71 House Repubs think it's fine that Russia annexed Crimea

"71 House Repubs think it's fine that Russia annexed Crimea"

It is fine.

Over 60% of Crimeans are ethnic Russians and in 2014 96% of Crimeans - yes, NINETY-SIX PERCENT - voted "yes" in a public referendum to join the Russian Federation.

Why do you hate democracy and self-determination?
Your kind was okay with Hitler invading the Sudetenland.

The reason there are so many ethnic Russians in Crimea, dumbass, is because the Soviet Union put them there.

Oh my God, the stupid is strong with this one!
It's an historical fact, dumbass.

So you are claiming that every Russian in Crimea came from somewhere else in Russia?

The Russians settled in Crimea at the end of the 18th century, dumbass! Where was the Soviet Union back then? Oh, it didn't exist!

How can you be so stupid as to think bullshit like you post is going to fly?
The Crimea was ceded to Russia as part of a treaty with the Ottoman Empire.

After the communist revolution in Russia, the Crimea became part of the Soviet Union.

Khruschev then ceded Crimea to Ukraine in 1954. By then, the Crimean population of Russian ethnic peoples was about one million.
House passes resolution disapproving of Russia being included in future G7 summits
House passes resolution disapproving of Russia being included in future G7 summits

The House on Tuesday passed a resolution disapproving of Russia being included in future Group of Seven (G-7) summits in a 339-71 vote on Tuesday.

The resolution was introduced by Rep. Albio Sires (D-N.J.) in August after President Trump said in August he believed Russia should be readmitted into the G-7. Russia was expelled from the G-8 in 2014 due to its occupation of territory in Ukraine.

The resolution includes language reiterating the United States’ support for Ukraine while denouncing the country’s occupation of Crimea and destabilization in the region.
Incidentally, they also think all should be forgotten with respect to Russia's attack on our democracy during the 2016 election (and what Russia is currently doing to corrupt the 2020 election according to the intel agencies) because Dear Leader wants them to.

Which begs the question....................why does Dear Leader want them to?

Which brings another question to mind. Why hasn't Trump done...........basically anything...........to help secure the upcoming election from foreign influence? Is his sensitivity to admitting Russia helped him in 2016 so great he refuses to address a dire national security matter for 2020? Apparently so.

O led the CIA to overthrow a duly elected govt in ukraine. You can shut up now.
House passes resolution disapproving of Russia being included in future G7 summits
House passes resolution disapproving of Russia being included in future G7 summits

The House on Tuesday passed a resolution disapproving of Russia being included in future Group of Seven (G-7) summits in a 339-71 vote on Tuesday.

The resolution was introduced by Rep. Albio Sires (D-N.J.) in August after President Trump said in August he believed Russia should be readmitted into the G-7. Russia was expelled from the G-8 in 2014 due to its occupation of territory in Ukraine.

The resolution includes language reiterating the United States’ support for Ukraine while denouncing the country’s occupation of Crimea and destabilization in the region.
Incidentally, they also think all should be forgotten with respect to Russia's attack on our democracy during the 2016 election (and what Russia is currently doing to corrupt the 2020 election according to the intel agencies) because Dear Leader wants them to.

Which begs the question....................why does Dear Leader want them to?

Which brings another question to mind. Why hasn't Trump done...........basically anything...........to help secure the upcoming election from foreign influence? Is his sensitivity to admitting Russia helped him in 2016 so great he refuses to address a dire national security matter for 2020? Apparently so.
Putin took Crimea under Obama. He would have never done so under a Trump, Bush or Reagan. Maybe a Carter.

Just putting things in perspective.
Putting aside the absurdity of your comment, since the US had no protection treaty with Ukraine and it was not part of NATO, exactly what do you suggest Obama (and the world community) should have done to stop Russia from annexing Crimea? Start a war with an opponent possessing nuclear weapons?

So what do you propose we do about it now, as the situation has not changed in any way?
Crimea belongs to Ukraine. Russia has taken it back by force. Anyone who supports Russia's invasion of Crimea is a commie stooge. A useful idiot. A dumbass.
"71 House Repubs think it's fine that Russia annexed Crimea"

It is fine.

Over 60% of Crimeans are ethnic Russians and in 2014 96% of Crimeans - yes, NINETY-SIX PERCENT - voted "yes" in a public referendum to join the Russian Federation.

Why do you hate democracy and self-determination?
Your kind was okay with Hitler invading the Sudetenland.

