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70% Of Jobs Added In January Were Minimum Wage Waiters And Retail Workers

It's not my fault your precious quote disagrees with your most recent quote. You asked what reason yiu gave and I quoted you. Is that a problem?
"Nonsense. If you look at the two parties it's the dems that benefit from low wages, more people to vote for handouts.
Cloward Piven."

"Again, nonsense. There is absolutely no reason the reps would be against higher wages. Poor people are have traditionally voted dem, why would the reps want increase dem voter roles?"

"No, keeping wages low would be beneficial to dems as the poor tend to vote dem. Besides the only intelligent way to raise wages is with an improving economy, not with govt waving their magic wand"

"Exactly what reason did I give for reps being against higher wages. I'm merely pointing out that of the two political parties the dems would benefit more from low wages than reps as the poor tend to vote dem.

The self serving logic is known as Cloward Piven.

And by the way how is it that the dems would give "the majority of Americans a raise"? The magic wand again?

"Are you denying that the poor have traditionally voted dem more than rep?"

"What planet are you on. If the reps worked to keep wages low that would tend to make more people poor and therefore would help the dems. So it would make no sense for the reps to want more poor people. Got it?"

OK above are my posts. Care to point out where I suggested the reps want low wages? In every instance I suggested that lower wages would benefit dems more than reps. Read slowly if that helps.
But Obozo claims the economy is doing just fine! Best employment record in years. Household wages increasing. Hooray. Give us another four years.

This is the full breakdown of January job gains:

Retail Trade: +58K

Leisure and Hospitality, which includes food workers: +44K

Professional and business service workers, excluding temp workers: +34K

Manufacturing workers posted a curious rebound, rising by +29K. We are confident this number will be revised promptly lower.

Construction +18K

Wholesale Trade: +9K

Education and Health saw a big and unexplained drop from 54K to 6K

Information services added just 1K workers

As for sectors losing workers included Temp Help workers, Transportation and Warehousing (courtesy of the truck and train recession), Mining and Logging, and Government workers.

Bottom line: the big sequential bounce in wages was driven entirely by the January minimum wage increase, and the low December base effect. Expect this sequential increase to renormalize in February when the base now reflect higher minimum wages.

Story @ Prison Planet.com » 70% Of Jobs Added In January Were Minimum Wage Waiters And Retail Workers
Yep. Huge gains in part time and seasonal. Retail current being laid off. Tourism/leisure will go through layoffs in a few months.
Right. So many tourism jobs will be lost during the summer vacation season.

Thus is the only ham handed retort Consevatives can muster.
See ski resorts and lodges. New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Vermont, NY, etc etc...
See fishing guides in the same areas. See National parks, amusement parks, petting zoos and camp sites. See Disney World, golf courses, car rentals and hotels. Understand that school is out, vacations are planned and not everyone will go skiing.
In case you missed it... Due to record snowfall this year the leisure/hospitality industry was mass hiring. Specifically FOR ski resorts and lodges...when the snow melts they will get laid off.
Another conservative who doesn't understand what seasonally adjusted means
Yep. Huge gains in part time and seasonal. Retail current being laid off. Tourism/leisure will go through layoffs in a few months.
Right. So many tourism jobs will be lost during the summer vacation season.

Thus is the only ham handed retort Consevatives can muster.
See ski resorts and lodges. New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Vermont, NY, etc etc...
See fishing guides in the same areas. See National parks, amusement parks, petting zoos and camp sites. See Disney World, golf courses, car rentals and hotels. Understand that school is out, vacations are planned and not everyone will go skiing.
In case you missed it... Due to record snowfall this year the leisure/hospitality industry was mass hiring. Specifically FOR ski resorts and lodges...when the snow melts they will get laid off.
Another conservative who doesn't understand what seasonally adjusted means
Per the Gov FAQ list...

"Seasonal adjustment does not account for abnormal weather conditions or for year-to-year changes in weather."
Right. So many tourism jobs will be lost during the summer vacation season.

