterosexuals.

Sounds more like a fascist than an anarchist.
No, idiot. The argument is homosexuals are already treated exactly like heterosexuals. What homos want is special treatment.

Special treatment- as in being treated the same as heterosexuals.......yeah great argument.

Nope. Heterosexuals are allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex. Homosexuals have the same privilege.

Yep- just a white person was allowed to marry anyone they wanted- as long as they were white. That worked so well for you in court 50 years ago.

The color of your skin isn't an obstacle to procreation or raising well adjusted children. A "couple" with only one kind of genitalia is.
Dude, the children of gay couples will not have married parents even if gay marriage is legalized. What about that do you miss?

Dude, they already do. My partner and I have been our children's parents since they were born. We have both legally been their parents years before we got civilly married, dude.

Wrong. One of you was not the legal parent nor the biological parent.

We are both their legal parents. Biology has nothing to do with parenting.

How could you both be the legal parents before some judge imposed the farce called "gay marriage" on the people of your state?

God you are a ignorant.

I see you can't explain it.
The color of your skin isn't an obstacle to procreation or raising well adjusted children. A "couple" with only one kind of genitalia is.

The two aren't even in the same ballpark. A bi-racial couple have a home where the children have access to both their blood parents...and those protective/nurturing instincts. A gay couple can never provide that for a child. 100% of the time, a gay household provides a lack of one blood parent to any children who find themselves in that situation..
Actually, I'm an anarchist. I oppose all government, no matter what its form. Democracy is just another form of tyranny, as far as I'm concerned. I wouldn't allow anyone to be able to vote my freedoms away if I had my druthers.

Yet- here you are arguing that government should treat homosexuals differently than heterosexuals.

Sounds more like a fascist than an anarchist.
No, idiot. The argument is homosexuals are already treated exactly like heterosexuals. What homos want is special treatment.

Special treatment- as in being treated the same as heterosexuals.......yeah great argument.

Nope. Heterosexuals are allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex. Homosexuals have the same privilege.

Yep- just a white person was allowed to marry anyone they wanted- as long as they were white. That worked so well for you in court 50 years ago.

Only clueless drones are buying the proposition that there is some correlation between skin color and genitalia. Black people certainly don't buy it.
Yet- here you are arguing that government should treat homosexuals differently than heterosexuals.

Sounds more like a fascist than an anarchist.
No, idiot. The argument is homosexuals are already treated exactly like heterosexuals. What homos want is special treatment.

Special treatment- as in being treated the same as heterosexuals.......yeah great argument.

Nope. Heterosexuals are allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex. Homosexuals have the same privilege.

Yep- just a white person was allowed to marry anyone they wanted- as long as they were white. That worked so well for you in court 50 years ago.

Only clueless drones are buying the proposition that there is some correlation between skin color and genitalia. Black people certainly don't buy it.
Its not even that. Blacks are a distinct group. You pretty much either are or arent. Gays? No such thing. You can look at a black person and know he's black. Gays? No such thing. They arent remotely comparable and keep in mind black churches helped defeat gay marriage in California.
Its not even that. Blacks are a distinct group. You pretty much either are or arent. Gays? No such thing. You can look at a black person and know he's black.


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Yet- here you are arguing that government should treat homosexuals differently than heterosexuals.

Sounds more like a fascist than an anarchist.
No, idiot. The argument is homosexuals are already treated exactly like heterosexuals. What homos want is special treatment.

Special treatment- as in being treated the same as heterosexuals.......yeah great argument.

Nope. Heterosexuals are allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex. Homosexuals have the same privilege.

Yep- just a white person was allowed to marry anyone they wanted- as long as they were white. That worked so well for you in court 50 years ago.

Only clueless drones are buying the proposition that there is some correlation between skin color and genitalia. Black people certainly don't buy it.

Oh? Which black people are those?

African Americans: A national Gallup poll conducted November 26-29, 2012 found 53% of African Americans thought marriages between same-sex couples should be recognized officially and should have the same rights as straight married couples.

