72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success

See, in a Progressive Utopia like North Korea, they credit Fearless Leader for EVERYTHING! They own him their very lives. That's the degree of Love and Adoration that the Left has for Obama. That's what Obama was talking about, that's the system the American Left embraces and is progressing toward. He heals the sick, he lowers the oceans, he was sent here to care for them, tend to their every need.


And the conservative utopia is Somalia. No government and everyone looks out for themselves

As usual....the issue comes down to money

The right is making the argument that business only helps the society and does not benefit from it so should not be expected to pay for it

The left is making the argument that business has unduly benefitted from society so should be expected to contribute more

The answer is somewhere in the middle

What you say is not true. The right has NEVER said that they should not be expected to pay for it.

The right currentrly pays for it and are arguing that they should not be made to pay an even larger share of it.

The answer IS in the middle...and the middle is exactly where we are now.

Even rightwing pundit Stephanie disagrees with you

. businesses don't owe you a damn thing...if anything YOU SOCIETY owe them..or go live on desert island and live..
my gawd, some of you are warped just like the thinking of Obama..

That does not mean Stephanie is right and I am wrong.

I happen to believe I am 100% correct. I know very few who feel that business owners should not pay taxes.
For 20yrs I worked an extra couple hrs before, and 4-5hrs after my employees worked their day. Anyone who wants to proclaim that "someone else made that happen" can go fuck themselves.

How long would you have stayed in business without water, electricity, sewage, roads, etc?

Before people get all upset about what the man said, they should actually take the time and read what he said. Not just one little sentence snipped out and used out of context.

Odd that North Korea and Cuba also have water, electricity, sewage, roads, etc.

What's holding them back? Why don't entrepreneurs flock there to start up new businesses?
See, in a Progressive Utopia like North Korea, they credit Fearless Leader for EVERYTHING! They own him their very lives. That's the degree of Love and Adoration that the Left has for Obama. That's what Obama was talking about, that's the system the American Left embraces and is progressing toward. He heals the sick, he lowers the oceans, he was sent here to care for them, tend to their every need.


And the conservative utopia is Somalia. No government and everyone looks out for themselves

You keep a picture of Obama in your wallet
For 20yrs I worked an extra couple hrs before, and 4-5hrs after my employees worked their day. Anyone who wants to proclaim that "someone else made that happen" can go fuck themselves.

How long would you have stayed in business without water, electricity, sewage, roads, etc?

Before people get all upset about what the man said, they should actually take the time and read what he said. Not just one little sentence snipped out and used out of context.

we PAY for all that.....We understood what Obama said just fine..
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yep, its the local firemen, cops , teachers, and local roads that made the business a success......

Not to mention local politicians..................LOL
For 20yrs I worked an extra couple hrs before, and 4-5hrs after my employees worked their day. Anyone who wants to proclaim that "someone else made that happen" can go fuck themselves.

How long would you have stayed in business without water, electricity, sewage, roads, etc?

Before people get all upset about what the man said, they should actually take the time and read what he said. Not just one little sentence snipped out and used out of context.

All of which was paid for by my tax dollars and built by private enterprise. Again, no thanks to govt from me.
For 20yrs I worked an extra couple hrs before, and 4-5hrs after my employees worked their day. Anyone who wants to proclaim that "someone else made that happen" can go fuck themselves.

How long would you have stayed in business without water, electricity, sewage, roads, etc?

Before people get all upset about what the man said, they should actually take the time and read what he said. Not just one little sentence snipped out and used out of context.

Odd that North Korea and Cuba also have water, electricity, sewage, roads, etc.

What's holding them back? Why don't entrepreneurs flock there to start up new businesses?

Better question is this....

Every single American has the advantages that goivernment offers to acheive success.

So why have only SOME Americans been able to successfully start a business?

Maybe it has to do with willing to take the personal risk,; willing to not make money for a while; willing to pass on vacations and days off for a while.....

Hey...the playing field is equal in the US if what Obama says is true....

so whats the beef?
See, in a Progressive Utopia like North Korea, they credit Fearless Leader for EVERYTHING! They own him their very lives. That's the degree of Love and Adoration that the Left has for Obama. That's what Obama was talking about, that's the system the American Left embraces and is progressing toward. He heals the sick, he lowers the oceans, he was sent here to care for them, tend to their every need.


And the conservative utopia is Somalia. No government and everyone looks out for themselves

You keep a picture of Obama in your wallet

on the ceiling over his bed I bet..:lol:
For 20yrs I worked an extra couple hrs before, and 4-5hrs after my employees worked their day. Anyone who wants to proclaim that "someone else made that happen" can go fuck themselves.

How long would you have stayed in business without water, electricity, sewage, roads, etc?

