70% blame the GOP

Too bad the willfully ignorant (as well as the very dumb) members of the echo chamber didn't listen to President Obama's News Conference.

Fear of cognitive dissonance (by the few members who actually cogitate)?

I heard him constantly try to tell Americans that the Republicans don't want to compromise when they have submitted 3 different options...each one trimming back their restraints on Obamacare, while funding every single other line on the budget resolution.
Problem is most Americans are as short-sighted and lazy as you are and won't research any further than what they hear their dear leader tell them.

Wait until their EIC Tax Refund gets attached, next spring!!
They won't be rushing to the polls to save your Dem-Asses in the fall

In return for their demands on putting restraints on Obamacare, what are the republicans offering as a part of this negotiation?
Too bad the willfully ignorant (as well as the very dumb) members of the echo chamber didn't listen to President Obama's News Conference.

Fear of cognitive dissonance (by the few members who actually cogitate)?

I heard him constantly try to tell Americans that the Republicans don't want to compromise when they have submitted 3 different options...each one trimming back their restraints on Obamacare, while funding every single other line on the budget resolution.
Problem is most Americans are as short-sighted and lazy as you are and won't research any further than what they hear their dear leader tell them.

Wait until their EIC Tax Refund gets attached, next spring!!
They won't be rushing to the polls to save your Dem-Asses in the fall

In return for their demands on putting restraints on Obamacare, what are the republicans offering as a part of this negotiation?

Notice that they haven't suggested any cuts? We're keeping spending at the same (ridiculous) levels as last year.
That is a huge caveat for a group of people that want to shrink gov't
The only thing the Members of H. of Reps. want is to be reelected. "Country First" didn't work 'cause no one believed them; Compassionate Conservative didn't work 'cause they have no compassion nor empathy; the party of the big tent didn't work 'cause too many of their base are bigots; cutting the budget doesn't work 'cause they continue to take their salary even though it seems they spent more days out of session than at work this year and accomplished nothing; and, they continue to receive the gold standard of health care thanks to Sen. Grassley.
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I heard him constantly try to tell Americans that the Republicans don't want to compromise when they have submitted 3 different options...each one trimming back their restraints on Obamacare, while funding every single other line on the budget resolution.
Problem is most Americans are as short-sighted and lazy as you are and won't research any further than what they hear their dear leader tell them.

Wait until their EIC Tax Refund gets attached, next spring!!
They won't be rushing to the polls to save your Dem-Asses in the fall

In return for their demands on putting restraints on Obamacare, what are the republicans offering as a part of this negotiation?

Notice that they haven't suggested any cuts? We're keeping spending at the same (ridiculous) levels as last year.
That is a huge caveat for a group of people that want to shrink gov't

So they're offering nothing.

Point proven.
The oh so slight minority blame you knuckle headed leftist that voted for such a horrible POTUS in Obama

Thanks for nothing

Poll: Republicans' Handling Of Shutdown Increasingly Unpopular

The government shutdown isn't winning anyone in Washington points with the public -- but Republicans are faring the worst, according to new polls.

A Washington Post/ABC poll released Monday found that while the public's ratings for the president and both parties in Congress remain negative, disapproval of Republicans has grown in the past week. Seventy percent of Americans now disapprove of how Republicans in Congress are handling budget negotiations, up from 63 percent last week.

Gonna be 80% next week, boys. Welcome to Nov14.

Boehner is looking for an escape hatch. I know he will but I hope the President doesn't let him off the hook.
The oh so slight minority blame you knuckle headed leftist that voted for such a horrible POTUS in Obama

Thanks for nothing


800,000 workers and the credit of this country shouldn't be held at knife point because of Obamacare.

This is wrong.

No it's not, and it's no longer 800,000 workers. Many were called back this past Monday to work. Not sure of the number but there are now less than 800,000

Poll: Republicans' Handling Of Shutdown Increasingly Unpopular

The government shutdown isn't winning anyone in Washington points with the public -- but Republicans are faring the worst, according to new polls.

A Washington Post/ABC poll released Monday found that while the public's ratings for the president and both parties in Congress remain negative, disapproval of Republicans has grown in the past week. Seventy percent of Americans now disapprove of how Republicans in Congress are handling budget negotiations, up from 63 percent last week.

Gonna be 80% next week, boys. Welcome to Nov14.

Boehner is looking for an escape hatch. I know he will but I hope the President doesn't let him off the hook.

No he's not. This will roll right into mayhem unless Obama does the right thing. But I doubt that

Lock and load and smoke em if you got em

The 5% that approve of the GOP's actions are very low information voters. You need to be under a rock politically to think the GOP is not at fault.
Republicans: "Buy these magazines or else I will kill these puppies!"
POTUS: "I don't want your magazines.."
Republicans: "You killed the puppies!"

