70% of Blacks Support 'Racist' Process To Ensure Election Integrity


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

You ain't black if you don't vote for Joe...and you ain't a socialist Democrat if you support Voter ID.

Democrats keep losing Blacks...

Your article sucks ass. If the bill was only about voter ID the article might actually mean something. But since it had other provisions that had nothing at all to do with Voter ID, and everything to do with suppressing the vote of minorities, your article is not worth wiping your ass with. The Gateway Pundit is trash, and only a total freakin moron would read it.

You ain't black if you don't vote for Joe...and you ain't a socialist Democrat if you support Voter ID.

Democrats keep losing Blacks...

Your article sucks ass. If the bill was only about voter ID the article might actually mean something. But since it had other provisions that had nothing at all to do with Voter ID, and everything to do with suppressing the vote of minorities, your article is not worth wiping your ass with. The Gateway Pundit is trash, and only a total freakin moron would read it.
So what are the provisions that target minorities but somehow do not affect white people ?
You ain't black if you don't vote for Joe...and you ain't a socialist Democrat if you support Voter ID.

Democrats keep losing Blacks...

This won't cause any dissent among blacks. It will take a lot more than that.

Look......how many racist and racial things has Biden said about blacks in the past? They didn't even think twice when the Democrats tried to fight school vouchers that helped many black children. They are bringing in illegals who are not only diseased and spreading Covid throughout the black communities coast to coast, but these people illegally working means less jobs for blacks.

If they didn't budge on all these other Democrat positions, there is no way they are going to wake up over Voter-ID.

You ain't black if you don't vote for Joe...and you ain't a socialist Democrat if you support Voter ID.

Democrats keep losing Blacks...

Your article sucks ass. If the bill was only about voter ID the article might actually mean something. But since it had other provisions that had nothing at all to do with Voter ID, and everything to do with suppressing the vote of minorities, your article is not worth wiping your ass with. The Gateway Pundit is trash, and only a total freakin moron would read it.
I love how you treat black people as if they are simple minded Neanderthals who are incapable of showing an ID. Or participating in any facet of society without needing something dumbed down for them.

Black people aren't stupid, quit treating them like they are! These arguments of yours only suggest that, yes, black people are dumber than whites and thus need the bar lowered for them.

Wait, isn't that inference racist too?
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You ain't black if you don't vote for Joe...and you ain't a socialist Democrat if you support Voter ID.

Democrats keep losing Blacks...

Your article sucks ass. If the bill was only about voter ID the article might actually mean something. But since it had other provisions that had nothing at all to do with Voter ID, and everything to do with suppressing the vote of minorities, your article is not worth wiping your ass with. The Gateway Pundit is trash, and only a total freakin moron would read it.
I don't know how to break this..but white Christians are now a minority in the U.S.
Wow, that was conclusive. Going to NYC to ask Blacks. Now, go to the Deep South and ask those same questions of both parties. You want to bet you will get different answers from both groups? I just wasted 2 minutes of my life I'll never get back.

Maybe you should have wasted more. Had you done that, you would have read this in the OP:

“Majorities of whites (74%), blacks (69%) and other minorities (82%) say voters should be required to show photo identification before being allowed to vote,” Rassmussen Reports found among 1,000 likely voters polled throughout the U.S.

Even along party lines, 60 percent of Democrats, 89 percent of Republicans, and 77 percent of unaffiliated voters responded in the affirmative.

You ain't black if you don't vote for Joe...and you ain't a socialist Democrat if you support Voter ID.

Democrats keep losing Blacks...

Your article sucks ass. If the bill was only about voter ID the article might actually mean something. But since it had other provisions that had nothing at all to do with Voter ID, and everything to do with suppressing the vote of minorities, your article is not worth wiping your ass with. The Gateway Pundit is trash, and only a total freakin moron would read it.
So what are the provisions that target minorities but somehow do not affect white people ?