The reason there are so many ethnic Russians in Crimea, dumbass, is because the Soviet Union put them there.

Oh my God, the stupid is strong with this one!
It's an historical fact, dumbass.

So you are claiming that every Russian in Crimea came from somewhere else in Russia?

The Russians settled in Crimea at the end of the 18th century, dumbass! Where was the Soviet Union back then? Oh, it didn't exist!

How can you be so stupid as to think bullshit like you post is going to fly?
The Crimea was ceded to Russia as part of a treaty with the Ottoman Empire.

After the communist revolution in Russia, the Crimea became part of the Soviet Union.

Khruschev then ceded Crimea to Ukraine in 1954. By then, the Crimean population of Russian ethnic peoples was about one million.

So Ukraine was NOT part of the Soviet Union? My God, you are thick in the head? Will you ever learn to read?
Crimea belongs to Ukraine. Russia has taken it back by force. Anyone who supports Russia's invasion of Crimea is a commie stooge. A useful idiot. A dumbass.

What should America do about it?
100% of House Dems think it's not only fine for Putin to take Crimea but they think when The Ukraine asks for bullets to fight Putin, that it's fine to send them blankets instead.
You are blaming Republicans for Crimea?
No. Did you read the post? I asked why they are willing to let Russia off the hook for occupying Crimea and for interfering in our election?

Exactly how did the Russian government interfere in our elections when every single person indicted by Mueller's team was a Russian not associated with their government?

How did the Russian government interfere? Mueller could not find anything and the intelligence services could find no proof that they did either!
So.................you are in complete denial of the facts in evidence. Good to know.

I'll happily respond to any facts that you can create and shove then up your ass. Until you have some, I am left wondering what evidence you think you have.
Crimea belongs to Ukraine. Russia has taken it back by force. Anyone who supports Russia's invasion of Crimea is a commie stooge. A useful idiot. A dumbass.

You'll believe anything. You forget all about O and his meddling in ukraine with the cia.
Crimea belongs to Ukraine. Russia has taken it back by force. Anyone who supports Russia's invasion of Crimea is a commie stooge. A useful idiot. A dumbass.

Excuse me, but when was this war in Crimea where Russia "has taken it back by force"? Why didn't Obama do something about all of the deaths and destruction this caused? Oh, that's right! There wasn't any! The Crimean people (Russians) wanted to be part of the Russian Federation.
NOW, now that Reagan defeated and destroyed the soviet union,

Nice revisionism. Rayguns terms ended in Jan. 1989 and the USSR didn't devolve until Dec. 1991, almost three year after Raygun. The fall was due to the cumulative effect of several administrations, including Rayguns.....

But if you want to side with our Trumpybear and Russia's Putin-bear, that's your choice.
NOW, now that Reagan defeated and destroyed the soviet union,

Nice revisionism. Rayguns terms ended in Jan. 1989 and the USSR didn't devolve until Dec. 1991, almost three year after Raygun. The fall was due to the cumulative effect of several administrations, including Rayguns.....

But if you want to side with our Trumpybear and Russia's Putin-bear, that's your choice.

You are blaming Republicans for Crimea?
No. Did you read the post? I asked why they are willing to let Russia off the hook for occupying Crimea and for interfering in our election?

Exactly how did the Russian government interfere in our elections when every single person indicted by Mueller's team was a Russian not associated with their government?

How did the Russian government interfere? Mueller could not find anything and the intelligence services could find no proof that they did either!
So.................you are in complete denial of the facts in evidence. Good to know.

I'll happily respond to any facts that you can create and shove then up your ass. Until you have some, I am left wondering what evidence you think you have.
Don't bother pretending you give a damn about facts.
You are blaming Republicans for Crimea?
No. Did you read the post? I asked why they are willing to let Russia off the hook for occupying Crimea and for interfering in our election?

Exactly how did the Russian government interfere in our elections when every single person indicted by Mueller's team was a Russian not associated with their government?

How did the Russian government interfere? Mueller could not find anything and the intelligence services could find no proof that they did either!
So.................you are in complete denial of the facts in evidence. Good to know.

I'll happily respond to any facts that you can create and shove then up your ass. Until you have some, I am left wondering what evidence you think you have.
Don't bother pretending you give a damn about facts.

You're a paid troll.
You are blaming Republicans for Crimea?
No. Did you read the post? I asked why they are willing to let Russia off the hook for occupying Crimea and for interfering in our election?

