74% of Americans thought we were going in the wrong direction, yet those same people went out and voted for the people taking us in that direction


Yes, because the only way to help people is to print billions of dollars on ineffective or counterproductive methods.

No wonder youre the left.. you think there’s only one way to do things, and you refuse to own the damage your policies cause

Infrastructure helps We the People
It is vital to a civilized society
Infrastructure helps We the People
It is vital to a civilized society
Oh, you mean the bill that:
- added $340 billion to national deficit
- supported radical climate-crazed add ons
- concentrated more power to inefficient federal govt and away from more efficient state/local govt, and pushed radicalized “equity”
- fought against cryptocurrency

All of those are neutral or bad for our society. This bill was labeled as “infrastructure”, but has little to do with it overall. But, looks like you bit the low hanging fruit and were easily fooled.
It does seem to be a paradox just like term limits. 89 percent of voters want congressional term limits but these same people keep voting in the same people over an over.

That said, just because people are not happy with the direction of the country doesn't automatically mean they think the alternative candidate will do a better job.

There needs to be a primary every election, regardless of incumbent status. Let them run again with competition, just because you held the seat doesn't mean you should automatically be the candidate for the next election.
Oh, you mean the bill that:
- added $340 billion to national deficit
- supported radical climate-crazed add ons
- concentrated more power to inefficient federal govt and away from more efficient state/local govt, and pushed radicalized “equity”
- fought against cryptocurrency

All of those are neutral or bad for our society. This bill was labeled as “infrastructure”, but has little to do with it overall. But, looks like you bit the low hanging fruit and were easily fooled.
Nice propaganda

But nobody is buying it Skippy
When the same states have the same or very similar difficulties that time after time are unique to them and do not occur in 90%+ of other states, then it’s preplanned. Notice in every cases, nothing happens Faster; always slower so as things feebly trickle in they can do the math to see how things need to be manipulated
voting systems in some states are a train wreck

Problem is Ds like that

it benefits them

And you don't care... so American of you..

Actually, they are well regulated and have strict rules on compliance

Only election deniers believe otherwise
No, those same people did not vote for more of the same.
This was another coordinated steal of an election, letting just enough Repubs win in the right places to make it seem legit.
This allows the left to falsely proclaim this proves there is no massive, coordinated cheating & our elections are safe.

This is what happens when you don't fix the obvious treason from 2 years ago.
Mail-in ballot fraud & voting machines will tell us how we voted from now on.

Welcome to post-republic America, where everyday is better than the next

Nevada is using Dominion vote tabulators for counting mail-in ballots as we speak!!
Which couple of states are the common denominator of problems every time?

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