70% blame the GOP

How freaking unbiased is a Washington Post/ABC poll on a scale from 1-10? A zero? When is the last time the Washington Post or ABC ever said anything positive about the GOP? Maybe during the Eisenhower administration? I bet ABC/W.Post could get a poll of 70% of people to blame republicans for the weather. Wait a minute, they already blame republicans for the weather.

If you recall, there were people who blamed Bush for Hurricane Katrina.
Poll: Republicans' Handling Of Shutdown Increasingly Unpopular

The government shutdown isn't winning anyone in Washington points with the public -- but Republicans are faring the worst, according to new polls.

A Washington Post/ABC poll released Monday found that while the public's ratings for the president and both parties in Congress remain negative, disapproval of Republicans has grown in the past week. Seventy percent of Americans now disapprove of how Republicans in Congress are handling budget negotiations, up from 63 percent last week.

Gonna be 80% next week, boys. Welcome to Nov14.

Boehner is looking for an escape hatch. I know he will but I hope the President doesn't let him off the hook.

And you chimed in with that little gem, why?
You spew crap with zero meaning and zero relevance to the conversation.
The 5% that approve of the GOP's actions are very low information voters. You need to be under a rock politically to think the GOP is not at fault.

This is what happens when you have a bunch of representatives (regardless of party) in safe districts....they can be as radical as they want to be and never have to worry about losing their seat.
The 5% that approve of the GOP's actions are very low information voters. You need to be under a rock politically to think the GOP is not at fault.

This is what happens when you have a bunch of representatives (regardless of party) in safe districts....they can be as radical as they want to be and never have to worry about losing their seat.

On that I agree.
This impasse is a classic example of why entrenched incumbency is bad for the country.

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