Thus is the only ham handed retort Consevatives can muster.
See ski resorts and lodges. New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Vermont, NY, etc etc...
See fishing guides in the same areas. See National parks, amusement parks, petting zoos and camp sites. See Disney World, golf courses, car rentals and hotels. Understand that school is out, vacations are planned and not everyone will go skiing.
In case you missed it... Due to record snowfall this year the leisure/hospitality industry was mass hiring. Specifically FOR ski resorts and lodges...when the snow melts they will get laid off.
Another conservative who doesn't understand what seasonally adjusted means
Per the Gov FAQ list...

"Seasonal adjustment does not account for abnormal weather conditions or for year-to-year changes in weather."
However...it does account for the ski resort workforce
See ski resorts and lodges. New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Vermont, NY, etc etc...
See fishing guides in the same areas. See National parks, amusement parks, petting zoos and camp sites. See Disney World, golf courses, car rentals and hotels. Understand that school is out, vacations are planned and not everyone will go skiing.
In case you missed it... Due to record snowfall this year the leisure/hospitality industry was mass hiring. Specifically FOR ski resorts and lodges...when the snow melts they will get laid off.
Another conservative who doesn't understand what seasonally adjusted means
Per the Gov FAQ list...

"Seasonal adjustment does not account for abnormal weather conditions or for year-to-year changes in weather."
However...it does account for the ski resort workforce
Not for the early mass hiring due to record snowfall. That includes... Resorts , restaurants, retail etc..
Nor does it account for all the retired folks heading to warmer climates earlier than usual.
Obama wants higher wages, republicans fight him

Republicans then cry that the majority of jobs created are low wage.

It's like sticking your foot in the water and complaining about a wet sock
They are cranky old conservatives, what else do they have to live for but being cantankerous...
Nor does it account for all the retired folks heading to warmer climates earlier than usual.
Now you are really reaching

Obama must fail and all
Why must libs be so stupid about the things they claim to be experts on?

Snow birds = big business to Fl and CA

Snowbirds - Retirees Who Migrate with the Seasons
He just doesn't understand reality....

After all, the airlines don't take food stamps!!!!!
Nor does it account for all the retired folks heading to warmer climates earlier than usual.
Now you are really reaching

Obama must fail and all
Why must libs be so stupid about the things they claim to be experts on?

Snow birds = big business to Fl and CA

Snowbirds - Retirees Who Migrate with the Seasons

Yes....BIG money in those early bird specials

A retiree moving from one state to the other subtracts from the state he leaves and adds to the state he enters....net zero
Obama wants higher wages, republicans fight him

Republicans then cry that the majority of jobs created are low wage.

It's like sticking your foot in the water and complaining about a wet sock

dear, Obama's higher wages come from artifical socialist minimum wage increases that lead to fewer jobs, higher prices, and less buying. This is why socialism always fails.

Real wage increases from the stone age to here came from new inventions supplied by Republican supply siders. Econ 101 but it is light years beyond a liberal's ability to understand.
Obama wants higher wages, republicans fight him

Republicans then cry that the majority of jobs created are low wage.

It's like sticking your foot in the water and complaining about a wet sock

dear, Obama's higher wages come from artifical socialist minimum wage increases that lead to fewer jobs, higher prices, and less buying. This is why socialism always fails.

Real wage increases from the stone age to here came from new inventions supplied by Republican supply siders. Econ 101 but it is light years beyond a liberal's ability to understand.

I am not an economist. But, the left's claims about the so-called success of Obumbler economics is beyond my understanding. All one has to do is open their eyes to see the empty store fronts, half-finished or shut-down construction sites, and lines for jobs to see that things are not going all that well.

This election is NOT about political beliefs but about the economy. Money is always the defining factor and this election will be no different. Wallets and pocket books will decide and that is why socialism is at an end - for now.
Obama wants higher wages, republicans fight him

Republicans then cry that the majority of jobs created are low wage.

It's like sticking your foot in the water and complaining about a wet sock

dear, Obama's higher wages come from artifical socialist minimum wage increases that lead to fewer jobs, higher prices, and less buying. This is why socialism always fails.

