7 Million dollars tax break to Carrier for 800 jobs

Hmmm the auto bail out saved about 1,5 MILLION jobs. This one save 1,000 jobs. Let's compare....

So you think Trumps done?

Well if he saves 1,000 jobs for every 1,300 jobs that move... we should still have enough jobs left by the time his 4 years are done.

He's just getting started.You need to step back and get your crying towel out and dry your tears while Trump saves the country you hate so much.

The country I hate so much...gotcha. So that's the best come back you got when you can't fight the facts? I had a low blow comment, but I'm not going to say it and stoop to your level.

You obviously hate the fact that Trump is keeping jobs in America. Whats one supposed to think?

One is supposed to use critical thinking skills and see that Trump is playing his followers for fools. He said 1,000 jobs at WHAT expense? This is nothing but another distraction from the real issues...and you are falling for it once again.
Hmmm the auto bail out saved about 1,5 MILLION jobs. This one save 1,000 jobs. Let's compare....

So you think Trumps done?

Well if he saves 1,000 jobs for every 1,300 jobs that move... we should still have enough jobs left by the time his 4 years are done.

He's just getting started.You need to step back and get your crying towel out and dry your tears while Trump saves the country you hate so much.

The country I hate so much...gotcha. So that's the best come back you got when you can't fight the facts? I had a low blow comment, but I'm not going to say it and stoop to your level.

You obviously hate the fact that Trump is keeping jobs in America. Whats one supposed to think?
How many jobs did Drumpf personally move to Mexico? Better yet are those jobs back in the states now?
What a weird spin. But I thought the tax RELIEF was 700,000 or $700 per employee. How would losing their tax and spending help the economy?

Are you replying to me? What does that have to do with what I said? Sure Trump may have back peddled on his statement about not letting companies threaten him into tax breaks to save jobs... and saved 1,000 jobs. But the bargain he made still allowed the company to cut 1,300 jobs and close a factory.
My post has everything to do with what you said and going even weirder doesn't help. I heard many of his speeches and never heard him say companies won't threaten him into tax breaks. Nor was it only about taxes. They would likely lose the government contracts. For most companies that's the golden goose.

I don't know what the fuck you are bitching about. Trump didn't run to be God. You make no sense.

What is so hard for you to understand? Trump said he wouldn't let companies push him around and bow to giving them tax breaks to stay here. He said he would threaten them with huge taxes if they moved jobs to Mexico. Now has already bowed to them and given a tax break to stay, and at the same time let them move more jobs than he saved to Mexico and even close a factory.
Read the posts. I never heard him say no tax breaks and you apparently can't find a source for it. He said he'd slap a tariff on goods coming in, not taxing the companies for moving. You haven't got anything correct so far.

Here is a great article...you should read it. We still don't know for sure what Trump promised United Technologies, but I can garantee you it was more than just $7 million in tax breaks over 10 years.

Thinkprogress? Fuck you. You can't back up your claims, that's all we need to know. You should get facts first instead of looking like an idiot.
So is President Trump going to flying around the country offering tax breaks and threatening to place tariffs on any company that considers moving out of the US. Carrier's parent company makes jet engine for the military. I expect Trump also threatened to take that away from them.

I guess bullies bully....
Yup! - OPEC has already had it with Trump. Repubtards love inflation!
So you think Trumps done?

Well if he saves 1,000 jobs for every 1,300 jobs that move... we should still have enough jobs left by the time his 4 years are done.

He's just getting started.You need to step back and get your crying towel out and dry your tears while Trump saves the country you hate so much.

The country I hate so much...gotcha. So that's the best come back you got when you can't fight the facts? I had a low blow comment, but I'm not going to say it and stoop to your level.

You obviously hate the fact that Trump is keeping jobs in America. Whats one supposed to think?

One is supposed to use critical thinking skills and see that Trump is playing his followers for fools. He said 1,000 jobs at WHAT expense? This is nothing but another distraction from the real issues...and you are falling for it once again.
At no expense. You goddamn drooling moron! Tax relief helps the company do business here, lots of taxes are generated versus no taxes generated.
As the article stated, Indiana offered tax incentives and Carrier refused. Trump, the man who hasn't paid taxes in years, made a lot of promises and threats. So, you can wager that we, the actual tax payers, will be paying for Carrier to keep about 800 jobs in the US. Since Trump will not pay taxes, he doesn't care.
So you think Trumps done?

Well if he saves 1,000 jobs for every 1,300 jobs that move... we should still have enough jobs left by the time his 4 years are done.

He's just getting started.You need to step back and get your crying towel out and dry your tears while Trump saves the country you hate so much.

The country I hate so much...gotcha. So that's the best come back you got when you can't fight the facts? I had a low blow comment, but I'm not going to say it and stoop to your level.

You obviously hate the fact that Trump is keeping jobs in America. Whats one supposed to think?

One is supposed to use critical thinking skills and see that Trump is playing his followers for fools. He said 1,000 jobs at WHAT expense? This is nothing but another distraction from the real issues...and you are falling for it once again.