Luckily, there are still enough intelligent Americans that grasp how inane the Republican stance is. GOP walked right off the plank on this one.

Boner even admitted on live TV that they had a deal back in July, but, decided to push for this anyway. 18 times there was call for a budget conference since April, the house GOP declined.

Bottom line is that I don't want the president to give an inch.. Not just because I agree with him ideologically, but, because if he gives anything in this it will legitimize their behavior. DC is all about precedence, once it happens once it will happen again (EG: definition of "is"), both parties will think this is acceptable behavior to get what you want after you lose an election and have a minority voice in government as a whole. Government shut down will be a quarterly thing.
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The oh so slight minority blame you knuckle headed leftist that voted for such a horrible POTUS in Obama

Thanks for nothing


800,000 workers and the credit of this country shouldn't be held at knife point because of Obamacare.

This is wrong.

No it's not, and it's no longer 800,000 workers. Many were called back this past Monday to work. Not sure of the number but there are now less than 800,000


Any number is too much for partisan politics. Glad to know though that you're ok with it. How proud you must be.
Republicans: "Buy these magazines or else I will kill these puppies!"
POTUS: "I don't want your magazines.."
Republicans: "You killed the puppies!"

Luckily, there are still enough intelligent Americans that grasp how inane the Republican stance is. GOP walked right off the plank on this one.

Boner even admitted on live TV that they had a deal back in July, but, decided to push for this anyway. 18 times there was call for a budget conference since April, the house GOP declined.

Bottom line is that I don't want the president to give an inch.. Not just because I agree with him ideologically, but, because if he gives anything in this it will legitimize their behavior. DC is all about precedence, once it happens once it will happen again (EG: definition of "is"), both parties will think this is acceptable behavior to get what you want after you lose an election and have a minority voice in government as a whole. Government shut down will be a quarterly thing.

Spot on!
800,000 workers and the credit of this country shouldn't be held at knife point because of Obamacare.

This is wrong.

No it's not, and it's no longer 800,000 workers. Many were called back this past Monday to work. Not sure of the number but there are now less than 800,000


Any number is too much for partisan politics. Glad to know though that you're ok with it. How proud you must be.

Your darn right I'm OK with it.

Obama needs stopped by all legal means possible. And I mean ALL

Poll: Republicans' Handling Of Shutdown Increasingly Unpopular

The government shutdown isn't winning anyone in Washington points with the public -- but Republicans are faring the worst, according to new polls.

A Washington Post/ABC poll released Monday found that while the public's ratings for the president and both parties in Congress remain negative, disapproval of Republicans has grown in the past week. Seventy percent of Americans now disapprove of how Republicans in Congress are handling budget negotiations, up from 63 percent last week.

Gonna be 80% next week, boys. Welcome to Nov14.
Nice. The whining of 800 people
.Gee that settles it.
Let's throw in the towel boys!
Jesus Christ.
You lefties are so very desperate.
Umm, 70% don't blame the GOP. You might want to get your facts straight.

70% disapprove of the republicans
61% disapprove of the democrats
51% disapprove of Obama

The R went +7 in terms of disapproval from the last poll before the shutdown. Democrats went +5 in disapproval and Obama went +1.

This is different than saying who they blame (39% blame republicans, 30% blame democrats)

That's also a lot different than 1995 when Republicans were getting about 60% of the blame compared to 20% to Clinton.

Using the same pollster, that would be SIXTY THREE percent DO NOT approve of the way POTUS is handling the issue.
Labor Unions: Obamacare Will 'Shatter' Our Health Benefits, Cause 'Nightmare Scenarios' - Forbes
Web experts warn of scammers taking advantage of ObamaCare debacle « Hot Air
ACA website offline for repairs, GOP calls law "unmitigated disaster" - UPI.com
Frustrated With The New Health Care Exchange - Business Insider

There are a litany of problems with this thing.
The reason why the Obama adnin went "all in" on the start up is simple.
Had the White House waited a year and the systems could not be fixed, those democrats running for reelection would have to spend all of their time trying to explain away glitches and other non functioning parts of ACA to a pissed off voting public.
BY rolling out ACA now, the hope is the voting public will forget all about this mess.
Nice try.
How freaking unbiased is a Washington Post/ABC poll on a scale from 1-10? A zero? When is the last time the Washington Post or ABC ever said anything positive about the GOP? Maybe during the Eisenhower administration? I bet ABC/W.Post could get a poll of 70% of people to blame republicans for the weather. Wait a minute, they already blame republicans for the weather.

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