77% say Biden is too old to be President for four more years

About half believe Trump is also too old. His energy compared to Biden's is what gives him the edge. Biden is 80, and much of the time he acts and sounds like it.
As for Biden's law degree, are you sure you want to open that door?
IIRC, Tater graduated 78 out of 80-something students at law school
Yes yes all our fine public servants and institutions and journalists Around the world all decided Simultaneously to lie about everything....idiot.
your previous post was an opinion, one many disagree with.

That you have been is not an opinion, it's an obvious fact.
Of course he's too old. Obviously.

Tragically, the alternative is an aggressive, ignorant, paranoid, mal-informed, quasi-religious cult, with a juvenile, mentally ill orange megalomanic at its core.

That's how fucked we are right now.

You're going to vote for Biden again in 2024, just like you did in 2020.
Trump campaigned on universal healthcare you dunce......and it didn't get pushback from any of you...

"One of his top rivals for the Republican presidential nomination, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, has hit Trump hard on this issue in recent weeks. Cruz’s campaign has dubbed Trump’s plan “Trumpcare” and likened it to “Hillarycare” and “Obamacare - but Donald Trump is sticking by his support for universal health care coverage."

Do you know why? Because you folks were sure that he was either lying or too incompetent to do it...and you were right....he was.....
NO he did not, He promised >something bigger & better than affordable health care> Delivered nothing.
For once, a strong majority agrees about something. Even 69% of Democrats!
23% must not be playing with a full deck.

Biden is widely seen as too old for office, an AP-NORC poll finds.​

Aren't you supporting Trump?
He maybe pretty old and we would prefer younger but look at the alternative....

He will be in fucking Jail...
Trump aint going to jail idiot . it takes 12 to convict .. and unlike the lefts grand jury the defense team can make sure that at least 6 of the jurors arent homosexuals .
Isn't he too old to be president? He'd be the same age as Biden was when taking office. You all said that was too old.
you darn good and well what people are talking about .. theres a big difference between Trumps 80yrs and Bidens .
you darn good and well what people are talking about .. theres a big difference between Trumps 80yrs and Bidens .

There's a difference of four years, not big at all. We were told Biden was too old to be president when start his first term. Therefore, Trump would be too old when starting a second term since he would be the same age at that point.
There's a difference of four years, not big at all. We were told Biden was too old to be president when start his first term. Therefore, Trump would be too old when starting a second term since he would be the same age at that point.
Trump can speak coherently and doesnt shake hands with people who arent there .. not making fun of Biden its just a sad fact .
He maybe pretty old and we would prefer younger but look at the alternative....

He will be in fucking Jail...
There are many endings to a nation. Ours is not good. One may be authoritarians to start running for office in local, regional areas and gain some power. At some point they get into federal ways. And will not e liked I tell you. Like many other nations that go that way they will kill or enslave the authoritarians currently in office or have power in any way. That includes local, state and federal authoritarians. Law enforcement, security, judicial all removed as vengeance is used to bring the new authoritarians into power. Of course, things may get worse. However, seeing those who screwed with others get their justice will make the peons feel empowered. Then the reality will set in for us all.
Both parties (but more the Democrats at the moment) have a problem with party leadership not stepping aside to give space for newer and younger colleagues to advance and grow. The result is Biden.

We have the Bidens, the McConnells, and the tragedy that is Feinstein blocking the access road, then a big gap…and a lot junior colleagues not quite seasoned enough for prime time or so flawed they should not unelectable (Santos).

I will give it to the Republicans, they’ve been able to field a much broader array of younger candidates than the Democrats lately. We are stuck with Biden because there simply isn’t anyone else positioned for a run and that is a failure of party leadership!

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