7 CEO's really raking in the bucks ---> do they deserve it?

When the economy was exploding and the Middle Class was growing, during the 50's, did CEO's make them much? Are today's so much better.

Right wingers better do some research before they answer. Think "Eisenhower".

Think: Little Red Book. Das Kapital.
Somewhere along the line these corporate big shots felt they needed to be compensated the same as pro athletes and big name entertainers although the skill level required is not even close.
My advice: Never listen to people who don't even know what a CEO does when they complain how "overcompensated" they are
Somewhere along the line these corporate big shots felt they needed to be compensated the same as pro athletes and big name entertainers although the skill level required is not even close.

How many corporations have you run?
Somewhere along the line these corporate big shots felt they needed to be compensated the same as pro athletes and big name entertainers although the skill level required is not even close.


You're not supposed to sniff the pinesol
7 CEOs pulling in outsized paychecks

The typical CEO at an S&P 500 company makes 180 times more than an average employee does. Here are 7 who earn 1,200 to 2,500 times more.

The top CEOs on my list were making $33,000 to $48,000 per hour, compared with $18 to $30 an hour for their workers. That means the CEOs earned as much in 75 minutes as a typical employee made in an entire year. (And that's giving CEOs a break, assuming a 60-hour workweek with two weeks of vacation a year, compared with workers' 40-hour weeks.)

Put another way, the ratios of CEO pay to worker pay ran as high as 2,500-to-1, compared with 180-to-1 on average at S&P 500 companies.

Plus, this widening pay gap has come at the expense of the middle class, which shrinks consumer spending and hurts the economy, says Brandon Rees, deputy director of the AFL-CIO Office of Investment. And the three biggest pay gaps I found are are at companies in health care -- at a time when rising health care costs are crushing many family budgets.

7 CEOs pulling in outsized paychecks - executive compensation - Money

Gee, I wonder how many government subsidies they get. Like Bain Capital who got lots.

With money like that, I bet they buy a lot of politicians.

Democrats probably. Brandon Rees, deputy director of the AFL-CIO Office of Investment, now there's a guy who'll give you an honest assessment.
When the economy was exploding and the Middle Class was growing, during the 50's, did CEO's make them much? Are today's so much better.

Right wingers better do some research before they answer. Think "Eisenhower".

Guys making $10,000 - $20,000 were paying 38% - 42% during the Ike years, you okay with that too?
When the economy was exploding and the Middle Class was growing, during the 50's, did CEO's make them much? Are today's so much better.

Right wingers better do some research before they answer. Think "Eisenhower".

Guys making $10,000 - $20,000 were paying 38% - 42% during the Ike years, you okay with that too?

That was a lot of money back in those days.
Somewhere along the line these corporate big shots felt they needed to be compensated the same as pro athletes and big name entertainers although the skill level required is not even close.

Try it before you judge. Romney, for example, got a JD and MBA from Harvard. So you start out top 1/100th of 1% and then need 25 years of very productive, creative, and innovative 60 hour weeks.

Also, the free market handles it perfectly. If a firm pays too much then a competitior can undersell them and drive them out of business.

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