7 Reasons Why Liberals Are Incapable of Understanding The World

Conservatives are so jealous of liberals:







In fact, liberal success is why conservatives always try to tear down liberals, that, or conservative failure.

Doesn't seem like there's much left - except "Making Money Off the Backs of Others" - and that's pretty much all righties wanna do in life. So sad most of them never get that far, they usually wind up like joe the plumber.

If by "Making Money Off the Backs of Others" you mean giving someone a job so they can eat then your welcome.
Seven Reasons Righties Can't Understand the World:

1) They think economics in the real world always acts according to economic theory - and usually only according to a drastically simplified one they can understand.

2) They believe the purpose of government is to further their religious beliefs.

3) They think they understand science.

4) They think people only work because rich people exist.

5) They believe anyone who doesn't think or act exactly like they do is stupid and they are afraid of them.

6) They believe violence is the solution to everything.

7) They can't conceive of a world outside their tiny little bubble.

Speaking of little bubbles, you don't actually know any conservatives in real life, do you?
My father-in-law, brother-in-law, and everyone on my father's side except his sister.
Okay. So why don't you listen to them instead of the horseshit you get from your fellow leftists at HuffPo, Daily KOS, and DU?
Conservatives are so jealous of liberals:







In fact, liberal success is why conservatives always try to tear down liberals, that, or conservative failure.

Doesn't seem like there's much left - except "Making Money Off the Backs of Others" - and that's pretty much all righties wanna do in life. So sad most of them never get that far, they usually wind up like joe the plumber.

If by "Making Money Off the Backs of Others" you mean giving someone a job so they can eat then your welcome.

The rich don't hand out jobs as charity, they do it to enrich themselves, they could give a fuck if they give you enough to eat on. They own the Earth so you'd better just be happy with what crumbs they throw you, right
Without liberals, conservatives would still be sitting in caves picking lice off each other.
And with their energy policies, that's where liberals want us all.

If that was the case, liberals wouldn't be fighting with conservatives over education. Liberals want more, conservatives want none.
Still bitterly clinging to the ridiculous idea that Bible colleges, which make up 3% of institutions of higher learning, hand out more diplomas than the other 97% combined, I see.

Moron. :lol:
Speaking of little bubbles, you don't actually know any conservatives in real life, do you?
My father-in-law, brother-in-law, and everyone on my father's side except his sister.
Okay. So why don't you listen to them instead of the horseshit you get from your fellow leftists at HuffPo, Daily KOS, and DU?

I haven't read any of those sites in a while.

We don't talk politics at the dinner table. Its fucking rude.
Without liberals, conservatives would still be sitting in caves picking lice off each other.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Sure thing dood. Libs want to make it impossible for anyone to do anything. If you clowns get your way billions of people will die in months and civilisation will collapse.
Without liberals, conservatives would still be sitting in caves picking lice off each other.

Without conservatives, liberals would not have anyone to give them food stamps.

What liberal on this board receives food stamps?

Well I would guess georgephillip for one. He did live under a bridge for 14 months, or so he claims. Of course he is 60 years old and has no education or skills so what would you expect. Frankly though, I have no problem with people getting food stamps, so long as they need them. The problem is when you see some jerk driving a new Escalade using them. That I have a problem with.
It results in states being able to educate their students more efficently

So simply making sure the states have less money with which to operate their schools on will guarantee their education system gets better, and eliminating Pell Grants and federal student loans will make it easier for people to go to college.

Did you accidentally drill through your head?
Well I would guess georgephillip for one. He did live under a bridge for 14 months, or so he claims.
I don't think they give food stamps to people who live under bridges.

The problem is when you see some jerk driving a new Escalade using them. That I have a problem with.
I've never seen one.
It results in states being able to educate their students more efficently

So simply making sure the states have less money with which to operate their schools on will guarantee their education system gets better, and eliminating Pell Grants and federal student loans will make it easier for people to go to college.

Did you accidentally drill through your head?

With federal money comes federal requirements and that eats up money. The states would be better off without it.

Plus its a little bit unconstitutional.

No where does the constitution grant to the federal govt the right to direct education policy. That is a power for the states.
I would gladly pay more in state taxes to support education especially since if we do away with the federal dept of education I would be paying less in federal taxes.

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