74% of Americans thought we were going in the wrong direction, yet those same people went out and voted for the people taking us in that direction

74% of Americans thought we were going in the wrong direction, yet those same people went out and voted for the people taking us in that direction​

I submit that is because 74% of self-proclaimed believers are phony Christians. They think their beliefs will give them a direct flight to heaven, when all the while they look the other way when their democrat party engages in years of lying, cheating, spying, immorality of the highest level and a host of other anti-God measures. Republican practices are not angelic, but far more honorable than the malevolence the democrats have engaged in for the last decade.

And Jesus said to them, "Rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: 'This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far away from me.’ “ Mark 7:6
If Biden didn't get rid of Trump's policies, we wouldn't of had any of this. The day Biden won, the price of gas started rising and everything else started going to shit also.
Which one of Trumps policies would have prevented global inflation?
Not sure what to make of it.

The country is ailing from a great many things, mental illness, drug abuse, indoctrination into the DNC cult and Leftism etc.

And of course political corruption which includes the veracity of the voting now.

Or maybe a combination of these things.
Many of their voters view of the world ends at the city limits. They moved to the suburbs and the world ended at their limits. Then they moved to red areas and defined new limits where the world ends. The screw up is that this is not sustainable.
Not on a scale like this. To be sure, GA and AZ are going to be decided by it but the rest of the nation? Nah. I think we are really seeing the suicide of America due to propaganda and tribalism. People need to be seriously deciding where they will draw the line against tyranny in their own lives and communities.
Not on a scale like this. To be sure, GA and AZ are going to be decided by it but the rest of the nation? Nah. I think we are really seeing the suicide of America due to propaganda and tribalism. People need to be seriously deciding where they will draw the line against tyranny in their own lives and communities.
I know I moved where I live now because of the governor and how red we are here. All through the pandemic our company stayed open as did many businesses because of his resistance to the edicts from Washington. We were mask optional here, as close to normal as you could be.
He looked out for America first. Biden stated before he was president, he would put oil companies out of business. High energy prices started it, the his policies raised it.

Trump looked out for himself first
You just have to shake your head.
Not really. The average American Voter is:

Uneducated on History
Uneducated on Civics
Married to one of two equally useless Political Parties

With that in mind it’s not difficult to understand why so many American voters get it wrong so often.
You just have to shake your head.

Heck of a thing, ain't it?

Trump looked out for himself first
That's odd, all Americans were doing better under Trump. Not so much under Biden, but he did sell us out to Russia and China. The real one that thought only about his wealth. But then Bill and Hillary did the same.
It’s another arm of TDS
They don’t like the current direction but Trump will hold them accountable and responsible and that’s even worse direction.

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