6th Grader Wanted to Use Trump for Class ‘Hero Project,’ Teacher Says NO WAY

when Reagan got shot one of my teachers actually started crying
never heard a political view out of her ..


The left claims this was just part of black history month and non political ...so shut up all you right wing racists

This was produced by hollywood and they tried to pass it off as the real deal
the schools are fine
why everything is just peachy at guys with tits story time

Wow, what made the teacher think that something like this wouldn't take place?

God bless you and the student always!!!

It’s a he said she said and one of the parties involved is a family of Trombies who think “unaccurate” is a word.

I’m going with the school superintendent. Especially given the fact that the kid is photographed with her Trump The Hero report.
And I'm going with the girl and her family who have gained nothing from this dust up.
The fact that this girl was indeed photographed with the report she always wanted to make, but was stopped from making by a tyrant school teacher, isn't proof the girl wasn't discriminated against before the spotlight was turned on the school.

Bad parenting. They wanted attention.
:113: Sure thing. You know them so well, don't you.
The bottom line is the school capitulated and justice was done in the end.
The teacher was clearly in the wrong. She should be allowed to do her project on President Trump.
She should have been. Overturning the teacher's decision, though, is what I was thinking about. Not the greatest idea--6th graders will take that and run with it for the rest of the year. So that's why I said neither student should write about a President and leave it at that.

Why? That's an even worse response.

Then the parents of the kid who wanted to use Obama would have a case as well.

Sorry, but seeing authority taken down a peg is a better lesson than tit for tat collective guilt.
She should complete the assignment, turn it in, send a copy to the White House and have her parents call FOX News when the teacher fails her.

Hmm: Covington lad is suing for 250000000 (one outlet) ; sounds like this kid has a big payout coming.

A very nasty thing for a teacher to do but I would like to hear from the teacher before I make up my mind on it..

The teacher was clearly in the wrong. She should be allowed to do her project on President Trump.
She should have been. Overturning the teacher's decision, though, is what I was thinking about. Not the greatest idea--6th graders will take that and run with it for the rest of the year. So that's why I said neither student should write about a President and leave it at that.
So the answer because we’re dealing with a leftist idiot teacher is to make sure the entire class isn’t allowed to consider the President of the United States their personal hero? You’re good with that in this country?
The teacher was clearly in the wrong. She should be allowed to do her project on President Trump.
She should have been. Overturning the teacher's decision, though, is what I was thinking about. Not the greatest idea--6th graders will take that and run with it for the rest of the year. So that's why I said neither student should write about a President and leave it at that.
So the answer because we’re dealing with a leftist idiot teacher is to make sure the entire class isn’t allowed to consider the President of the United States their personal hero? You’re good with that in this country?
Well, I was trying to even out the playing field, but y'all convinced me that was not the best idea.
This teacher was clearly in the wrong. It happens. I only object to it being turned into a Constitutional crisis.

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