You need to think ahead. When Trump slashes the corporate income tax the gains will be realized.
So is President Trump going to flying around the country offering tax breaks and threatening to place tariffs on any company that considers moving out of the US. Carrier's parent company makes jet engine for the military. I expect Trump also threatened to take that away from them.

I guess bullies bully....
Yup! - OPEC has already had it with Trump. Repubtards love inflation!
How's that bullying? If you don't need us we don't need you. That's called business negotiations. You stupid goddamn liberals know nothing about how the real world works.
Are you replying to me? What does that have to do with what I said? Sure Trump may have back peddled on his statement about not letting companies threaten him into tax breaks to save jobs... and saved 1,000 jobs. But the bargain he made still allowed the company to cut 1,300 jobs and close a factory.
My post has everything to do with what you said and going even weirder doesn't help. I heard many of his speeches and never heard him say companies won't threaten him into tax breaks. Nor was it only about taxes. They would likely lose the government contracts. For most companies that's the golden goose.

I don't know what the fuck you are bitching about. Trump didn't run to be God. You make no sense.

What is so hard for you to understand? Trump said he wouldn't let companies push him around and bow to giving them tax breaks to stay here. He said he would threaten them with huge taxes if they moved jobs to Mexico. Now has already bowed to them and given a tax break to stay, and at the same time let them move more jobs than he saved to Mexico and even close a factory.
Read the posts. I never heard him say no tax breaks and you apparently can't find a source for it. He said he'd slap a tariff on goods coming in, not taxing the companies for moving. You haven't got anything correct so far.

Here is a great article...you should read it. We still don't know for sure what Trump promised United Technologies, but I can garantee you it was more than just $7 million in tax breaks over 10 years.

Thinkprogress? Fuck you. You can't back up your claims, that's all we need to know. You should get facts first instead of looking like an idiot.

Yeah...thank you for showing your ignorance. You probably still didn't know Carrier was owned by a much larger company called United Technologies. Thanks for playing... here's your parting gift. :finger3:
Well if he saves 1,000 jobs for every 1,300 jobs that move... we should still have enough jobs left by the time his 4 years are done.

He's just getting started.You need to step back and get your crying towel out and dry your tears while Trump saves the country you hate so much.

The country I hate so much...gotcha. So that's the best come back you got when you can't fight the facts? I had a low blow comment, but I'm not going to say it and stoop to your level.

You obviously hate the fact that Trump is keeping jobs in America. Whats one supposed to think?

One is supposed to use critical thinking skills and see that Trump is playing his followers for fools. He said 1,000 jobs at WHAT expense? This is nothing but another distraction from the real issues...and you are falling for it once again.
At no expense. You goddamn drooling moron! Tax relief helps the company do business here, lots of taxes are generated versus no taxes generated.

The fucking company was doing just fine here. They were doing so fine they gave the CEO a fucking gold parachute worth over $100 MILLION dollars as a bonus.
So is President Trump going to flying around the country offering tax breaks and threatening to place tariffs on any company that considers moving out of the US. Carrier's parent company makes jet engine for the military. I expect Trump also threatened to take that away from them.

I guess bullies bully....
Yup! - OPEC has already had it with Trump. Repubtards love inflation!

I'm happy as hell.
With oil prices going up I stand to make a shitload of money on my stocks!!!
Come on eighty bucks a barrel oil!!!
Last edited:
Well if he saves 1,000 jobs for every 1,300 jobs that move... we should still have enough jobs left by the time his 4 years are done.

He's just getting started.You need to step back and get your crying towel out and dry your tears while Trump saves the country you hate so much.

The country I hate so much...gotcha. So that's the best come back you got when you can't fight the facts? I had a low blow comment, but I'm not going to say it and stoop to your level.

You obviously hate the fact that Trump is keeping jobs in America. Whats one supposed to think?

One is supposed to use critical thinking skills and see that Trump is playing his followers for fools. He said 1,000 jobs at WHAT expense? This is nothing but another distraction from the real issues...and you are falling for it once again.

You need to think ahead. When Trump slashes the corporate income tax the gains will be realized.

Is that always your guys solution to everything? Cut the taxes of the rich so they can make more money off the poor? How many companies have you ever seen that get a huge tax break and then the next thing they do is give raises to their employees? I'll wait a long time for that list... have fun looking it up.
My post has everything to do with what you said and going even weirder doesn't help. I heard many of his speeches and never heard him say companies won't threaten him into tax breaks. Nor was it only about taxes. They would likely lose the government contracts. For most companies that's the golden goose.

I don't know what the fuck you are bitching about. Trump didn't run to be God. You make no sense.

What is so hard for you to understand? Trump said he wouldn't let companies push him around and bow to giving them tax breaks to stay here. He said he would threaten them with huge taxes if they moved jobs to Mexico. Now has already bowed to them and given a tax break to stay, and at the same time let them move more jobs than he saved to Mexico and even close a factory.
Read the posts. I never heard him say no tax breaks and you apparently can't find a source for it. He said he'd slap a tariff on goods coming in, not taxing the companies for moving. You haven't got anything correct so far.