Real wage increases from the stone age to here came from new inventions supplied by Republican supply siders. Econ 101 but it is light years beyond a liberal's ability to understand.

I am not an economist. But, the left's claims about the so-called success of Obumbler economics is beyond my understanding. All one has to do is open their eyes to see the empty store fronts, half-finished or shut-down construction sites, and lines for jobs to see that things are not going all that well.

This election is NOT about political beliefs but about the economy. Money is always the defining factor and this election will be no different. Wallets and pocket books will decide and that is why socialism is at an end - for now.
You're opening your eyes and seeing YOUR part of the country. Which, assuming your profile is correct, has a significantly higher unemployment rate than the rest of the country. My part of the country is booming. Local mall was renovated, half the restaurants have help wanted signs., etc.

Neither represents the country as a whole, and on average, the country is closer to my end than yours.
"Obama wants higher wages"?

Is that why he is fighting to keep millions of illegals here?

How fucking stupid can you be?
Nor does it account for all the retired folks heading to warmer climates earlier than usual.
Now you are really reaching

Obama must fail and all
Why must libs be so stupid about the things they claim to be experts on?

Snow birds = big business to Fl and CA

Snowbirds - Retirees Who Migrate with the Seasons

Yes....BIG money in those early bird specials

A retiree moving from one state to the other subtracts from the state he leaves and adds to the state he enters....net zero
Then don't count them as gains when due to record snow. Retail,food services and tourism has early mass hiring.
As time goes by some statistics lose their relevance. Historically, the "Unemployment Rate" was a pretty good indication of how many people who wanted to work and were actually working. They took the total population that was employed, added the number of people who were actively looking for work, then created a fraction with the work-lookers over the total of working and looking. The result was theoretically the percentage of people who wanted to work but had not found employment. "Full employment" was considered to be an Unemployment Rate in the neighborhood of 4%, on the theory that 1/25 of the working population would be, from time to time, between jobs.

But since the Great Recession the whole employment landscape has changed. "Good jobs" were lost by the millions and people were forced to confront new realities. Families that had previously lived on, and depended upon, two full-time incomes were forced to scale back and either live on one income, or a combination of part-time jobs. People in their 50's and older who had planned to work to full retirement age or beyond, found that they could not find anything, and decided to bite the bullet and retire early. Young adults who lost their jobs moved back in with their parents and basically gave up on the idea of full-time employment.

Part-time jobs became, rather than something to make "extra" money in your spare time, a way of supporting yourself. Barely.

Now we also have the un-mentioned phenomenon of hordes of High School grads pursuing college for no other reason than THERE ARE NO JOBS FOR THEM IN THE ECONOMY. Middle class kids who, in previous generations would have gone to work in a gas station or at the mill, or in construction, now are confronted with either going to college or staying home and being harassed by the parents continually because they don't "do" anything.

The fact that these Yoots are not counted in unemployment statistics is a significant driver in Democrats' current obsession for "free college" for everyone. And of course this ignores the destructive effects on the colleges of having students who are not, by any sane definition, "college material." What do they study, and for how long, and how much debt will they accumulate? The mind reels.

So the Unemployment Rate became less relevant because it failed to take any notice of the large number of people who wanted to work but for one reason or another stopped looking (or never started looking) actively. They basically gave up.

BLS ought to take some of their mountain of data and develop a new statistical standard that counts the number of Full-Time Equivalent Jobs earning a minimum of $40k (adjusted for inflation) (hereinafter referred to as "Good Jobs") versus the total population, and track that number over time, as compared with the adult population.

To wit, what percentage of the adult population held Good Jobs in 2008 versus 2015?

This statistic, if published, would paint a much more realistic - and much gloomier - picture of the trend in the American employment picture over time than the Unemployment Rate, which is below 5% now, but near meaningless. Does anybody seriously believe that the employment picture in the U.S. has been improving as that Unemployment Rate has gone down over the past 6 years? Particularly when much of the employment is based on fiat money (federal deficit spending and new money pumped into the economy by the Fed)?

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