NAACP: The NAACP Constitution affirmatively states our objective to ensure the “political, educational, social and economic equality” of all people. Therefore, the NAACP has opposed and will continue to oppose any national, state, local policy or legislative initiative that seeks to codify discrimination or hatred into the law or to remove the Constitutional rights of LGBT citizens. We support marriage equality consistent with equal protection under the law provided under the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. Further, we strongly affirm the religious freedoms of all people as protected by the First Amendment.
No, idiot. The argument is homosexuals are already treated exactly like heterosexuals. What homos want is special treatment.

Special treatment- as in being treated the same as heterosexuals.......yeah great argument.

Nope. Heterosexuals are allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex. Homosexuals have the same privilege.

Yep- just a white person was allowed to marry anyone they wanted- as long as they were white. That worked so well for you in court 50 years ago.

Only clueless drones are buying the proposition that there is some correlation between skin color and genitalia. Black people certainly don't buy it.

Oh? Which black people are those?

African Americans: A national Gallup poll conducted November 26-29, 2012 found 53% of African Americans thought marriages between same-sex couples should be recognized officially and should have the same rights as straight married couples.

NAACP: The NAACP Constitution affirmatively states our objective to ensure the “political, educational, social and economic equality” of all people. Therefore, the NAACP has opposed and will continue to oppose any national, state, local policy or legislative initiative that seeks to codify discrimination or hatred into the law or to remove the Constitutional rights of LGBT citizens. We support marriage equality consistent with equal protection under the law provided under the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. Further, we strongly affirm the religious freedoms of all people as protected by the First Amendment.

Black people voted in overwhelmingly favor of proposition #8, nitwit. So whenever the question is put to a vote, blacks oppose the farce called "gay marriage."
Black people voted in overwhelmingly favor of proposition #8, nitwit. So whenever the question is put to a vote, blacks oppose the farce called "gay marriage."

The question has been put to California twice now and twice gay marriage and polygamy etc. were defeated. It is still illegal there according to the reasoning of Baker 1971, Windsor 2013 and the 6th circuit federal court's legal deductions citing both those cases.

Hispanics, with their strong catholic upbringings, are the largest minority group that helped vote in Prop 8 as law.
Anyone who thinks hispanics are going to line up in favor of gay marriage ought to spend a week immersed in their cultural pressures. That ought to cure you of your delusions. The cathoic church isn't going to suddenly wake up and defy a mortal edict like the one in Jude 1 of the New Testament and give a stamp of approval to gay marriage. Upon that moment it would be declaring itself dead.
No, idiot. The argument is homosexuals are already treated exactly like heterosexuals. What homos want is special treatment.

Special treatment- as in being treated the same as heterosexuals.......yeah great argument.

Nope. Heterosexuals are allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex. Homosexuals have the same privilege.

Yep- just a white person was allowed to marry anyone they wanted- as long as they were white. That worked so well for you in court 50 years ago.

Only clueless drones are buying the proposition that there is some correlation between skin color and genitalia. Black people certainly don't buy it.
Its not even that. Blacks are a distinct group. You pretty much either are or arent. Gays? No such thing. You can look at a black person and know he's black. Gays? No such thing. They arent remotely comparable and keep in mind black churches helped defeat gay marriage in California.

LOL.....Conservatives argue all the time that Obama is not black- that he is really half white or that he is arab.

So much for being a distinct group.
Black people voted in overwhelmingly favor of proposition #8, nitwit. So whenever the question is put to a vote, blacks oppose the farce called "gay marriage."

The question has been put to California twice now and twice gay marriage and polygamy etc. were defeated. It is still illegal there according to the reasoning of Baker 1971, Windsor 2013 and the 6th circuit federal court's legal deductions citing both those cases.

Hispanics, with their strong catholic upbringings, are the largest minority group that helped vote in Prop 8 as law.

Once again Silhouette is lying.

Same gender marriage is legal in California- polygamy is not.
California has never voted on polygamy.

And California Latino's now favor gay marriage

California Latinos Favor Gay Marriage New Poll Shows

Some 56 percent of California Latinos now support same-sex marriage, according to a Field Poll released Thursday. The figure marks a jump from 50 percent three years ago, La Opinión reports.

The new poll is consistent with other recent surveys that have shown a steady rise of support for gay marriage in the Latino community, bucking the common view of Hispanics as socially conservative group. Exit polls after the 2012 presidential elections found that Latinos voters were more likely than any other group surveyed to approve if their state legalized gay marriage.
Yet- here you are arguing that government should treat homosexuals differently than heterosexuals.