Here is a great article...you should read it. We still don't know for sure what Trump promised United Technologies, but I can garantee you it was more than just $7 million in tax breaks over 10 years.

Thinkprogress? Fuck you. You can't back up your claims, that's all we need to know. You should get facts first instead of looking like an idiot.

Yeah...thank you for showing your ignorance. You probably still didn't know Carrier was owned by a much larger company called United Technologies. Thanks for playing... here's your parting gift. :finger3:
Ignorance? You're the one ejaculating your stupidity on a forum. You can't back up your statements, your smegma breath insults won't help you out.
He's just getting started.You need to step back and get your crying towel out and dry your tears while Trump saves the country you hate so much.

The country I hate so much...gotcha. So that's the best come back you got when you can't fight the facts? I had a low blow comment, but I'm not going to say it and stoop to your level.

You obviously hate the fact that Trump is keeping jobs in America. Whats one supposed to think?

One is supposed to use critical thinking skills and see that Trump is playing his followers for fools. He said 1,000 jobs at WHAT expense? This is nothing but another distraction from the real issues...and you are falling for it once again.
At no expense. You goddamn drooling moron! Tax relief helps the company do business here, lots of taxes are generated versus no taxes generated.

The fucking company was doing just fine here. They were doing so fine they gave the CEO a fucking gold parachute worth over $100 MILLION dollars as a bonus.

But you'd rather see them go to mexico so the CEO can get a 500 mill golden parachute to go with the loss in tax revenue and the loss of jobs. Brilliant....
Well if he saves 1,000 jobs for every 1,300 jobs that move... we should still have enough jobs left by the time his 4 years are done.

He's just getting started.You need to step back and get your crying towel out and dry your tears while Trump saves the country you hate so much.

The country I hate so much...gotcha. So that's the best come back you got when you can't fight the facts? I had a low blow comment, but I'm not going to say it and stoop to your level.

You obviously hate the fact that Trump is keeping jobs in America. Whats one supposed to think?

One is supposed to use critical thinking skills and see that Trump is playing his followers for fools. He said 1,000 jobs at WHAT expense? This is nothing but another distraction from the real issues...and you are falling for it once again.

You need to think ahead. When Trump slashes the corporate income tax the gains will be realized.
Carrier wasn't realizing gains?
I guess they realized they could realize larger gains by moving to a cheaper labor market.
He's just getting started.You need to step back and get your crying towel out and dry your tears while Trump saves the country you hate so much.

The country I hate so much...gotcha. So that's the best come back you got when you can't fight the facts? I had a low blow comment, but I'm not going to say it and stoop to your level.

You obviously hate the fact that Trump is keeping jobs in America. Whats one supposed to think?

One is supposed to use critical thinking skills and see that Trump is playing his followers for fools. He said 1,000 jobs at WHAT expense? This is nothing but another distraction from the real issues...and you are falling for it once again.

You need to think ahead. When Trump slashes the corporate income tax the gains will be realized.

Is that always your guys solution to everything? Cut the taxes of the rich so they can make more money off the poor? How many companies have you ever seen that get a huge tax break and then the next thing they do is give raises to their employees? I'll wait a long time for that list... have fun looking it up.
I'll wait for you to back something up. Just little drops of hate so far.
He's just getting started.You need to step back and get your crying towel out and dry your tears while Trump saves the country you hate so much.

The country I hate so much...gotcha. So that's the best come back you got when you can't fight the facts? I had a low blow comment, but I'm not going to say it and stoop to your level.

You obviously hate the fact that Trump is keeping jobs in America. Whats one supposed to think?

One is supposed to use critical thinking skills and see that Trump is playing his followers for fools. He said 1,000 jobs at WHAT expense? This is nothing but another distraction from the real issues...and you are falling for it once again.
At no expense. You goddamn drooling moron! Tax relief helps the company do business here, lots of taxes are generated versus no taxes generated.

The fucking company was doing just fine here. They were doing so fine they gave the CEO a fucking gold parachute worth over $100 MILLION dollars as a bonus.
He's just getting started.You need to step back and get your crying towel out and dry your tears while Trump saves the country you hate so much.

The country I hate so much...gotcha. So that's the best come back you got when you can't fight the facts? I had a low blow comment, but I'm not going to say it and stoop to your level.

You obviously hate the fact that Trump is keeping jobs in America. Whats one supposed to think?

One is supposed to use critical thinking skills and see that Trump is playing his followers for fools. He said 1,000 jobs at WHAT expense? This is nothing but another distraction from the real issues...and you are falling for it once again.

You need to think ahead. When Trump slashes the corporate income tax the gains will be realized.
Carrier wasn't realizing gains?
I guess they realized they could realize larger gains by moving to a cheaper labor market.

Are you really this stupid or are you just pretending?

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