Well first, it changes control of elections from counties, to a state board. That board is appointed by the legislature, which has been under Republican control for almost twenty years. So a Republican legislature appoints a five member board and that five member board can fire an entire county's election board and replace them with a member that board hand picks. I mean wow. The way you Republican's piss and moan about HR 1, imagine it done at the state level, at a greater degree. Think about it, the House can appoint members to a five member board that can suspend, and replace, a state board of elections. That work for you?

It makes drop boxes for absentee ballots permanent, previously they were related to the Coronavirus. But it limits them, one per 100,000 residents, or one for each early voting site. Of course the smaller number of those two takes precedent. Fulton county will go from 38 drop boxes to eight. Whitfield county, Marjorie Greene district, gets one but has less than one tenth the residents. Oh no, nothing racist going on here.

Sunday early voting is optional. But you should get the picture here. Fulton county election board decides that early voting is going to be open on every Sunday you can bet your sweet ass the state election board is going to step in. Absentee ballots are severely restricted. Going from being mailed out at 49 days to 29 days. And show up at the wrong precinct but in the right county, well better hope it is after five or you cannot cast a provisional ballot, and then only if you sign a sworn affidavit that you can't make it to the right precinct.

There are numerous other restrictions, and almost all of them fall disproportionally on blacks, BY FLIPPIN DESIGN. The bill is the closest thing we have seen to a return to the Black Codes in almost a century. It is disgraceful And notice, I didn't mention a single thing about voter ID. You stupid ass Trumpbots that get your news from right wing sources that feed you only what you want to hear are a bigger danger to this country than a whole damn passel of terrorists located in the Middle East.
Wow, that was conclusive. Going to NYC to ask Blacks. Now, go to the Deep South and ask those same questions of both parties. You want to bet you will get different answers from both groups? I just wasted 2 minutes of my life I'll never get back.

Maybe you should have wasted more. Had you done that, you would have read this in the OP:

“Majorities of whites (74%), blacks (69%) and other minorities (82%) say voters should be required to show photo identification before being allowed to vote,” Rassmussen Reports found among 1,000 likely voters polled throughout the U.S.

Even along party lines, 60 percent of Democrats, 89 percent of Republicans, and 77 percent of unaffiliated voters responded in the affirmative.

Why is it you Trumpbots think the bill is only about voter ID? Do you not look into these things? Is your media source leaving the other parts of the bill out? I mean I don't get it. How hard is it to actually look up the bill? Would that not be much better than basing your opinion on some Facebook group posting?
everything to do with suppressing the vote of minorities,
How does one suppress the vote of minorities?

Simple, you make it harder for them to vote. Me, I live in a nice area that is almost all white. I can walk right in and vote. Hell, there are half a dozen precincts within a few miles of my house. But if I lived in a predominately black area you can bet your sweet ass I might have to wait in line hours to vote and there won't be a single precinct within five miles of my house.

How about this. When you show up to vote they give you a card and timestamp it. You get one vote for every hour you wait. That work for you?
everything to do with suppressing the vote of minorities,
How does one suppress the vote of minorities?

Simple, you make it harder for them to vote. Me, I live in a nice area that is almost all white. I can walk right in and vote. Hell, there are half a dozen precincts within a few miles of my house. But if I lived in a predominately black area you can bet your sweet ass I might have to wait in line hours to vote and there won't be a single precinct within five miles of my house.

How about this. When you show up to vote they give you a card and timestamp it. You get one vote for every hour you wait. That work for you?
Bullshit. Those precincts are run by Dems. If they can’t get polling stations up on Election Day that’s on them. Also 100% false that “white” areas don’t have lines.
Simple, you make it harder for them to vote. Me, I live in a nice area that is almost all white. I can walk right in and vote. Hell, there are half a dozen precincts within a few miles of my house. But if I lived in a predominately black area you can bet your sweet ass I might have to wait in line hours to vote and there won't be a single precinct within five miles of my house.

How about this. When you show up to vote they give you a card and timestamp it. You get one vote for every hour you wait. That work for you?

I live in a black area and I walk right in and right out again. Never had a problem although the presidential election is more crowded, but never had to wait more than 15 minutes to get a table.

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