Exactly how did the Russian government interfere in our elections when every single person indicted by Mueller's team was a Russian not associated with their government?

How did the Russian government interfere? Mueller could not find anything and the intelligence services could find no proof that they did either!
So.................you are in complete denial of the facts in evidence. Good to know.

I'll happily respond to any facts that you can create and shove then up your ass. Until you have some, I am left wondering what evidence you think you have.
Don't bother pretending you give a damn about facts.

Why should I? You don't!
"71 House Repubs think it's fine that Russia annexed Crimea"

It is fine.

Over 60% of Crimeans are ethnic Russians and in 2014 96% of Crimeans - yes, NINETY-SIX PERCENT - voted "yes" in a public referendum to join the Russian Federation.

Why do you hate democracy and self-determination?
Your kind was okay with Hitler invading the Sudetenland.

The reason there are so many ethnic Russians in Crimea, dumbass, is because the Soviet Union put them there.

Oh my God, the stupid is strong with this one!
It's an historical fact, dumbass.

1954 transfer of Crimea - Wikipedia
The transfer increased the ethnic Russian population of Ukraine by almost a million people.

You're welcome.
Don't feed the animals. Educate them.

House passes resolution disapproving of Russia being included in future G7 summits
House passes resolution disapproving of Russia being included in future G7 summits

The House on Tuesday passed a resolution disapproving of Russia being included in future Group of Seven (G-7) summits in a 339-71 vote on Tuesday.

The resolution was introduced by Rep. Albio Sires (D-N.J.) in August after President Trump said in August he believed Russia should be readmitted into the G-7. Russia was expelled from the G-8 in 2014 due to its occupation of territory in Ukraine.

The resolution includes language reiterating the United States’ support for Ukraine while denouncing the country’s occupation of Crimea and destabilization in the region.
Incidentally, they also think all should be forgotten with respect to Russia's attack on our democracy during the 2016 election (and what Russia is currently doing to corrupt the 2020 election according to the intel agencies) because Dear Leader wants them to.

Which begs the question....................why does Dear Leader want them to?

Which brings another question to mind. Why hasn't Trump done...........basically anything...........to help secure the upcoming election from foreign influence? Is his sensitivity to admitting Russia helped him in 2016 so great he refuses to address a dire national security matter for 2020? Apparently so.
Putin took Crimea under Obama. He would have never done so under a Trump, Bush or Reagan. Maybe a Carter.

Just putting things in perspective.
Putting aside the absurdity of your comment, since the US had no protection treaty with Ukraine and it was not part of NATO, exactly what do you suggest Obama (and the world community) should have done to stop Russia from annexing Crimea? Start a war with an opponent possessing nuclear weapons?

So what do you propose we do about it now, as the situation has not changed in any way?
Continue to pursue economic sanctions on Russia to show them there will be negative consequences when they violate international law. Certainly not reward their nefarious behavior as Trump wants to do.
No. Did you read the post? I asked why they are willing to let Russia off the hook for occupying Crimea and for interfering in our election?

Exactly how did the Russian government interfere in our elections when every single person indicted by Mueller's team was a Russian not associated with their government?

How did the Russian government interfere? Mueller could not find anything and the intelligence services could find no proof that they did either!
So.................you are in complete denial of the facts in evidence. Good to know.

I'll happily respond to any facts that you can create and shove then up your ass. Until you have some, I am left wondering what evidence you think you have.
Don't bother pretending you give a damn about facts.

You're a paid troll.
That's the reply of someone who lacks the facts, intellect, and knowledge to refute what I write.
It was Obama that let Russia take over Crimea.
What do you suggest he (and the international community) should have done in response to Crimea's annexation that they didn't do?

This thread is about blaming Republicans for the Crimea takeover. I pointed out that this occurred while Obama was President. If he wasn't such a weenie, the Russians might have been more circumspect in their actions. Maybe Trump could have traded Crimea for Kaliningrad? :lol:
Your kind was okay with Hitler invading the Sudetenland.

The reason there are so many ethnic Russians in Crimea, dumbass, is because the Soviet Union put them there.

Oh my God, the stupid is strong with this one!
It's an historical fact, dumbass.

1954 transfer of Crimea - Wikipedia
The transfer increased the ethnic Russian population of Ukraine by almost a million people.

You're welcome.
Don't feed the animals. Educate them.


When you say "educate" you actually mean that if can't dazzle the with your brilliance, baffle them with bullshit!

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