7000-1. Guess Who Won

So Salem is now an HOA? The next thing they will demand is that you will need a permit to paint your building furthermore be restricted as to color choice. How a man or woman chooses to honor their beliefs and in this case patriotism is their choice. My guess if it was a BLM mural it would be acceptable? Oregon is a mess. No wonder the eastern and southern parts want out.
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Who gave you the right to judge and dictate what a person should or wish to do with their private property? Who the hell do you think you are?

I think I am me and I do not want my property value decreased by some moron like you.

That is why cites have zoning laws and such.
I think I am me and I do not want my property value decreased by some moron like you.

That is why cites have zoning laws and such.
Zoning laws are a long ways away from dictating what a person chooses to do with the edifice of a structure on his property. You freaking elitist morons don’t respect anyone but your country club buds.
Zoning laws are a long ways away from dictating what a person chooses to do with the edifice of a structure on his property. You freaking elitist morons don’t respect anyone but your country club buds.

A man has to have standards! :cool:
It's not their speech, it's the candidates, and twitter is giving it to him/her for free while banning their opponent.

Sounds like a contribution to me.
For starters, you're contradicting yourself. You simultaneously say that Twitter is giving them speech but that it's not their speech. If it's not their speech, how could they give it to them?

Making expenditures in support of a candidate cannot be considered a campaign contribution.
You don’t think people should follow the rules?

I do.

And if you don’t like them, get them changed. Right?
Unless of course the rules of elections . Or the rules where you can't spy on a presidential administration. Then rules don't matter. But a fucking painting . Woe rules.
Unless of course the rules of elections . Or the rules where you can't spy on a presidential administration. Then rules don't matter. But a fucking painting . Woe rules.
If someone broke the rules, they should be corrected.

But they have to actually break the rules. It doesn't count if it only happened in your little imagination.
For starters, you're contradicting yourself. You simultaneously say that Twitter is giving them speech but that it's not their speech. If it's not their speech, how could they give it to them?

Making expenditures in support of a candidate cannot be considered a campaign contribution.

If it bans one side and allows the other, it's promoting that side. In our electoral system that's pretty much endorsing and advertising only one side.

And I suggest you check campaign finance laws before you make a statement like that.
Holy fucking shit. You just spent the whole morning calling me names and then you post this?

View attachment 583150

Oh, and it is insight, not incite. Fuck you are stupid.
No, you fucking idiot. You are trying to start something or incite it. You are only providing "insight" or a view into how stupid you truly are. Take an english class prior to trying to correct what others are saying. You continue to make a fool of yourself.
If it bans one side and allows the other, it's promoting that side. In our electoral system that's pretty much endorsing and advertising only one side.

And I suggest you check campaign finance laws before you make a statement like that.
Wait, you're telling me you think it's illegal to favor Democrats?

You would make a good little fascist. You now want to make it illegal to not support Republicans.

Endorsing one side isn't a campaign finance contribution.
For starters, you're contradicting yourself. You simultaneously say that Twitter is giving them speech but that it's not their speech. If it's not their speech, how could they give it to them?

Making expenditures in support of a candidate cannot be considered a campaign contribution.
Time for the moron to buy a dictionary to read the true meanings of the words he attacks.

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