Before people get all upset about what the man said, they should actually take the time and read what he said. Not just one little sentence snipped out and used out of context.

we PAY for all that.....We understood what Obama said just fine..


We pay tolls for our trucks on the roads.
Same for our truckls on the bridges and tunnels.
We pay tax on overnight delivery.
We pay tax on our pens and pencils.
We pay payrol tax.
We pay tax on every item we buy to operate our companies.

Heck...I pay for every supply in my office...and pay tax on it. How come someone who doesnt buy those suppplies doesnt need to pay tax on them as well?

Obamas whole argument is rediculous.
There is a difference between primarily responsible and totally responsible......conservatives just can't understand it

defined by Webster's New World Dictionary and Thesaurus.

1. at first; originally

2. mainly; principally

those people polled just didn't understand, just like nobody understands what Obama says
got it

They understand....the poll said primarily responsible

What does the poll that asks are businesses TOTALLY responsible for their success say?

Oh for the love of God.... nobody denies that government provides basic services like police and fire protection, etc that enables us to thrive... and that's what we pay taxes for. That wasn't Obama's message and you know it, the message was intended to gin up his whackaloon base and deride the successful as having done it on the backs of the little guys. It was very undignified yet this is what you get when you put a guy into office whose formidable years were spent in the company of communists and other assorted radicals. This, in the eyes of President Barry Kardashian, is the way America works... the one per centers live on the backs of the ninety-nine per centers.

It's a fool's folly.

That was exactly what Obama's message was, and you know it. Why don't you just admit to yourself that no matter what Obama does, you'll whine about?
There is a difference between primarily responsible and totally responsible......conservatives just can't understand it

And little addle brained socialist leftists like you just can't understand that government has never, will never, and can never "start and build a successful business."

They never cop a clue that government's sole role when it comes to business is to get the hell out of the way. When businesses thrive, the people thrive, and government thrives as well. Big government proponents have either lost track of that fact, or they never learned it in the first place, particularly their current king and messiah.

Interesting point

Once the Wright brothers demonstrated their concept, who did they sell their airplanes to?

Wasn't the private sector, it was the Government who bought their planes and turned them from inventors to businessmen. The Wright brothers also relied on the Government for patent protection of their newfangled invention
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For 20yrs I worked an extra couple hrs before, and 4-5hrs after my employees worked their day. Anyone who wants to proclaim that "someone else made that happen" can go fuck themselves.

How long would you have stayed in business without water, electricity, sewage, roads, etc?

Before people get all upset about what the man said, they should actually take the time and read what he said. Not just one little sentence snipped out and used out of context.

Do you hear yourself? By your logic the mechanic who changed my tires last year is responsible for saving my life today. We heard what he said, we read what he said, we understood what he said... The real question is, did you? I think you did, and this is nothing more than damage control on behalf of your messiah.
Better question is this....

Every single American has the advantages that goivernment offers to acheive success.

You should start by getting your rightwing nut pals to agree that yes, the government does in fact offer advantages to achieve success.

Interesting point

Once the Wright brothers demonstrated their concept, who did they sell their airplanes to?

Wasn't the private sector, it was the Government who bought their planes and turned them from inventors to businessmen


Government offered them the best contract.

They would have gladly accepted competing cointracts if the government didnt out bid the others.
They understand....the poll said primarily responsible

What does the poll that asks are businesses TOTALLY responsible for their success say?

Have you ever risked everything you own to start a business?

Until you have you have no right to tell anyone who has that they are not 100% responsible for their success.

Your parents didn't help you?

No. My Father died when I was 2 and I moved out of my mother's house when I was 17. I have no contact with anyone in my family and I sure as hell wouldn't ask any of them for money
Nobody lent a hand when you were starting out?

Not unless I paid them. No one ever worked for me for free

Nobody bothered to educate you or your workforce?

Not for free. All my people paid for at least an associates degree and I give every one of them 500 to 1500 a year for continuing ed. Are you paying for that?

You built roads and communications infrastructure?

Since both of those are ubiquitous they do not lend an advantage to any business at the cost of another. And again business owners pay more to use both than the average citizen. HAve you ever given a business credit for the road on which you drive because I guarantee you that a business has paid significantly more than you for that road.

You provided your own goon force to protect you?

Cops don't protect anyone. Do you see cops manning a post at a business 24/7?
You bought a fire engine....just in case?

I give generously to my volunteer fire department. More than you give I'll bet.

You enforced your own patents and Prevent unfair competition?

Don't have any patents and define unfair competition. I compete with large corporations because I do things better than they can.

And none of those things that you list are unavailable to anyone therefore they are not an advantage. You can use the exact same system to start a business but you don't either because you like being told what to do or you're too lazy to put in the work or too scared to take the risk.

Neither you nor anyone else deserves credit for the success of a business.

What psychological motivation drives one to take credit fir another's work anyway?
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