71 percent of voters support raising taxes on the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans

A Vox and Data for Progress poll, conducted October 8-12, found that 71 percent of voters support raising taxes on the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans to pay for the bill. Eighty-six percent of Democrats and 50 percent of Republicans backed the idea. Other tax provisions focused on the wealthy that could be included in the bill — such as tax increases on corporations and capital gains — found 65 percent or more support overall.

Sixty-three percent of voters in the poll said they supported the $3.5 trillion overall plan that includes spending on health care, long-term care, child care, and clean-energy jobs.

I didn't know the $3.5 trillion over 10 years plan was so popular.

Do you think we should tax the rich, people who make over a half million dollars per year?

The former Rush Limbaugh is turning over in his grave.
Because most Americans are fucking imbeciles.
Raising rates wont do anything when the people you vote for wont change the tax code.
Goddamn you rubes are so stupid!
95% of the time, when you quit your job, you dont get unemplyment.
One day, when you get a job, you will learn about that.
Proof, right-wingers don't care about being Legal to the Law and are just plain practitioners on the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) in border threads?

(Can they be any more True in abortion threads.)
"China has called on companies to make payments on their offshore bonds and asked the billionaire founder of China Evergrande Group to use his personal wealth to solve the company's deepening debt crisis."

That's how you can do it... And not to run to the state for handouts... Interesting...
A Vox and Data for Progress poll, conducted October 8-12, found that 71 percent of voters support raising taxes on the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans to pay for the bill. Eighty-six percent of Democrats and 50 percent of Republicans backed the idea. Other tax provisions focused on the wealthy that could be included in the bill — such as tax increases on corporations and capital gains — found 65 percent or more support overall.

Sixty-three percent of voters in the poll said they supported the $3.5 trillion overall plan that includes spending on health care, long-term care, child care, and clean-energy jobs.

I didn't know the $3.5 trillion over 10 years plan was so popular.

Do you think we should tax the rich, people who make over a half million dollars per year?

The former Rush Limbaugh is turning over in his grave.
Yes. Most people think "other people" should be paying more in taxes, and they should be paying less. Shocker.
"China has called on companies to make payments on their offshore bonds and asked the billionaire founder of China Evergrande Group to use his personal wealth to solve the company's deepening debt crisis."

That's how you can do it... And not to run to the state for handouts... Interesting...
If only we could be more like China!
Drug dealers and bribe-taking officials are being shot in China. Yes, we can learn a lot from China.
You'd have loved they way they handled covid. Literally locking people up in cages!

You should polish up your jackboots and move there!
Considering about 50% of "voters" are takers/looters of wealth created, no surprise so many are willing to loot those whom create/make wealth. The greed of the parasites on display here.
Considering about 50% of "voters" are takers/looters of wealth created, no surprise so many are willing to loot those whom create/make wealth. The greed of the parasites on display here.
We need to have some kind of system that distinguishes takers from makers. Yellow patches should do the trick.
Yes. Most people think "other people" should be paying more in taxes, and they should be paying less. Shocker.
Or in todays society of selfish socialists, most think that everyone should be paying more so they can given more for doing nothing.

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