71% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track.

Oh you mean the Kung Flu, released by China working with Joe Biteme admin, to make President Trump look bad, while 10s of thousands of elderly were murdered by Gretchen Whitmore and Andrew Cuomo who put the diseased people in with the old and infirm. Also blue states decided that two weeks to flatten the curb wasnt going to take President Trump down, so they extended it, and extended it, making most people of those states get up and move to open red states. Laughing, only at idiots like you, because you now have high gasoline and food prices, shortages of baby formula, and the world on the brink of nuclear war, just because you hated the mean tweets of President Trump. Bite your nose off just to spite your face, seems to fit you to a T.
Nice screed proving your an idiot.
More obsession with Trump’s ass and avoidance of the topic. Sorry homo, my kids are all straight. You really want to hit a woman don’t you? Pathetic coward you are. You’re a proud warrior in the war against real women aren’t you?
Well, if that post isn't mega-Ironic.......:heehee:
How is Biden supposed to stop this virus when asshats refused & still refuse to admit it's a problem? Such as your idiot remark "Kung Flu".
Has does someone on the innerwebs calling it the Kung Flu tie Chicom Joe's hands, Simp?

Be specific and try to leave Trump's ass out of your response.
Has does someone on the innerwebs calling it the Kung Flu tie Chicom Joe's hands, Simp?

Be specific and try to leave Trump's ass out of your response.
Trump fucked it up on his own but halfwits like you followed his lead. Trump fucked up the pandemic so bad he nearly caused another great depression which cost him the election.
Maybe you should check back to see when Biden took office. Trump is a criminal facing more indictments then some organized crime figures did.
President Trump isnt in office now for over 2 1/2 years but all you can think of, is his butt. Are you ashamed that your President, you know the guy who cant even remember where he was last week, is tanking in the polls, all the foreign governments think he is a fool(and anyone who voted for him) and we are on the verge of WWIII? Of course you arent ashamed, because you have to have intelligence to realize how fucking wrong you were putting that shitter in the White House. Oh and for crime against humanity, Joe is gave the Taliban billions of dollars of automatic weapons, tanks and other destructive devices, did the Taliban have to do a comprehensive background check ?
Nice screed proving your an idiot.
Now you also go with the rest of the Marxist slaves on this board, to the ignore section.

Biden voter.jpg
President Trump isnt in office now for over 2 1/2 years but all you can think of, is his butt. Are you ashamed that your President, you know the guy who cant even remember where he was last week, is tanking in the polls, all the foreign governments think he is a fool(and anyone who voted for him) and we are on the verge of WWIII? Of course you arent ashamed, because you have to have intelligence to realize how fucking wrong you were putting that shitter in the White House.

Have you ever known a leftist with shame?

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