7-yo Trump fan Riley Wigton, assaulted by Biden supporters, gets special call from President Trump

..they are worse than nazis--I've linked this many times
How would you characterize the tiki torch people who support Trump??..with their nazi salutes and anti-semitic rants.
The movement in this nation is going to force people into tribal areas. You can sense real militias defending towns and small cities if this does not stop.

But Biden will unite the country... by opening the border and letting in unlimited supply of people who don't prefer American values. How uniting....
"Uniting the country" means radical leftists have a president THEY support
But they will unite the country.

They will force us to pay higher taxes, force us into government run health care, force us to adopt the economy killing Green New Deal that will make the Covid economic collapse a walk in the park, and then proceed to silence any decenters on line, in the media, in academia, etc., like they are already doing.

And future generations will be indoctrinated to never question them.

It will be a utopia. Won't you join?

Electricity down in California, and plumbing will be next.

Green new deal is really the brown new deal, it is about fucking white people.
..they are worse than nazis--I've linked this many times
How would you characterize the tiki torch people who support Trump??..with their nazi salutes and anti-semitic rants.
The movement in this nation is going to force people into tribal areas. You can sense real militias defending towns and small cities if this does not stop.

But Biden will unite the country... by opening the border and letting in unlimited supply of people who don't prefer American values. How uniting....
"Uniting the country" means radical leftists have a president THEY support
Well, with Biden you never know what you're getting. Early in his career he ran as a liberal and a strong supporter of civil rights and then joined the segregationists in opposing school busing and later in his career while still claiming to be a liberal as chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee he authored the toughest crime bill in US history, a bill Kamala Harris said introduced the three strikes law and led to mass incarcerations.

Well, we know he's a criminal gangster extortionist, for sure, since he has bragged openly about that, and he's a huge fan of profiting off of slave labor in Red China and other police states. What else is there to know? That he likes smelling kids and fondling them, and is an accused rapist? All huge plusses for the Democrat base on this board, of course, but not with the swing voters.

And, he's going to make Horrible Harris our President.
..they are worse than nazis--I've linked this many times
How would you characterize the tiki torch people who support Trump??..with their nazi salutes and anti-semitic rants.
the difference is ---this is a child by age---you are a child by choice.. some retarded brain dead democrat assaulted a 7 year old...and you condone it with a totally fucked up comment like that--you are an asshole!!!!
..they are worse than nazis--I've linked this many times
How would you characterize the tiki torch people who support Trump??..with their nazi salutes and anti-semitic rants.
the difference is ---this is a child by age---you are a child by choice.. some retarded brain dead democrat assaulted a 7 year old...and you condone it with a totally fucked up comment like that--you are an asshole!!!!

Children are just objects to be abused as far as faggots are concerned; they are mostly emotionally stalled at about 10 years old, which is why so many of them molest little boys and and want to hang out with them.
i want a call from Trump too!

Looks staged to me along with the fact that only 4 obscure places on the web are claiming the story to be true...
i'll try to confirm it with my sources. buzzkill!
i want a call from Trump too!

Looks staged to me along with the fact that only 4 obscure places on the web are claiming the story to be true...

The video of the incident is on Twitter and Preacher shared it and started a thread on it earlier today.

2 leftists steal MAGA hat from 7 year old , tear up posters

"Olivia Winslow, the woman who attacked a 7-year-old Trump supporter and stole his hat at the DNC,

Has just been arrested and charged with robbery, conspiracy, and endangering the welfare of a child."

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

"BREAKING: The second suspect who attacked the 7-year-old Trump supporter has just been arrested.

Her name is Camryn Amy. She’s being held on a $42,000 bond.

She was charged with robbery, conspiracy, offensive touching, and endangering the welfare of a child."


Justice is what love looks like in public, my friends

Yup, the white supremacists..your getting it.
You are condoning an assault on a seven year old! What sort of Nazi asshole are you?
Not a Nazi asshole or even an antifa asshole. A democrat asshole. Democrat scum. Never stop tying democrats with their acts. They believe in assaulting 7 year olds and shooting 5 year olds in the head. They are fighting white supremacy by killing children.
What's really a shame is that people who saw this did not attack those women and beat them unrecognizable.

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