Sounds more like a fascist than an anarchist.
No, idiot. The argument is homosexuals are already treated exactly like heterosexuals. What homos want is special treatment.

Special treatment- as in being treated the same as heterosexuals.......yeah great argument.

Nope. Heterosexuals are allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex. Homosexuals have the same privilege.

Yep- just a white person was allowed to marry anyone they wanted- as long as they were white. That worked so well for you in court 50 years ago.

The color of your skin isn't an obstacle to procreation or raising well adjusted children. A "couple" with only one kind of genitalia is.

There is no science to support your purely homophobic assertion.
Dude, they already do. My partner and I have been our children's parents since they were born. We have both legally been their parents years before we got civilly married, dude.

Wrong. One of you was not the legal parent nor the biological parent.

We are both their legal parents. Biology has nothing to do with parenting.

How could you both be the legal parents before some judge imposed the farce called "gay marriage" on the people of your state?

God you are a ignorant.

I see you can't explain it.

I did- you are incredibly ignorant. Your ignorance- and your bigotry and your homophobia- does not require me to humor you.
Special treatment- as in being treated the same as heterosexuals.......yeah great argument.

Nope. Heterosexuals are allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex. Homosexuals have the same privilege.

Yep- just a white person was allowed to marry anyone they wanted- as long as they were white. That worked so well for you in court 50 years ago.

Only clueless drones are buying the proposition that there is some correlation between skin color and genitalia. Black people certainly don't buy it.
Its not even that. Blacks are a distinct group. You pretty much either are or arent. Gays? No such thing. You can look at a black person and know he's black. Gays? No such thing. They arent remotely comparable and keep in mind black churches helped defeat gay marriage in California.

LOL.....Conservatives argue all the time that Obama is not black- that he is really half white or that he is arab.

So much for being a distinct group.
Obama is black. He himself frequently makes the point that he is black and doesnt look like the other presidents.
No, idiot. The argument is homosexuals are already treated exactly like heterosexuals. What homos want is special treatment.

Special treatment- as in being treated the same as heterosexuals.......yeah great argument.

Nope. Heterosexuals are allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex. Homosexuals have the same privilege.

Yep- just a white person was allowed to marry anyone they wanted- as long as they were white. That worked so well for you in court 50 years ago.

The color of your skin isn't an obstacle to procreation or raising well adjusted children. A "couple" with only one kind of genitalia is.

There is no science to support your purely homophobic assertion.
Seriously? Did you flunk Bio 101?
Special treatment- as in being treated the same as heterosexuals.......yeah great argument.

Nope. Heterosexuals are allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex. Homosexuals have the same privilege.

Yep- just a white person was allowed to marry anyone they wanted- as long as they were white. That worked so well for you in court 50 years ago.

Only clueless drones are buying the proposition that there is some correlation between skin color and genitalia. Black people certainly don't buy it.

Oh? Which black people are those?

African Americans: A national Gallup poll conducted November 26-29, 2012 found 53% of African Americans thought marriages between same-sex couples should be recognized officially and should have the same rights as straight married couples.

NAACP: The NAACP Constitution affirmatively states our objective to ensure the “political, educational, social and economic equality” of all people. Therefore, the NAACP has opposed and will continue to oppose any national, state, local policy or legislative initiative that seeks to codify discrimination or hatred into the law or to remove the Constitutional rights of LGBT citizens. We support marriage equality consistent with equal protection under the law provided under the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. Further, we strongly affirm the religious freedoms of all people as protected by the First Amendment.

Black people voted in overwhelmingly favor of proposition #8, nitwit. So whenever the question is put to a vote, blacks oppose the farce called "gay marriage."

That was 2008...it's 2014 in case you weren't aware.
You wrote gays were not allowed to marry. That is false.

Then same sex marriage has always been legal?
Yes. Show me one place where anyone was ever prosecuted for having a gay wedding.

Then what, pray tell, is all the hub bub about? If same sex marriage has always been legal, what are conservatives fighting? Why did they submit appeals to say, Prop 8?

You fellas may want to compare your notes. Because if your claims are valid and gay marriage has always been legal, then they just wasted tons and tons of money on lawyers opposing gay marriage.

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